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Having re-read the Starbuck chronicles recently (for the third time in my short life), I deduced that Colonel Lassan is probably Sharpe's son - he is, isn't he? Not too difficult to work out, I know, given the clues. I eagerly await the next installment(s). Anyway, the rest of your books are equally as fantastic ("Sharpe's Waterloo" being, in my opinion, the best and certainly most epic of that series), including the thrillers - I must admit I was tentative about reading them because I thought they simply couldn't be as good as your other novels, but suffice to say I was not disappointed. Finally, a word about the Warlord Chronicles: breathtaking. They are simply stunning, and I have to will myself away from re-reading them, as it wasn't that long ago that I picked them up for the first time. I'm sure that I will enjoy them as much as I did the first time when I next read them - which was an enormous amount. Thanks for your time (and, it goes without saying, your books!). Hugh


Yes, Patrick Lassan is Sharpe's son. Thanks for your message.


Dear Mr Cornwell , I had to write and offer My Congratulations on a Patriots trip to the Superbowl! Well done PATS. Great game and excellent prospects for winning the Superbowl. As always, enjoying your books . Eagerly awaiting the next Sharpe Book. Sincerely ,Patrick Early


Go Patriots! What a defence! As good as the Die-Hards at Albuhera. But let us not forget that two years ago the Rams were 14 point favourites to beat the Pats, and lost, so anything can happen.


What about A Crowning Mercy? It was a really good book! My man got me into the Sharpe novels a few years ago and we've read everything you've written since. I am on this web site constantly to check for new books and stumbled across Campion in the book shop. Never heard of it, but it was you. Another success! With love - Kylie


Susannah thanks you.


I have become a new fan of yours via my local council library and I am wending my way through Sharp's adventures, and Starbuck's vacation has run it's course so get him back to work please!!!!! Recently I was lucky to find GALLOWS THEIF at the library and enjoyed it throughly but as an AUSTRALIAN I must correct your version of historyin that AUSTRALIA WAS NOT AUSTRALIA until 1-1-1901, Captain A Phillips landed in Sydney which was part of the colony of NEW SOUTH WALES so named by Captain James Cook on 26-1-1788 and the land mass "terra australis" was all known as n.s.w. until various colonies were established ie Victoria,Queensland etc. and allfinally agreed to join together as one country in1901(this resulted in many strange "colony type " decisions such as differentsized rail tracks ) I hope you dont think I am "NIT PICKING". Hope Sharp's adventures run well into the 2000's I remain your loyal reader REX DALE


You're absolutely right and I promise never to do it again.


Mr Cornwell Please, please, please finish the Starbuck Chronicles. I've been left hanging for years now, and whilst I have enjoyed some of Sharpe (mayber there's too much of him now), followed Thomas of Hookton til he found the Grail, I am just so very dismayed that the Starbuck Chronicles have been put to one side. Not all heroes have to live (and I've deliberately stayed away from your other intervening themes) so as with the sunset of the South, so may Starbuck come to a close. Sorry to be so negative, but I so much need to see an end for Starbuck and his companions. Sincerest regards Les


I have just finished reading The Grail Quest series - a Christmas present I asked for and was lucky enough to receive. I've thoroughly enjoyed every one of the Sharpe books, but the Hundred Years War is a favourite period of mine. So please, more of Thomas of Hookton. Many many thanks for the many hours of reading pleasure you've given me. Alex Smith


I am sure you get plenty of comments regarding your books, here is another. Having almost all of your books, I just finished HERETIC and want to tell you how much I enjoyed it, as well as all the others I have read. This book I could not put down and read very quickly compared to my usual reading speed and enjoyed every page. Thank you for the excellent writings, I look forward to reading your additional books as they become available. Alan Degenhart


Imagine my suprise when visiting a bookshop before Christmas and seeing your paperback "A Crowning Mercy" on the shelf. Well, gotta say , fantastic book....the ending was amazing!. Looking forwad to the next great read! Owe Phillips


I recently saw a screenshot of an upcoming Arthurian film in the Daily Mirror. There were no details about the film other than Ray Winstone plays Bors and there was a screenshot of Guinevere in battle. Is this film in any way connected to your Warlord chronicles? Many thanks for giving me hours of enthralling reading, long may it continue. Neil Cooper


No, no connection.


It all started with a friend of mine telling me about a book he had that was something to do about an English archer and his long bow. Got that book and before I knew it, blasted through it, through Stonehenge, through 3 books about Arthur, through Red Coat, through Gallows and onto Vagabond and then onto a series about a smart mouthed, head strong, yankee who was fighting for the south and doing a damn good good job of it!! Oh yeah, made time for Heretic too!!! All this before I even stopped to investigate the author. This Bernard Cornwell. That I suppose is the power of your writing. I was truly blown away. I had never read that voraciously in my life. I know what you're thinking, Where is Sharpe? Truth be told, everything in my life after work was on hold while I read all those books!!! I am itching to get into the Sharpe series and very well will. I just know it is going to be a journey, a long one. Besides that, I now need to get some reading glasses!!! My eyes are wore out!!! Anyhow, thank you for defying the system that would not give you a work permit!! As it turns out, it was a gift to all of us who have read and will continue to read your books. MORE STARBUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is time for Nate to ride again. I hope you agree!! Brian Cummings