Bulletin Board


Thank you so very much for this novel, which I received last week as a 78th birthday present. I’m a retired English teacher, from the days when we actually taught English Literature and I always found Shakespeare, Milton, Donne and Eliot the most rewarding because the most demanding, both of me and my students.  The greatest compliment I can give you is that I very much wish Fools and Mortals had been available as background reading for A and S level in my day.  It would have inspired everyone with a powerful sense of the excitement, the dangers and the sheer joy of working in such a new medium.  Thank you very much. I hope this is the first of a new series.

Diana Thombs


Hi, I read in a national newspaper one day last week about the London Mithraeum & immediately thought yourself and/or your readers may be interested to hear about it. If I remember rightly it opens on the 14th of November & admission is free - but an appointment needs to be made.


Regards, Matt





Dear Sir:


Your books are extraordinarily accurate in detail.  To be that accurate you must prize accuracy and pursue it diligently therefore I thought I'd draw your attention to a VERY trivial sort-of-mistake.


It turns out chairs were quite rare in  the medieval world, much rarer than people think.  You are probably okay in "Fools and Mortals" but you'd be surprised how many inventories of wealthy households in William and Mary's era had exactly one chair per household.  And of course books set prior to that people stood or sat on stools or benches.


I don't particularly expect you to believe me - I'm just an ex-furniture builder and a bit of a museum hound. You may want to ask a curator next time you're at the V&A or any other good museum for more details.


Anyway, I think I've read everything you ever wrote, even buying Fools and Mortals in pre-release.  You have afforded me - and several million other people - much enjoyment and for that I thank you.



james romanow


Thank you!  Put my grievous error down to what Shakespeare calls my ‘chair days’ (Henry VI, Part 2), i.e. old age.



my name is Giovanni and I would like to congratulate you for all your work and thank you for writing such wonderful books. I was not very interested in reading but since I met Saxon Chronicles and traveled in the history of Uhtred I started to love literature, but I do not intend to stop reading at the end of the novel, as said all his works are beautiful, very hospitable for showing me this new world and sorry for the english not being very good. Brazil loves you


Hello Bernard


As I've, almost, read the entire Last Kingdom Series I thought it would only be right to send my thanks for these books.


I live in Winchester, very close to where Hyde Abbey would of stood. We often imagine that Alfred the Great's bones may still be under our feet as we walk across the car park to the park.


The books have really highlighted to myself just how pivotal Alfred's actions were to securing our country, just as the Battle of Britain was over 1000 years later.


For Wessex!


Darren Collins


PLEASE finish the Starbuck Chronicles!  It would make a wonderful mini-series.

Gale Shaw




I have now finished Uhtred up to The Pagan Lord.....they have all been good BUT the end of The  Pagan Lord REALLY impressed me....from the emotional (and surprising)  return of Judas .....Uhtredson's intense first shield wall....the predictable (but necessary) exciting duel....and the innovative semi conscious discussion.

This part of the book was extremely gripping....undoubtedly the best Uhtred to date IMHO






Dear Mr Cornwell

I listened to the interview with Danish Snow and was moved by your ever present excitement for writing. I am retired Paratrooper 31 years and was introduced to Sharpe by a mate way back was immediately hooked on your work which always related so well with my own experiences not so much battle I suppose just the daily routine, small teams of mates within the machine working together. I now work full time as an artist currently in India for 3 months volunteering, teaching drawing and painting on behalf of the Royal drawing school to some great young adults just north of Delhi in an art school. Can be a little lonely even for me and listening to your humour on the podcast was very comforting thankyou. Would love to share a whisky with you some day

best wishes



Thank you!


“………I thought Sean was the ideal Sharpe. I’m not saying no one else could play him, but Sean will always be ‘my’ Sharpe!”


In response to your comments above, please forgive me.   I know the Sharpe you created would most likely have a London accent but every time I pick up a Sharpe book, which I am guaranteed to do on either annual or bi-annual basis, I hear Sean Bean and Daragh O'Malley speaking every time Sharpe and Harper speak in your books.



Dear Mr Cornwell,

I have now read almost everything you have published and throghly enjoyed them all. That being said it is time to invest some time in finishing the Starbuck chronicles. I know why he was put on the proverbial back burner but the time as they say has come to bring him out into the light. I nay  we are not getting any younger.  Please invest some of your very valuable time and energy in bringing Mr Starbuck back.


Shannon MacDonald