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Hello Bernard,

Having been interviewed by fellow author Sharon Kay Penman, I thought you might be interested in her latest blog - about you: http://sharonkaypenman.com/blog/ She makes the case "that Bernard Cornwell is the best historical novelist of our time", which your fans would agree with. She's no mean author herself.


Chris Peters


How very flattering, thank you!  And yes, she’s a terrific writer! I recently read A King’s Ransom and loved it. Thank you!


Hi Bernard

I have read many of your books and have enjoyed them all , including The Last Kingdom series I think TV series does not do your books justice and the casting of the characters a lot of them look nothing like your discription of them or what I imagined them to look like it is a great shame , but I will not let them spoil your future books for me

Thank you

Dave Buck


Dear Mr. Cornwell,

I’ve just finished reading the whole Uhtred series and just wanted to thank you so much for writing it!!! It was one of the best (if not the best) series I’ve ever read. I cannot wait for the next part and hope there will be many more!

I cannot wait for the next season of The Last Kingdom on BCC too but must say that books are much better than the TV series.

The scene when Uhtred talked to Æthelflæd for the last time was truly moving. It is so sad that he could not live his life with her and his children but I guess this is the way life was back then.

I was so happy for him at the end of the last book that he fulfilled his dream and managed to get Bebbanburg back.

The whole series also made me think and reflect on how fast the life goes and how sometimes we have to just ‘go with the flow’ and do things that take us away from fulfilling our dreams but at the end it is important to have a goal in life and try hard to make it happen.

Again – thank you for the great read and please release the next part soon! :)


Best Regards



Dear Mr. Cornwell,

I have been an avid reader of your work for years.  I just finished Flame Bearer, and was quite pleased to see Uhtred finally win back his home. I had the wonderful chance to actually stop and explore Bamburg Castle this past August with my 17 y.o. son.  I appreciate you explaining in the end, that the sea gate entrance is now silted closed, as I could not see where that was, 1,100 years changes things up, Again, great stuff, and thank you for many hours of escapism.


Brian Orr



Dear Mr Cornwell,


I would like to tell you that your "Waterloo" is the best book on the subject I've read, mainly because of the quality of the mapping and your careful chronology, in my opinion, your best book. (and I've read them all)


Just finished "The Flamebearer" - it's about time you allowed Uhtred back to Bebbanburgh after teasing us with the last few books, but no doubt Son of Uhtred will continue the story, I hope so.


The last words in the Starbuck Chronicles were "Starbuck will march again" - what happened with that? I was also very fond of Derfel.


I am now of a certain age where I don't actually need to buy new books, I find that after three years I can re-read a series with the same pleasure It gave me the first time, so I write the "last read" date on the flyleaf. I do, obviously, always buy your latest creations, but before a new book is due to be published, I need to re-read the previous one, just to catch up.


Thanks for the pleasure your books have given me.


Chris Taylor




I am well into reading Waterloo:  The History of Four Days, Three Armies and Three Battles.  I've read many accounts of Waterloo, both fact and fiction.  Your book is simply brilliant!!  Not only is it well balanced, telling the story from all sides with a fairness that is unusual (e.g. Bylandt's brigade didn't run away, which is the usual story), but the reasoning behind decisions such as the importance of the various roads such as at Quatre Bras.  I am thoroughly enjoying the book and hope you have more factual publications in you!


Best wishes

Jenny Sheldon


Dear Mr. Cornwell,


Received the Nathaniel Starbuck series for Christmas and I gobbled them up!  Thank you for four wonderful books.  The Civil War is my favorite American time period and how happy I've been to trudge off to battle with Starbuck.  On those days that writing seems like a horrible bore and unending job, I hope you'll take a deep breath and keep going!   God bless you, sir, and Happy New Year.



Andrea Thoenes


Absolutely Awesome.  The Flame Bearer was great and as always wished it was a little longer.  The only complaint I have with this series is that I stay up past midnight until I finish them.  I'm in hopes there is more to this story in the not so distant future.  Thank you again for a great read.



Hi Bernard,

The Last Kingdom - thanks for writing the books this series was based on. I caught its recent rerun on BBC4 (?) over the last couple of weeks and totally loved it! #BRILL!!






I am a part time Arthurian scholar so to speak and also a map fiend.  I am halfway through The Winter King and I can tell by the writing you really enjoyed this series.  The research must have been daunting considering data available some of which is utterly unreliable.  It's made me go back to Leslie Alcock's "Arthur's Britain" and research maps so I know where the heck these people are.  Anyway, just wanted to say thank you for keeping my brain entertained.  In re: Sharpe, I acquired the Sharpe Companion as I finished ALL the Sharpe books AND the DVD's. It's all great stuff.


