Hi. My name is Stanley Fox. I too am in the line of Uhtred. I am related to Thorfin of Orkney islands cousin of Macbeth. Thorfin Granddaughter married Gospatric who goes up the line thru Siward to Uchtred. Cousin. No wonder you are so fascinated with history.
Bulletin Board
Greetings, Mr Cornwell from Knoxville Tennessee.
I have been an avid reader of your books for a decade and am currently attending the University of Tennessee. I made my cousin who lives in the UK mail me a copy of your latest book and I just had to congratulate you on what I consider your greatest work in a brilliant career. Thank you for sparking my love of history which someday soon I'll be teaching and also for always giving your best each and every book. I look forward to you somehow managing to top yourself once again.
Jonathan Elliott
I took ill a couple of years ago and I'm limited in what I can do. I decided to assign myself some projects to keep my mind going. One project was to reread all of your books, by series, in sequence. I had always enjoyed them so much. I just finished the project! And a grand time was had. Just in case you are interested: favourite book: Azincount; least (sorry) Redcoat; favourite character: Thomas of Hookton; least (sorry again) Sgt. Hakeswill. I also read some of the books you recommended in your historical notes, such as Agincourt by Juliet Barker. There are many many authors around - far too many in fact. You occupy a higher stage. You are a storyteller, a weaver of tales that nourish the soul and imagination. Thank you so much for sharing your creativity with me. Please enjoy good health
.Robert Kent,
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
I'm glad you enjoyed your project!
Dear Mr. Cornwell
I have just finished reading The Flame Bearer. I have read the whole series which I have so enjoyed. In fact, I have read just about everything you have written apart from The Sharpe Series.
I do hope that there is a hint from you at the end of Historical notes that there could be more about Uhtred in the future. I hope so and I shall keep an eye out for your next publication. Thank you so much for hours of such enjoyable reading.
Kindest regards,
Sandra Foulkes.
Dear Mr. Cornwell
The Flame Bearer - You have done it again, what an exciting book. I had to use up all my will power not to flip to the end to see what happened. So as not to give it away all I can do is quote that wonderful Irish man Finan " You tricksy bastard "
Dear Mr. Cornwell,
I'm sending you this message for no other reason that to offer you my most sincere thanks. In my early twenties I found myself in a particularly awful situation following some dreadful decisions that I had made. During that time your writing was one of the things that kept me going.
Now, as I rapidly approach 30, things are much better. To this day the moment you release a new book I head straight to the bookshop to buy it, and I have just finished reading 'The Flame Bearer' which took me all of about 48 hours to tunnel through!
Now if you wouldn't mind, please hurry up with the next. I shall be waiting not impatiently!
I do hope I haven't wasted too much of your time, but once again, thank you very much for your hard work and the hours of escapism and entertainment you have provided me.
Talyesin Bunnett
Congratulations and thanks about the hours of read and entertainment.t I liked very the books of Uhtred and I'm waiting for the tenth book. I'm crazy to read but will have a time to the book come here to brazil. Your books are amazing and I ever will stay reading Thanks!
I know in the last 20 years you will have got this a lot, but I would like to throw in my support for the continuation of the Starbuck chronicles! I've just finished listening to the last book and enjoyed learning about the American civil war history as well the story itself. I've enjoyed all the series you've written, but I think this is the one that has been left the most open...
Jonathan Cope
Hello Bernard
I have been enjoying your books for over 20 years now, they have brought me much joy and happiness. My favourite is the Starbuck Chronicles, your probably fed-up hearing if you are going to write any more but I thought I might ask as I am not in great health unfortunately and your books help me to get through my day with a smile in my soul. Thank you Bernard for your great literary gift.
Yours gratefully
John Fox
P.S Please could you grant my wish of writing some more books based on the Starbuck Chronicles Bernard God Bless my friend.
I want to tell you that I enjoyed 'Starbuck" (as I have Uhtred, Sharpe, et al.). I hope that someday...when your understandable commitment to the Film Industry has been fulfilled...that you will continue with the Nathaniel Starbuck Chronicles. It was an incredible read; as an American, I enjoy history so close to home. I lived at one time just a few short miles from the Manassas Battlefield site. I hope that you live a long & happy life, so that you can continue these stories (I'm 66 years old myself!).
Jack Zeivel
Dear Bernard
I just wanted to drop you a line to express my absolute enthusiasm and enjoyment of your books. I wish I had found them so much earlier. My girlfriend has pointed out that I have spent a small fortune over the past eleven months on your books and have been much less conversational. In this time I have read the Last Kingdom series, The Warlord Chronicles and The Grail Quest. I eagerly await The Flame Bearer. No doubt I shall dive into the Sharpe series soon enough.
Your ability to allow the reader to become so familiar with the characters, allows one to feel attachment and hence all the emotions associated with 'knowing someone', through their trials, challenges, losses and grief, not forgetting the appreciation of their humour. For myself I work very 'visually' in my minds eye. Your books allow me to produce very engaging and vivid images; from battle scenes through to characters facial expressions.
I am very grateful for the entertainment and enjoyment your books have brought. I wish you continued success and good health to you and yours.
With best regards
Kevin Rowland
Good Luck with Flame Bearer
Will down load in the morning , to my kindle, as always, I trust the arseling does you proud.
I'm from Gloucestershire in the UK (Stroud), so am always interested in how the local history influenced the the making of the UK . cant' make your book signing in York - but hope to catch up with you one day in a shield wall standing side by side, shitting myself , to defend against those Scottish gits and marauders and heathens that no doubt will be in the queue to get their signed copies
seriously though, good luck I wish you well, you have have been a great comfort in many hours of international travel for business - Who would have ever thought our little island in the North see would have had so much influence on the world stage. not because of the industrial revolution - because of being Anglo Saxon