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In the event that you require historical inspiration 'from the horses mouth' into the 1850s war periods I must point you in the direction of the finest war reporter of all time, 'The Times' reporter WILLIAM RUSSELL (28 March 1820 - 11 February 1907),  particularly his front line reporting from the Crimea.  His journals are available online  from the US Archives.  http://ia700307.us.archive.org/0/items/warfromdeathoflo02russ/warfromdeathoflo02russ.pdf

I enjoyed his writing as much as I enjoyed your writing.

Simon Hampson


Thank you – I’ve known about him for years, but it’s really useful to have the website which I didn’t know about. So again, thank you!

I thought you might be interested in the http://www.flodden1513.com/ website which covers a lot of the events and activities taking place in commemoration of the Battle of Flodden this year.
Another thing you might be interested in is a little known tunnel in the moors just west of Bamburgh which may, with a bit of writer's magic, be of use to Uhtred in his pursuit of regaining Bamburgh Castle!  The following is taken from http://faeryfolklorist.blogspot.co.uk/2009/09/cateran-hole.html

The Cateran's Hole, in the middle of deserted moorland, is according to legend the start of a long underground tunnel leading all the way to the Henhole in the Cheviots, about 16 miles away.

I've always known it as the Cateran Hole, but even lots of locals don't know about it.  I hope this information may be of help.




Thank you!

It’s fascinating!  A pity it doesn’t lead into Bamburgh, but thank you so much for sending me the link – I’ll explore it further!



Now Richard Third found it's surely Harald's turn.A far greater man and still below a [minor] road in Trondheim.

Kevan McDonald


May you live for many many years to come and not tire of writing so that I can keep on reading your books!
I really do enjoy your writing style and can read and re-read again and again any of your books (particularly Uhtred) as they are so enjoyable.  You have a remarkable talent.  Thank you.


Dear Bernard,
I am not usually in the habit of writing to celebrities, but I have just completed 'Heretic', and I can honestly say that I have never been so thrilled, entertained and indeed educated as I have been by the 'Grail Quest' trilogy and 'Azincourt'. You combine believable characters and storylines with strict attention to historical detail and a palpable love of your subject that led to the most rewarding fictional reading experience that I have had in years. Your description of the lead up to the Battle of Agincourt - Henry's 'team talk', the archers leaving their boots in the mud, the sound of the arrows in the air - left me in tears. Wonderful, wonderful stuff. The best thing of all is that these are the first books of yours that I have read (devoured?). Now for the rest of your ouevre. I don't think I'll be disappointed.
With very best wishes,
Adrian Brown.


Hello Mr. Cornwell,

I first read Sharpe's Eagle shortly after it became available.  Over the years I managed to enjoy the entire series. I am currently reading them again, trying to keep them in the correct time line.  I am enjoying them more than ever. I have devoured the Starbuck Chronicles, Saxon Stories, Grail Quest and Arthur Books. I think I have read all of your novels, with the exception of the newest one. You have provided me with many hours of superb entertainment. Thank You!
Tom Wagner


Mr Cornwell,

Just finished 1356..a very enjoyable read. You did a great job on this book. Over the years I have read all your books..enjoyed them all..but this might just be my favorite. Thanks for all your efforts and after a rest (that you deserve), I look forward to your next book.

Bill Sasscer


Thank you. I love the series. Reading is my passion and your books are ones that I can't put down. Thank you again for many sleepless nights full of enjoyment. Keep up the bloody good work.
Andy Marovich


"1356" is awesome. Your books offer the only real form of manly escapism available in the book market today. Thanks for all you've written and continue to write.
Paul Denny


Hi I'm not sure if you would even read this or let alone reply but I just wanted to say what a fabulous read your books are  I'm quite late into your books apart from the obvious Sharpe series but have always had a fascination for the medieval period.1356 was awesome and have now read the series, in the wrong order sorry to say, but I couldn't put them down.   Thanks again for some great books.



Thanks Eddie!