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hail, I haven't read many of the Sharpe issue but the Uhtred Ragarson stories I have followed and the not king of england Arthur and just wanted to say they are probably the best books I've ever read take care looking 4ward to reading Death of Kings.



Dear Bernard, Thanks so much for creating such a character as Sharpe. I am finding (mostly) these days that historical fiction is rarely anything like the real thing, but I have to say I love the Sean Bean series, and I have only just recently bought my first two Sharpe original novels, and am looking forward to getting the rest as soon as possible. I haven't even finished Sharpe's Triumph yet, but this title so far is more than apt. What I love most is that the descriptions of the full terror of war is something you haven't shied away from, and I wish to thank you for that. I don't like films or series or books that make out war to be glossy and fun. No, I like to read something more closer to real life than fiction, and that is what Sharpe is to me. My Dad loves the TV series too, but I'm into getting the books to see all the differences there are from the TV series: one things for sure, if Triumph is anything to go by, then this series I'm just discovering now in book format is going to be just brilliant. Thank you for writing such a great Character Bernard, and I'm looking forward to any more Sharpe novels there might be in you to come! Keep on staying real!

Matthew David Rabjohns


Loved the latest Uhtred novel. I have come to love Uhtred the same way I loved Sharpe and Derfel. I think if you mix Derfel and Sharpe together and toss the result into King Alfred's rein, you get a tall, blonde Saxon with the heart of a Dane or at least a 'Northman' bent on 'viking.' You have done it again, and I applaud you. I have both read and listened to audio of The Death of Kings, (I went back and read the other books in the months and weeks prior to the release)and I am thrilled as I always seem to be with your stories. Excellent book. Long Live Uhtred of Bamburgh!

Shawson Hebert


Dear Mr.Cornwell, I just finished "The Burning Land" and I loved it, can't wait for the 6th book of the Uhtred saga released in a couple of days. I have semester break since 2 months and I did nothing but read your books and I traveled to Copenhagen, as I speak little Danish. Kind regards from Germany (Mrs.) Lenio Raue


Hello, I'm a huge fan of your Starbuck series it is one of the most interesting depictions of the war to prevent southern independence I've ever read. Over here in the us it is the 150th anniversary of the war and it would be very cool to start putting out more of your amazing series at this special time.

Matthew Whitehead


hallo, I'm from Italy. I like a lot all Sharpe books but in Italy only 10 stories was translate in Italian.....please can you do something? yours historical reconstruction are fantastic!!!

Giorgio Valerio


Thank you! I had thought more Sharpe would also be available in Italian translation, so maybe that will happen soon? You might get more helpful answers directly from the Italian publisher!


Great books Thank you. I still have to get them from the UK as titles different, publication dates different. Not sure if the odd words have been americanized. Good thing I have a daughter in the UK to help me out.Ex pat in Iowa.

Jenny Christie


Just a note to say how much I enjoyed your talk on Tuesday in Winchester cathedral; as you said a most suitable place to discuss Alfred's vision both for his minster and for England. It was a real pleasure to discover an author who was even more interesting and engaging than his many splendid literary creations. I look forward very much to the next volumes in all your series. All good wishes from Susanne


Dear Mr Cornwell, I have just read the whole Sharp series for about the third or fourth time and just felt like looking you up to say how much i enjoy them. They are my all time favourite books and I'm sure I'll read them all again before too long. Last time i read them i was less internet savvy but this time it was very easy to nip over to Amazon and order the DVD box set so my husband and i are working our way through those too! Anyway, my heartfelt thanks for these wonderful books. Elinor Halliday.


Bernard, we have corresponded a couple of times and both my daughter and my parents have subsequently had the pleasure of meeting you at your history sessions in the UK. So when can I expect you for dinner here in South Australia?

John Welch