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Dear Mr. Cornwell, saw you on TV and am pleased that you are writing more Sharpe novels. With your extensive research you've probably read everything in Christendom, but just in case - The Exploits of Baron De Marbot, an incredible story which somewhat redresses the balance regarding the French, makes very good reading. Regards...

Nick Eagle




Hello Bernard, Met you twice in London yesterday after travelling down from Snotengaham (Nottingham). Thank you very much for signing all my Uhtred books. I thought the talk you gave was great, you lit up the room with your humour and tales of your past. I absolutely agree with you that in this country not enough is told about where we come from and when England became what she is today. I hope you enjoyed your visits back to the UK. Everyone I met and spoke with last night are avid fans of yours and look forward to further Uhtred novels. I started Death of Kings on the train home last night, great read immediately. I see my home city made it on the place names this time so look forward to our involvement. Once again many thanks for what was a most enjoyable day out for me in London, STEVE LEEK, Nottingham, UK.


In the last 6 weeks I have read all the Sharpe books in chronological order, including the 3 short stories and Sharpe's Story. It was akin to reading a 6,649 page epic, and it was grand. Thank you.

Peter Sawyer


Dear Mr.Cornwell, I just finished "The Burning Land" and I loved it, can't wait for the 6th book of the Uhtred saga released in a couple of days. I have semester break since 2 months and I did nothing but read your books and I traveled to Copenhagen, as I speak little Danish. Kind regards from Germany (Mrs.) Lenio Raue


Sir On 18 October 2010, I wrote to you about certain related royals namely a few British, German and Zcar Nickolas 11 of Romanov royals, all inherited a visible genetic marking of same shape and size as well location on one when they are born. The visible DNA ancestor visible markers continue to descend down to the closest descendant but occasionally may skip a generation or two, but it re- appears on certain royals past and present and continue to do so. I had mentioned in my previous comments to you dated 18 October 2010, that I am not of their royal linage but I do share their same ancestor and have inherited the same DNA visible markers as the royals I have spoken of. Like the said mentioned royals who their ancestor gene descends downward to a new generation in their family line , the same visible ancestor visible DNA markers/markings continue to descend down my linage as well. I have consulted with a couple of geneticist who concur with the other, that if one shows same DNA genetic markers they are related by one ancestor whose DNA makes up the bloodline, even thought one may not be of their linage the same genetic DNA flows or descends down a shared DNA blood line. My comments are only that comments but my proof lies with the same genetic visible ancestor DNA markers at birth , been a royal or non royal I have various pictures that show the same on the royals as it does on me and my descendants. As you are a researcher and a well known author I share my story with you and your readers. Frederic von Ebert

Earlier today I left my follow up comments on inherited DNA ancestor visible markers/marking of certain royals from birth. One such early king was Egbert 1st, who I understand was the grandfather of Alfred The Great. I had located a drawing of Egbert which shows correct or not the DNA visible markers/marking that some British Royals of the past and and a few present royal's inherited the same. I had mentioned in my earlier correspondence today and back on 18 October 2010 such ancestor markings do exist to which I believe I have found the bloodline of Alfred The Great. As a writer of novels your books enlighten others to know more of history Also been fan of your book stories,I also am one might say a discover of historic facts. In my case not a royal I live the history within by inheriting the same ancestor genetic markers. In closing I note my mothers German ancestors name of Ebert or von Ebert appears to have derived from the name of Egbert.


I pre-ordered Death of a King from Kindle which was available today. It arrived on my Ipad at 7am and I am already back with Uhtred and trying to pace myself so I won't finish it too quickly. He's such a hero of mine! Thank you so much for all the pleasure vie had from your books, especially this series. I enjoyed your interview on Breakfast this week. Please keep writing! Thanks again Pat Harper


Dear Mr. Cornwell, I want to thank you for coming out to Denver, CO to speak at the Rocky Mountain Writer's Conference two weeks ago. I was so excited to hear you speak and your keynote was terrific! I am a huge fan of your Saxon/Viking series and the way you balance pagan and Christian characters. Thank you again for coming out to Denver to speak at the conference. You are one of my favorite authors and I was very happy to see you here. No need to respond, just want to let you know how much I appreciated it. Kristin Barrett


It was my pleasure.


Dear Mr Cornwell, Many thanks for your reply to my question about John Weissmiller's identity. Dedicating your book to him is a wonderful way to show your regard towards him and I do hope my question was not too intrusive. Best Wishes. Marion Balderstone


Not at all.


I just wanted to tell you the saxon series has renewed my reading habits. I used to owned all of the books but recently lost them and my copy of azincourt to a flood in my home. I am currently reading them again from the library in anticipation of the new book release. Please keep up the releases I really enjoy them, I even named my fish after the main character cause he dominates the fish tank. But thank you for these great books and please keep them coming.

In reference to the question regarding where in the book Azincourt does the old style counting occur, it is in the 2nd part during the siege of Harfuler when the french surged from the city to attack the cannon. Page 220 in the us English version. I have read the book at least 19 times and am working on number 20. I love this book, thank you for writing it.

Anthony Fischer


Thanks Anthony! I am so sorry to hear about the flooding.


I think saxon series as a miniseries or movies like the sharpe movies with Chris Hemsworth as Uhtred wouldn't be a terrible idea. Can't wait for the next Uhtred book. ALEX