I know you have a lot of requests for more Starbuck books and while I hold very little hope that we will see one soon I would like to throw one thought in your direction We are approaching the 150th anniversary of the Civil War. While it is still a few years off it would give you time to work a Starbuck book or two into the rotation for publication during that time. When I dream I see several more in the series Fredericksburg (winter of 1862-63 Chancellorsville (spring 1863) Gettysburg (summer 1863) Wilderness/Spotsylvania/Cold Harbor (spring 1864) Early's Raid (Monocacy/Ft Stevens) (summer 1864) Shenandoah Valley (summer-fall 1864) Richmond Petersburg (Winter 1864-65) Appomattox (spring 1865) With hope that we will see some more Starbuck Bob Smart Middletown Valley (East of Antietam, South of Gettsyburg) MD
You can have a bit more than 'very little' hope. It really is on the drawing board . . . in fact the next novel is largely researched and all I need is six or seven free months and it will be written - not in the next couple of years, I know, but one day, I hope!