Bulletin Board


Dear Mr Cornwell, Having just "discovered" the Sharpe books, I read them all, avidly and in order, including the short stories. I absolutely adore them! And so I ordered three boxed sets of the television series. I know better, but I failed this time to check the product description on the Amazon website and so was very disappointed to find that the producers and distributors failed to provide closed captioning for the hearing impaired. Even were I not hearing impaired, I and many Americans have trouble with British accents other than RP and use the closed captioning for this reason. I don't know why UK productions fail to provide this simple courtesy. When UK productions are distributed by American companies, this feature seems to be included and it is a blessing indeed. My hope is that some day UK producers will realize that the market for their films and television productions would be larger in the US when they begin to provide this service. Kind regards, Jeri Ann Boyd


Thank you for your message Jeri Ann. I hope they will as well!


At almost 74 and still working as a medical transcriptionist, my greatest enjoyment is reading historical fiction. My mother wanted me to write but I have neither the talent nor the passion. I have just finished Agincourt, and I would like to thank you for not only a truly wonderful story but also for making the characters completely come alive. Henry V, the movie, has always been one of my favorites but your book tops that. Thank you so very much for such great enjoyment. I certainly hope you write more about Nicholas Hook.
Annie Isaac


Dear Mr. Cornwell, Only wanted to say how much I enjoyed the first three books of your Saxon Stories. The way you ended The Lords Of The North ("He will need Serpent-Breath again.") leaved me with a longing for more. But even when this wasn't your last sentence in the book, the longing would be there anyway. Happily I read on your site there is a fourth book now, and a fifth in the making. I'm looking forward to getting them on my bookshelf and to read them as soon as possible. I'm a guy living in The Netherlands, but a great deal of my mental being longs for England and his history. For example I have also something with Arthur and his legend. When I lived before I think I must have been a Roman soldier in the sixth Century of historical England. I want to thank you for your wonderful writing. Becoming to know in such a lively way about the formation of England (as a kingdom as we know today) is a very great joy for me. Yours truly, André van Riel


Just a quick message to let Mr. Cornwell know that I just recently started reading his books, and without a doubt he has become my favorite author. Never before have I read so many books so quickly. Military history has always been an interest for me and the way these books are written make them very easy to read and very exciting. Last night I just finished Sharpe's Triumph and I was almost cheering out loud as I read the last few pages. My wife thought I was nuts! So far I have been most taken with the Sharpe books and the Grail series. Reading Harlequin right now and it is so interesting to read about a military campaign from the view of a band of archers. I find I learn more about history from these good stories then from a actual fact book. Keep up the great writing! Graydon


I loved Azincourt ... the best explanation of the "choice" of site for the battle I've ever seen. Clearly Will mixed it up with Crecy! Also loved first four of the Saxon books and look forward to the Burning Land, in October. BUT! ... please let's another Sea Story (or two!) I know what you said, but I can't wait for ever ... I'm 82 next week! James Hiney


Well, Happy Birthday! I'll see what I can do....


Hi Mr. Cornwell. In a April 21st posting, Ian asked about novels about Cuchulain and other Irish heroes. I strongly commend to him to wonderful books of Morgan Lleywelyn. These include "The Red Branch" (Cuchulain), "Finn Mac Cool," and "Lion of Ireland" (King Brian Boru), among many others. Just about anything she writes is worth reading. Alan Kempner

Hi again, Mr. Cornwell. In an April 29th posting, Natalie Powers asked about novels dealing with Henry II, Elanor of Aquitaine, and their sons. She can do no better than to read Sharon Kay Penman's magnificent trilogy of novels: "While Christ and His Saints Slept," "Time and Chance," and the recently-published concluding volume "The Devil's Brood." These novels are definitive, I doubt anyone will ever do better by that famous ruling family. Alan Kempner


Thanks for coming through for us once again Alan!


Hello Mr Cornwell I have never written to an author before, however I felt compelled to do so after reading your series about Alfred and Uhtred. I am 23 and remember my childhood summer holidays spent in and around the Bamburgh area. I loved your books as they brought the history of the place I spent some very happy times to life. I am very much looking forward to your next book in the series. regards, Dan


Hagar the Horrible as Uhtred? Silly as it sounds, when I saw this comic where someone had altered the text of a Hagar strip, I thought immediately of Uhtred: http://pics.livejournal.com/the1000thjustin/pic/0003k8q8/. Thanks for all the entertaining reading.
Thad Humphries


Dearest Mr Cornwell, For almost 30 years, I've been an avid reader of all of your books. In hardcover and paperback, they are all on my book shelves. When a new one appears, I try to keep it aside for important holidays. I rarely succeed. Thank you for all the reading pleasure you have brought to my life, for so long. I cannot begin to understand from where you derive your incredible productivity. I can only pray you'll keep it up!! >From a Dutch admirer; kindest, kindest regards, Charles Goedewaagen, Rotterdam, Neth


Mr. Cornwell, you are a great writer, and I really like yours stories. I beginning to write a book about the 1° World War, and the Sharpe's Books, and others books had inspired me! Sorry the errors of English,I am not a good student of English! Bye! Pedro.


Best of luck with it!