Dear Mr Cornwell, Having just "discovered" the Sharpe books, I read them all, avidly and in order, including the short stories. I absolutely adore them! And so I ordered three boxed sets of the television series. I know better, but I failed this time to check the product description on the Amazon website and so was very disappointed to find that the producers and distributors failed to provide closed captioning for the hearing impaired. Even were I not hearing impaired, I and many Americans have trouble with British accents other than RP and use the closed captioning for this reason. I don't know why UK productions fail to provide this simple courtesy. When UK productions are distributed by American companies, this feature seems to be included and it is a blessing indeed. My hope is that some day UK producers will realize that the market for their films and television productions would be larger in the US when they begin to provide this service. Kind regards, Jeri Ann Boyd
Thank you for your message Jeri Ann. I hope they will as well!