Hello Bernard. Just finished 'Azincourt' and again I was not let down. The books are all very readable and I get through them in a couple of days. This has it's bad points, as I have a long time to wait for the next one. I know people request additions to this series or that, but I just look forward to whatever is coming regardless. I see that the next may well be the 5th with Uhtred. Can't wait. I suppose that if asked for a suggestion, I would like to see another Sandman story, or another early Sharpe, possibly dating right back to the time he joined the army. There have been some really good pieces about his early life through the books and I may start reading back through them while awaiting the 2009 book. I love the way that you portray Georgian London. It's almost a 'Horrible History.' >From something you said about writing books, something about writing 3 pages a day and in 4 months you have a book. Well I started and the book is now 90% complete. Whether it gets to see the light of day is no big issue as I've really enjoyed the experience just to see if I could do it. Finally, and I suppose connected with the bit about the book, I have just read the questions and answers about an afterlife. I suppose we all have our beliefs and there are so many possibilities. Maybe we don't actually live on in that sense, but I know that you'll live on in your books and maybe that is the way after all. Thanks again for some excellent reads. I have kept them all, but I can always build yet another shelf for more. Please don't stop. Best regards, Ian
Bulletin Board
Dear Bernard, Whist I appreciate that you have lots of things you want to write about (and other things to do with your time), whatever anyone else may say there can NEVER be too many Sharpe books! Also, it really is time Nate Starbuck finished his war. Best wishes, please keep writing. Hazel
I first have to tell you that I don't like military fiction. But on a Saturday night in Aug. 2006, I watched Sharpe's Battle on BBC America. I was hooked. Your writing is wonderful and Sean Bean's portrayal of Sharpe was perfect. I now own all the books, all the movies and the soundtrack. I can't wait for the new movie to be released. Thank you for kindling an interest in me for this era in history. I didn't realized how much I didn't know. My 16 year old son is hooked too. Thanks to you and Sean Bean, a whole new world of literature, history, and movies has opened up for me. If you see him on the set of Sharpe's Peril, please thank him for me. Kudos to both of you. Annette Miller
Dear Mr Cornwell, I have just stumbled across your site whilst doing my best to track down a suggested release date for the next book in the Alfred the Great series (a bit presumptuous really given the recent release of "Sword Song", but my enthusiasm outweighed all bounds of practicality and I thought I'd give it a shot!). Seeing that you have a contact page I thought I'd also quickly take the opportunity to express my gushing thanks for the Warlord Chronicles, which continue to rank among the most enjoyable books I have ever read. I could wax lyrical about the excellent plot, gripping action, original interpretation and just pure enjoyment for the reader that I've encountered over many many readings of all three books but, leaving this aside, I'd like to express particular gratitude for the fact that you portrayed Lancelot as a complete git. Having long held this view (left undiminished even after a university dissertation connected with the chivalric legends of Arthur) I was over the moon to see him portrayed in such a light. Love it. I have been pleasantly surprised to see on this site that the Warlord Chronicles are also your favourites and shall mention this to my housemate to whom I have just lent the series with strict instructions not to bend the pages. With sincere gratitude, James.
Bernard, thank auld bert at my work. from the age of 16 to 35 i read about 2 books but in the last year i have read all the starbuck books, grail books and am now away to buy sword song to complete the last of the uhtred books. all thanks to him introducing me to 'heretic' and telling me it was by the same author that wrote my favourite Sharpe programmes. also in this time I have read another 8-10 books on british military history including blackwatch etc. thank you very much from tearing my eyes away from the idiot box and opening my mind to a completely different form of entertainment. I can't put the books down when i start. keep up the good work. jd (scotland)
Thanks for writing the Saxon Stories. A friend loaned me The Last Kingdom a few weeks ago and it hooked me. After finishing Sword Song, I gotta say your characters are refreshing and an I enjoy the complexity of Uhtred. Pyrlig is hilarious and unexpectedly badass. I am going to pick up the Arthur books now and hope there is someone in there as awesome as Pyrlig(who deserves his own series)! I will enjoy going back and reading your other series, and wait in anticipation for those yet to be published. Thank you again for your stories.
James Jeffcoat
Mr Cornwell I have read all the Saxon Stories and many of Sharpe's escapades, seen all of TV dramas (excellent) and I am sure Uhtred would make an even better character for screen. My work is in the Napoleonic era, but your delightful stories of Alfred's Wessex have rekindled my interest in the much misrepresented (so called) Vikings. Thanks so much. Doug Morris
Dear Mr Cornwell, I have been shooting and studying the English Warbow for the past twelve years. During that time i have made many visits to the 100 year's war battle sites. Can i just say that i have finished today your book "Azincourt". I wanted to let you know it is superb and a nice mix of fact and fiction. I will recommend it to all my friends and please write another, the war has a long way to go yet and Mr Hook has many arrows left. By the way, I wish Hollywood would get hold of this story, what a blockbuster. Thanks Jon Eeles, father to...Nathan Henry Agincourt Eeles (poor lad)
Dear BC-- I very much enjoyed both the Thomas of Hookton and Uhtred series. Uhtred is a fantastic character--engrossing set of relationships he's mixed up in. Looking forward to 5th book in Jan. 2010--hopefully. Am off to library to start the Arthur series now. Good work, and thanks much. Ted Armstrong
Dear Cornwell, Just one word for you: fantastic. Atenciously, Küpper.