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Hi Bernard, Not a question, but a hearty 'thank you' for Azincourt. I read it in record time as I simply could not put it down. Your description of the actual battle is (in my opinion) your best description of any battle in your books. I was totally riveted! As administrator of www.hookton.com a website dedicated to your writing, I'm having to impose strict spoiler warnings as a lot of our members are Americans and they (poor souls) won't get their hands on your book for a few months yet. But we do have a 'spoiler' marked thread on the forum if anyone wants to come along and discuss the book. Long may you keep writing sir! Azincourt is a triumph!
Tony Blackwell


Many thanks Tony!


Bernard, recently,a friend has given me several of your 'books on tape' and I am offering a suggestion; David Case does a good job of telling your story as does Stephen Crossley, but I think Patrick Tull cannot do your books justice. Mr. Tull mumbles his way thru and tries to add another dimension through elocution. Your words are inspired and if the delivery is self conscious, as with Mr. Tull, the strength 0f the characters is lost. I am only sorry that I have read most all of your books and would like twice as many new ones to read. Barbara Cunningham


Thanks for your comments. I'm happy to pass them along to the publishers.


Currently engrossed in the Saxon books ; so refreshing to encounter someone who finds Alfred irritating! Assume that you are going to continue to deprive Uhtred of various wives and lovers, but here's a prediction : should the series last that long, I see Uhtred getting together with Aethelflaed both personally and professionally. Fate is inescapable.
Lynne McGrath


Fate is inescapable. I shall say no more!


Good Morning! I am thrilled to send an email to such an illustrious author. Thank you so much for writing both the Sharpe's series and the Alfred series, which I am currently reading. I just want to say that during my reading of Sword Song, towards the end where Uhtred is in the church watching his evil cousin (I've given up trying to pronounce the names)and the priest give Aethelflaed the dirty water...I really felt Uhtred's anger. I wanted to draw my own sword and start to carve up the whole Christian community in the story! Angry? Oh yes, you bet I was. And, as in the Sharpe's books,I was sooooo right there wanting to kill. I have not ever been so glued to any book or series of books in my entire 47 years. Damn, Sir, you are good, and I applaud you heartily. Years ago I used to take part in historical re-enactments, and some of my guys made the uniforms, and even had the Baker rifles! Personally, I could only get two shots off a minute, but that would have got better with practice. I generally was on the French side of our battles. Pretty much went off like your films, smoke bombs, cannons, flintlocks, about 40-50 people taking part. It was certainly great fun. Anyway, Mr. Cornwell...thank you again for being so prolific with your writing, and also for the realism that you generate with your words. Yours Sincerely, Andrew Bauld, Perth, Western Australia.


Sir Just when I thought your books couldn't get any better you bring out an absolute classic, in Azincourt. I purchased this book last week and I've finished it already. An absolute masterpiece, brilliant and long may you continue writing classics like this. Thank you Jimmy Holmes


About time somebody wrote about Azincourt, to which I think is the greatest victory in English history. Have the book but saving it for my holiday, can't wait.
Ben Anderson


It's a shame authors create characters, like Thomas of Hookton, who touch a place in their readers hearts and then refuse to continue said character. Even Doyle brought back Holmes. We don't need more Sharpe, Lord knows there is enough, between the books and teleplays, but only 3 of the Grail Series? Not right. I know it's your decision, but it would be nice if you considered your loyal fans.

Stewart Cohen


Dear Mr Cornwell, I just wanted to let you know how much I have enjoyed all your books, they have given me many hours of enjoyable reading and have taken me to many different places. However, my favorite ones are Crowning Glory, Fallen Angels and Gallows Thief. Looking forward to your next book. xx

Kathy Murray


Just wanted to send you a quick note to tell you how much I have enjoyed the first 4 books of the Uhtred saga. I've read a number of your other books, and these are by far the most interesting and captivating (not that the others weren't great too!). You really bring this era of history alive in a unique and compelling way. Looking forward to the next installment! Scott Christmas Lexington, KY


Dear Bernard, in answer to a couple of postings about the Arthur Books, Galahad was not gay, he lived with the harpist from his father's palace when Derfel and his wolf-tails went to garrison yns trebes. Also I'm guessing you wrote a baby born in November was known as a child of Imbolc because human pregnancy lasts 9months so conception would have been at Imbolc. Hope the next Saxon story is going well. Jon Cobb