Dear Mr Cornwell, I hope this finds you and your wife Patricia well, or is she your sister? I can never remember... :o) Now my intention was to tell you of a brilliant and original idea I had about making the Arthur books in to a film or three, maybe involving Ridley Scott as he does the historical stuff very well. Having read through your web site I'm somewhat crestfallen! Not very original at all eh? So I'm not going to mention that, and it's an excellent point you make about you writing books and not making films - nuff said. So I thought I'd tell you that you're my favourite writer having enjoyed the Arthur, Grail Quests and Saxon (next one not til October!!) books. Have to admit I struggled with Stonehenge and didn't finish it, and not attempted any of the Shapre ones - not sure why, might be because of Sean Bean? I note the authorities haven't acted upon your suggestion of staging the Cricket World Cup in China (!) so thankfully it's in the Caribbean - will you be attending any of the matches? Shame we didn't have Derfel and Uhtred opening for us during The Ashes! Sharpe to swashbuckle Goweresque like at number 3... I've finshed waffling now. Regards, Paul Marlow.
Unfortunately, I won't be at any of the matches. (And I'm not related to - or married to - Patricia Cornwell).