I'm a total Sharpe fan - tv and your books. Sean was Sharpe, and the rest of the casting was superb (indeed, everyone involved in the films were brilliant). Sharpe's Challenge improves with every viewing and, I felt, collated the books wonderfully. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Lesley Downer
Bulletin Board
No comments, no brickbats only bouquets! Have just finished The Lords of the North which I found almost impossible to put down. Can hardly wait for the next novel in this absorbing series. Am currently reading Book Four of The Nathan Starbuck Chronicles, The Bloody Ground, and am anxiously awaiting a call from my local library to confirm that Sharpe's Fury is available for my reading pleasure. (I have read every other title in the series.) I cannot claim to have read all your work, but I have never been disappointed by any of your books and wish to thank you most sincerely for providing me with such glorious entertainment over the years. As long as you continue to write I shall continue to look forward to your books. Thanks again for all the years of reading pleasure!
Ken Price
Hi Bernard For all your fans Down Under - rumours that Time Life Australia will be releasing the Sharpe series on dvd are true. I've just seen Rifles/Eagle listed on their website. Unfortunately they won't send to New Zealand and the series hasn't yet appeared on the Time Life NZ site but my fingers are crossed! Fellow Kiwis may like to know that I saw the dvd of Rifles/Eagle in The Warehouse this week so maybe the others will filter through as they are released in Australia. I already own this one as I imported it from the UK, but roll on the rest of them! Best Wishes Fiona
Thanks for the update Fiona!
I'm a total Sharpe fan - tv and your books. Sean was Sharpe, and the rest of the casting was superb (indeed, everyone involved in the films were brilliant). Sharpe's Challenge improves with every viewing and, I felt, collated the books wonderfully. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Lesley Downer
Hi there Mr Cornwell. I've just completed Lords of the North Country, best of the series so far, absolutely loved it. In fact, if the Uthred stories continue to be this good, I may just be able to cope a while longer waiting for closure on the Starbuck Chronicles! Phil Dean
Hi. Just a quick note of appreciation. I ve just finished The Pale Horsemen, and loved it. I'm from Somerset and felt a stab of pride that my county helped to create England by fighting for its king. Of course, some 800 years later we tried to depose a king at Sedgemoor, but we're like that in Somerset. Anyway, I'm looking forward to Lords of the North, but until I get it I'll have to read Njals Saga for the fifteenth time to get my literary fix of hacking and slashing. Thanks again for a great read. I'm not sure my boss appreciates it though, I kept sneaking to my car for a quick read. Paul H.
Mr. Cornwell, My name is Luiz Fernando and I'm writing from São Paulo, Brazil. I am a fan of your work and read many of your books: The Warlord Trilogy, The Grail Quest, Gallows Thief, A Crowning Mercy and some Sharpe novels (from Sharpes Tiger to Sharpes Gold). Fortunately, that are many more still unread. The first of the Saxon books is about to see print in Brazil and I cant wait to get my hands on it! Im writing to thank you for your massive research work, which shows in the depiction not only of battles, but also of the clothing, equipment, habits and language ot each character. Its a pleasure to see your Portuguese characters using proper expressions, such as senhor and capitão. It makes the story richer and more likely. Im presently halfway the second chapter of Sharpes Escape and its great reading, just as expected. Theres only one little thing Id like to point out (please dont get mad at me. Im just trying to help!) You said the Portuguese skirmishers were called cazadores. The name is right, but the spelling is not. The correct word would be caçadores, with a Ç, as in the French expression ça va?. The pronounciation, on the other hand, is the same as in the Spanish term cazadores. If you need any help on finding expressions in Portuguese, or maybe decide to write any novel taking place in South America (which seems really unlikely, but who knows?), feel free to contact me and ask for information. Id be glad to help. Thank you again for writing so many great stories and creating such wonderful characters. Luiz Fernando Carneiro
Thanks for your help!
Hello Mr Cornwell, I am a very late starter in the reading of your work - recently in Australia the latest Sharpe TV movie aired - that and being an avid reader of history and historical fiction tipped the balance and finally started reading the Sharp novels. To date I've read five and enjoyed them; I expected a style much like Winston Graham's Poldark novels. But the style is rather Hornblower and Aubrey. A negative for me in Sharpes Waterloo was a feeling that Jane Sharpe and Lord John Rossendale promised much more as characters than they gave in the end. To me they were underdeveloped, appearing one dimensional. Conversely, Lucille, in a few words, and a few appearances conveyed much more to me; I hope she is not killed off as Mr. Sharpe deserves some luck were his relations with women are concerned. Many thanks and warm regards, Peter Nakitch
I'm very impressed with your web site and pleased to let ou know what a great comfort your books are to listen to. I am 69, legally blind and can't read print any more so well written and read books are a pleasure. Your web sit has given me the list of the Sharpe and Starbuck books , which will help me complete my library. The ones I have are brilliantly read and come alive so vividly. They are fun to listen to and I enjoy the historical period. I think it is amazing how your research lets you step back in time to a period beyond the collective human memory . Thank you for writing them and may there be many more series to come Mr. Bean also did a unique and wonderful interpretation of Sharpe , and really brought him to life in the t.v. series and in the abridged version of "Sarpe's Tiger" that I enjoy. Thank you for so many hours of listening pleasure. Cindy.
I left it late to 'get into' the Sharpe series of books. (After all the television shows infact). But I have spent the last six or so months making up for lost time, so much so that I made it my aim to read the entire series in chronological order befor the end of the current year. I now find myself half way through Sharpes Waterloo and with Sharpes Devil safely tucked away in the draw, I am more than confident of acheiving my aim. I would just like to say thank you so very much for the pleasure your books have given me, and I sincerely hope that there will be more to come. Yours Trevor Reed