Dear Mr. Cornwell I just wrote you a message but I left one thing off, PLEASE do no make any more movies of the books, I loved the Sharpe books, but was absoloutely horrified by the films, the only thing that kept me watching them was the comic genius that thought hed edit the script and my amusmant at Sean Bean who I think is a great actor. A few examples, in the film of Sharpes Gold, the only connection I could make with the book was the fact that Sharpe led troops behind enemy lines. 2) Much as I think Sean Bean acts Sharpe well (infact I think the films were very well cast) would it have been so hard to have died his hair black. 3)Sharpe nor any of his men ever miss, even when in Sharpes company the troops are fitted with smooth bore muskets, and fire at the walls of Badajoz from a good 50-100 yards their bulets allways hit. There is quite a long list of complaints, which I can not stress enough are not directed at the books. William Richards