Reading through the archive of emails on your site, a couple of thoughts popped to mind. For Tony April 20, 2007. I suggest he get a copy of "The Traditional Bowyers Bible, Volume One", Allely, et al, C 1992 Bois d'Arc Press. It will answer his questions regarding wood selection and goes into specifics about the Yew Longbow. The other thought regarding a letter of April 12 2007 asked the question about Sharpes whereabouts between Copenhagen & Corunna. In "Sharpes Rifles" he indicates he fought at Rolica & Vimiero. Will you ever cover what our heroic quartermaster did there? Thanks again or all your wonderful books. Skal, Sven
Thanks for the recommendation.
Vimerio/Rolica are not in my plans at the moment, but it's possible they'll feature in one or more short stories some time in the future.