Your Questions


Dear Mr. Cornwell, I wonder, as I'm living in Belgium. if we could see Sharpe fighting at the side of the Belgians for their independence in 1830. This would bring a new confrontation with the Prince of Orange, now king of the Netherlands. Yours sincerely Eddy


I have a feeling that 'Silly Billy' would never want to meet Sharpe again - which makes your suggestion very inviting. Thank you.


Re: Sharpe's Regiment. Historic notes; there is a criptic reference to a modern day Foulness. Anything you can add? Do you think such a place did exisit in 1813, (or that this sort of camp has been in exsistance all along?) I can't stand the mystery!! :) Thank you, Laura


Foulness certainly existed then - and nearby were the Shoebury Barracks, which still exist (though no longer as part of the Ministry of Defence). I doubt there was a secret army camp on Foulness in 1813 (that was fiction), but it was a super-secret base when I was growing up in Essex in the 1950's and 60's. It was an artillery testing ground - and all sorts of mysterious things happened there. I used to sail around that coast and there were always odd explosions. You're right - a mystery. I fear I cannot explain it!


Read all you books. Have all the DVDs. Watch Sharpe's war every time it is shown on TV. Is Starbuck going to make a comeback? loved the way you weaved "Patrick" in to the story. Are there going to be any more Sharpe films? Roll on October so I can get my head into your latest book. Best Regards to you and your family, Richard


Starbuck will be back.

It does seem hopeful that there will be another Sharpe film. We'll post details as we get them.


Hello Mr. Cornwell I've read several of your books and enjoyed every one of them except Stonehenge. (No body's perfect). I'm now reading Stormchild and since I was born and raised in Kalamazoo I was wondering how you came to use that city as Jackie the investigater's home base. It is an unusual name that most people have never heard of. Regards, Jim


What a wonderful name! Kalamazoo! I've never been there, but always loved the name. That's it, really.


Hello, love your books, should not have killed off Teresa. Are you planning a series on Robin Hood? If you did Robin Hood the same way as the Arthur books,hot dog. Why do some of your books come out in paper then hard? Look forward to your next novel, regards Nicholas. P.S. Were you hungry as a child?


Robin Hood? I have thought about it, but don't have plans for it right now.

All my books come out as hardback editions first. Paperbooks usually follow about one year later.



I'd really enjoy another title in the Starbuck Chronicles. Could you let me know if anything is in the process. Thanks. Paul Stevens


Nothing at the moment.


Hello Mr. Cornwell. I finally broke down and read the four Starbuck novels. Bravo! I will look forward to more of this series when you finally do get around to it. I have a request concerning Colonel Lassan, who I find a much more congenial fellow than his father. I would like him to have a more active role in the future. I think it is time he got a new assignment. Specifically, I would like you to send him to Mexico to serve in the French campaign to maintain the Emperor Maximillian on his throne. He should end up at the famous battle of Camerone, which you may know is the French Foreign Legion's equivalent of Rorke's Drift. It happened on April 30, 1863, when Starbuck would have been gearing up for the Chancelorsville campaign. Here 62 legionaires, two lieutenants and their captain held off the attacks of 2,000 Juaristas for 10 hours. Finally, the survivors led a suicidal charge and only two survived to be taken captive. Their Captain's wooden arm is today the Legion's most sacred relic, as is yearly honored at their reunions. If you don't want to make a whole novel of this, at least have Lassan take a couple of pages to describe his part in Camerone to Starbuck when the two meet later in the war. Please give this one some thought. And perhaps after Appomatox, Starbuck can accompany Lassan back to France and serve with him in the 1870-71 Franco-Prussian War? Alan Kempner


Patrick Lassan is congenial, you're right. But will I write more of him? I don't know. And Camerone is a terrific story, but I think someone other than me has to write it.


Dear Bernard, In regards to statements of future Sharpe works. I was just wondering how many more books do you see Sharpe in and will some of the lose ends like Pumpherys murder of Astrid and payback for Murray ever be tied up. And have you ever thought of going back again and writing about Flanders/ Rolica and Vimero. And will ALbuera/El Bodon/Burgos and Orthez be in any future works. As for Sharpe and the war of 1812 well in Sharpes Triumph/Fortress that Frenchwoman (Forget her name) stole his Jewels and hightailed it to the USA. will Sharpe ever go and get them back. As for the promise apart from his vows to kill somone when did Sharpe ever make a promise he did not break??? btw can I reccomend both Eagles over the Alps by Christopher Duffy on Suvrov and with the exceptions of both Napoleon and Wellington argubly the greatest general of the Napoleonic/Revolutionary wars and John Saddlers Border Fury a book on the English/Scottish wars that lasted from the 1200's to the 1500's. Cannot wait for the next book in October regards Geraint


Maybe. I honestly don't know. I'll think on all of them, but until I write the books I rarely know what they'll be. You win some, lose some. Sharpe wins more than he loses, but he doesn't waste time on lost causes and, knowing Sharpe, I suspect he thinks that the jewels were a small price to pay for the pleasure he got. Thanks for the recommendations.


Dear Bernard I have read all your Sharpe books and the Warlord Chronicles and they are so much fun to read. Never a dull moment amongst them, which for some one as jumpy as I am dull moments in books can really try my nerve. I was curious if you could tell me1. What happens to Nimue in the end. 2: Did you ever intend to do any thing concerning Arthurs Sister Anne in France. And finally who is your favorite character from the series, aside from of course Derfel. Demetia.


I left the ending to the reader - which is not very nice of me, but there it is.

I doubt I'll ever return to the Arthur series . . . . I wish I could, but alas, it's done.

My favourite character? Ceinwyn.


Just finished reading The Last Kingdom, an excellent tale and I look forward to the next book. The storylines in the books of yours that I have read are similar to each other, which I don't mind at all, does this mirror your life the way that you have achieved success by starting from the bottom and working your way to the top of the literary food chain? Your books are amazing and the come down after reading them and waiting for the next in the series is practically unbearable but I am a glutton for punishment and the next books are always worth the wait. Thank you, Jason Vernon.


I honestly don't know whether the plots reflect my life. It isn't something I think about (though I obviously should). I think, on the whole, that I've been extraordinarily privileged - and most of my characters probably are not. Dunno. Lousy answer, sorry, but the best I can do.