Your Questions


I am reading Rebel now and have almost finished it. I was delighted to find that you used Amherst and Nelson Co. as your back drop for the book. I assume you have visited Seven Oaks and the area. I hope you liked it and enjoyed your visit. I live in Charlottesville now but have lived in Middleburg, Warrenton, and my family lives in the Valley at New Market, Virginia. When you wrote this series did you know of the tunnel built by Claudius Crozet near Rockfish Gap? It was completed in 1858 and used by Stonewall Jackson to move troops between the Valley and the Piedmont. You probably know this and have used it in the series somewhere. Please excuse my impertenance, then. You make my ancestors come alive with this series. Yes, I had a few foolish ones too. I also wanted to tell you that you introduced me to the Wellington campaigns in a delightful way with the Sharpe series. In my schools, the war of 1812 was covered very quickly and didn't develop much desire in students to explore it. Now, I understand more about the involvement of the USA in that era. Thank you for that. I do look for more Sharpe books, though. Irene Peery


I don't think I've heard of the tunnel - but it sounds fascinating. I have visited all the right places! And really enjoyed it - I remember one magical November evening in the Valley when I was driving down a counbtry road, a slight mist in the early twilight, and suddenly a troop of Confederate cavalry appeared over the brow of the hill. Quite magical!


Mr Cornwell, I am an avid fan of your works and must first congratulate you on every single one of them. My favourites would have to be the Starbuck Chronicles though. When will we see another? I realise that you have started a new series of books, and that they will ocupy most of your time for a good while, but please please please please spare a thought for the many many Starbuck fans out there. I have heard that they may be dramatised by US TV into a sort of "Mini-Series" not disimilar to the Sharpe television series, but I fear this is not true can you confirm? Also is Patrick Lassan the son of Sharpe. (His father was an english Infantary soldier, Sharpes son was/is called Patrick after his best friend patrick Harper, ect)? many thanks keep up the wonderful work. ps more Rider Sandman if you get time.(but not a the price of Starbuck) /Gareth Jameson

Dear Bernard, I've read everything you've written and for some reason ended up with the Starbuck series, which I finished last night. I now have withdrawal symptoms; you have left Nate in the air.We all want to know what happens to him and Pecker, Belvedere and Lt. Gillespie, he of the croton oil. As a result of the books I bought the dvd's of Gods and Generals and Gettysburg. Starbuck and Gettysburg what a team. I'm sure all these e mails deny you writing time, but do please let us know about Nate. Lee Menzies . London

Mr Cornwell, I am writing simply to thank you, for the countless hours of joy I get from reading your work, however Mrs Hickman may feel like a Cornwell widow and beg to differ. I look forward to your next work eagerly . yours sincereley Neil Hickman. P.S is there any chance of finding out anything else about the fate of Nathaniel Starbuck?


I don't know anything about a Starbuck tv series. Patrick Lassan is Sharpe's son. And I do hope to return to Starbuck someday, but I can't say right now when it might be...


Dear Sir: I've now read 27 of your books including all of the Sharpe's books and I have a simple question. Did you kill Hakeswill twice? I seem to remember being killed by an elephant in India and then again in Spain. Thank you, love your books. Paul Papadakis


I never said the elephant killed him any more than the snakes in the snake pit did or the tigers in Sharpe's Tiger. The man has a loathsome habit of surviving.


Dear Mr Cornwell Would that I had possessed the funds and the timing to have saved us all from that "King Arthur' film debacle. For years I've fantacized about acquiring the funding to shoot your version of the Arthurian saga, but now we are left with this watered down pitiful version which, thankfully, came and went with nary a ripple in the waters of the cinematic art. I'm ploughing through the Sharpe books at the moment and was a little confused at the apparent death and then re-apperance of Hawkeswill, the sudden loss of the Sarah character and some other little idiosyncratic anomolies, until I took the time to look at the publishing dates of the individual books in the series. Ahah, said I, all is well. I'm just curious why you created the series and then went back to fill in certain gaps in the timeline of the Napoleonic wars? Not that it matters. This is just a very long winded way of letting you know that I love your work and look forward to each new book with high anticipation. I just discovered "Scoundrel" which I will read when Sharpe is at his destination, wherever that turns out to be. Rest assured that if I ever find the necessary backers, Pendragon will see the light of projectors. Best wishes, Mick Fowler


I originally imagined ten or eleven books in the series, but when the Sharpe tv shows came along it seems sensible to write more Sharpe.


Thank you for one of the most exciting, breathtaking reads in many a moon. STORMCHILD is, indeed, a gripping tale, especially Parts 1 and 2. However, Tim's heroic exploits in Part 3 I found a bit too far fetched, i.e., exhausted, blood spilling from his boots, in driving rain, was able to carry a trussed up "bad guy" and stuff him into an 18"X4' crevice together with himself and Jackie...??? Uh, uh, or did I miss something? Also, never felt comfortable with his daughter as the main bad guy. Tim tells us "Nickle" is trying to kill him to prove she's a "better sailor". What does automatic weapons fire have to do with seamanship? But, bottom line, you're one hell of a gifted writer. When can we expect another exciting sea yarn? Frank Farmer Long Beach, CA


No plans for another right now.


I've read every Sharpe my fav's being Regiment andHonor, which ones got the the best response in general from the public? Best wishes-Bruce


I honestly don't know - I'm not sure how I'd find out either. Or perhaps we should organise a popularity contest in this website and you can vote for your favourite Sharpe novel? It's an idea .


'but perversely a lieutenant-general outranked a major-general. Weird but true'....the origin is it was sergant major-general at the bottom of the generals pile. Lieutenant-general was the the lieutenant to the general, same a lieutenant to a captain. Also somewhere before there was a mention of cr*p hats being military police. I was told it was slang for anyone other than a para. IE they cr*p on the hats of troops below! My question is why is Harper never offered a commison? Yes he is Irish in the British army but does Lawford say he would make a good officer? But hey he got rich in the end! Thank you for the entertaining books. Rhydian Evans

With regards to the query as why does a Lt. General outrank a Major general, the reason is that the correct term is Sargeant Major general. Peter Brown


I honestly doubt Harper would want to be an officer. It's never occurred to me to consider it, and I know him pretty well, and thank you VERY much for your explanation of the perversity!


Dear sir, tis the last time I'll bother you for a wee while, I promise!! just some more questions concerning Sharpe...... Was you ever tempted to reward Harper by making him an Ensign? or was that too unlikely because of him being from Ireland? or even there was no way you could keep him at Sharpe's side?! Also... were you tempted to use Lady Anne in other Sharpe adventures or after the break-up of Sharpe and Jane? As she appeared to have been quietly disappointed to find Sharpe had got together with Jane!! Can't wait for 2007 sir even though I'll be 30 by then, sorry to constantly be a pest, once again..... thank you!! Lee


I've never been tempted! It was hard enough persuading Harper to be a sergeant, let alone an officer!

Not really, though I have an idea he and she might have had a fling later . . . .


Mr. Cornwell, I am a new fan to your Sharpe novels, but I have almost read them all. As a former infantryman in the U.S. Army, I wanted to say that I really enjoy Sharpe. You really have a grasp of the mind of the common soldier, and this is the important link (to me) that keeps the pages turning. I was intrigued by the American, Rifleman Taylor. I just wanted to ask if there were a lot of Americans who had, one way or the other, wound up in Wellington's Army? There has not been a lot of resources at my disposal to find this information. I realize you are a busy man, but I would be thrilled just to hear what you have to say. Sincerely, David DeForest


To be honest I don't have a clue how many Americans were in the British army - we do have figures for the Royal Navy and there were certainly US citizens serving at Trafalgar. There were lots of loyalist Americans in the British army, some of them went to very high rank, but I based Taylor on the supposition that every nation has its rogues and wanderers, and such a man is quite likely to end up in the army - though he's not based on any real evidence.


Marvellous books, the lot of `em....i`ve had the pleasure of reading `em all several times the american civil war ones.............i`ll get there eventually. Can`t wait for the next "alfred" in october. Now i`ve got one little question...i know Sean Bean was a big influence in making the Tv series so popular.......... & i just wondered if he`d had any sort of influence on your good self???.....specifically if he managed to convert you into a "Blade"!!!...........Sean being a mad Sheffield United (cough)... coincidently i am too!!!............would it be too much to ask that my favourite author be a Blade too!!! :-) Al Roberts


I know you won't approve of this, but my big sports (as a fan) are American Football (the Patriots) and rugby, of which I'm hugely fond, and to a lesser extent, cricket. I never get to see any cricket because it happens during the sailing season on Cape Cod, but I do make a pilgrimage to the UK to see some rugby every year. The Blades, of course, are the greatest team ever, in any sport, on any planet, but that's about all I know of them.