My best regards Mr. Cornwell. I hope that my English will be suitable enough for this little... maybe to say it... letter. First, I'd like to say that I admire your work very much. I read the Arthurian novels and I was encharmed. Never since "Taiko" and "Musashi" I've read something so beautiful. I'm looking forward to read some Sharpe novels or Grailquest, but not after I finish my Steinbeck's "Grapes of Wrath". In this context, here comes my second thought and question. Which are the authors that gave you greatest influence? Currently I'm not writing, although I have some artistic attempts. I'm mostly reading. and I'm greatly influenced by authors like Hemmingway, Heller, Steinbeck, Jack Kerouac. They are influence not just on my artistic "lurches", but on my person and cultural knowledge as well. It will be very nice if you point me some authors that have influenced you. I know that this may sound odd, but I was really encharmed by your novels and I said myself that such a historical buff (sorry if this insults you) like you, couldn't exist without being influenced himself by some great authors. I'll really apreciate your advice. The third question is what your opinion on the modern fantasy literature. I'm not speaking about Tolkien, but yet in my opinion there are many authors which deserve some consideration. In the context - what is your opinion of the modern "phenomenon" - Harry Potter books. Have you read them? As a whole question have you read any fantasy novels? Are you influenced by them as well? The fourth question is less standard. I love the Japanese culture. For me Eiji Yoshikawa and his novels - "Taiko", "Musashi" and "Heike" are something incredible. Although in my homeland Bulgaria - the translation was poor - it was something outstanding. If you haven't read him - I certainly propose you to do it as soon as possible. He is outstanding author. In the context, if you like and are interested in the Japanese culture (like me), dare if I ask if you intend to write such novel or series? With your excellent writing and history knowledge, I do not doubt in the quality of such project. Best Regards: Chavdar Likov
I'm not aware of any influences, which doesn't mean they're not there, but I'm not a very reflective writer and don't think about such things. I have favourite authors, of course, of which the chief is John Cowper Powys, but I don't think there's any influence from him. At risk of sounding smug I do what I do and try not to introduce too many external influences that would probably only make it harder.
I fear I don't read enough of them to comment! In fact I hardly read any of them, though recently I did read, and was hugely impressed by, Philip Reeve's three books - Mortal Engines, Predator's Gold and Infernal DevicesL. They're written for younger readers and published, in the UK, by Scholastic, and they're hugely inventive, wonderfully told and absolutely riveting. Outside those - don't know really!
I think I can safely say that I won't be writing anything set in Japan - the amount of research I'd need to do would be daunting, and I've so much else I want to write - but perhaps, after I've read Yoshikawa, I'll feel differently.