Your Questions


Hi Bernard, cool stories. Are the deities in Stonehenge real in the sense that they were worhsipped at that time? Where did you find their names? Lee


We don't have any idea what deities were worshipped at the time of Stonehenge - we don't know their names, or anything else about them, mainly, of course, because the folk back then hadn't developed writing and so left us no records to decipher. It seems more than reasonable, however, to assume that they associated major celestial phenomena (sun, moon, major stars) with their gods and goddesses, and we can deduce that from the orientation of their monuments. A good book on this is John North - Stonehenge and the Neolithic Cosmos.


In a recent post, you say that the Lowland Scots are decendents of the Britons. My understanding from the little I've read on the subject is that there was a significant Anglo element to the Lowland Scots, and that they represented Anglo Saxon communities that had remained independent politically from the English kingdoms. I'm not saying this is true, it's just something I thought I read somewhere. Isn't the Scots language related to English, and hence of Germanic origin? Can you shed some light? Also, can you tell me how the Picts fit into the picture?


The lowland Scots were the British (ie Welsh) in the years following the Saxon invasion. Y Gododdin, a great Welsh poem describing a raid on the Saxons - the raiders went from what is now Scotland to what is now Catterick - was written in Welsh and written in Scotland. An enormous amount of mingling went on after that - with the Scottii (originally from Ireland) and the Saxons and the Danes and just about anyone else who could get in on the act. I suppose most Scots would claim that Gaelic is the Scottish language, and that is related to Erse (Irish), Welsh and Breton, i.e. the language of the Britons. Lowland Scots is almost entirely English, of course. the Picts, so far as I understand it, were the original inhabitants of the far north of Scotland and had their own language, about which there is much debate - whether it was Celtic or, as some scholars maintain, not even part of the Indo-European group (Basque is one such). That language has vanished, and the Picts were assimilated (polite word) by the Scots, the Danes, the Norsemen and anyone else who passed that way.


Will there be a complete set of hardcover editions of the Sharpe series? I would buy it today.......William Bauer


It wouldn't happen until the series is done (if it happens at all) - and the series isn't finished yet!


Sir, Have very much enjoyed The Last Kingdom, and am very much anticipating part two! In the meantime, I read the Archer's Tale, loved it and ran out to get Vagabond. Loved it! I thoroughly enjoyed it. However, I have a couple questions: Robin Hood - Vagabond is set in 1347. I was under the impression that Robin Hood did not come "onto the scene" until the 1370's? Perhaps I am mistaken? The Scot's & the use of blue "paint." Did the Scot's (or Picts) actually do this? My HS History teacher taught us that the Scots did this, and I have seen Braveheart. What is your take? Thank you very much, and keep up the excellent work! Sincerely, Lawrence Pembroke Philadelphia, PA USA


Robin Hood - I suspect he was on the scene much, much earlier - the stories, after all, set him in the very early 13th Century, but they could be even older. You're right that Chaucer mentions him in 1374, but that isn't his first time in literature - so far as I know that occurred in 1304 (in a manuscript called the Registrum Premonstratense) - and I could have missed an earlier mention. But certainly we have evidence, from 1304, that his name was known and we must assume that the mention represents a vast corpus of uncollected oral traditions. There's a good collection of lore about him in The Legend of Robin Hood by Richard Rutherford-Moore, published in 1998 by Capall Ban Publishing (Freshfields, Chieveley, Berks, RG20 8TF).

Blue paint? I don't know! We do know the Britons used woad to make a blue-dye with which they painted their faces before battle - Julius Caesar tells us that - but how effective was it? I've never done the experiment, but suspect they ended up looking as if they'd had a very bad night on the bottle. The Britons, of course, became the lowland Scots (Glasgow, among many other Scottish place names, is derived from Welsh), so it's possible that the tradition continued, though I doubt it went on into mediaeval times, and we have no evidence that the Scots (i.e. the highlanders) ever did it. As for 'Braveheart', the history in that film is so bad that it really can't be taken as a source for anything other than the fertility of Hollywood's imagination.


Hi, I am a great fan of ancient history and really enjoy reading your books. Once started I can never put them down and recommend you to a lot of my friends. I am looking forward to starting your new series, 'The Last Kingdom', however I know you are bringing out a few and I like to read them back to back. Would you be able to tell me how many books in this series you will be releasing and over what period? I would be most grateful if you could provide this info. Also, as I particularly like ancient Roman and Greek history I was wondering if you plan to write any books in this area? I'm looking forward to hearing from and thank you, Clare


I wish I knew how many books will be in the series, but more than three and probably less than twelve is about all I can tell you. The second (The Pale Horseman) is already written and will be published in the UK in October and in the US in January, and the third, untitled, is being written. I see it as a decade's work, at least, but I can assure you that they will be written in chronological order!

Roman and Greek aren't in my plans at the moment.


I had a simple question for you. I am doing some research and found a link between Derfyl and Bedivere. I was wondering whether you had made the same connection or not. I look forward to hearing from you. Chris Eldridge


They're both named in the very earliest sources as followers of Arthur - beyond that I haven't found anything specific. I've often seen Cai (Kay) and Bedevere linked, and doubtless Derfel Cadarn knew both well!


Hello again Bernard, I have asked you in the past whether you plan to write about Robin Hood (as have one or two others). Can I ask, do you believe Robin Hood existed? Or is he a sort of amalgam of several folk heroes? And what about the legend of Herne the Hunter? Just curious what you think. Thanks! Lindsey


Did Robin Hood exist? I suspect so, and I suspect his legend got tangled over the years so that it would be very difficult to discover the true Robin Hood, but that said, I'm no expert. My apprehension of it is that he existed fairly soon after the Conquest, maybe the 12th century, but didn't emerge into wider view until the 14th century - probably as a celebration of the emergence of the English archer. Herne the Hunter I know even less about - except that he's the English representation of a European myth about the spectral night-time hunter who haunts the woods with his ghostly hounds . . which is splendid stuff, and probably related to the Green Man myths and all sorts of other stories which, alas, fade fast.


Dear Mr Cornwell, I love ALL your books, of course. I was just wondering what you thought of the Flashman chronicles, and if you have seen this quote by Flashman's father""...damn son-of-bitch was risen from the ranks thankee'!" Rifle man Richard 'bloody' Sharpe damned dangerous fellow - what? Damn his eyes, just the type of strong, bold and brave fellow who'd be foolish enough to drag you off on a dangerous and deadly mission and no doubt get you your head blown off in the process! Keep well clear of the Impertinent son-of-a-whore, unless you what to end up in the thick of it in the front lines. Flashy would rather stay back home with his feet up at the club nursing a fine Brandy rather than be dragged onto ... or any where near a battle with one resembling that dangerous, fool hardy disrespectful bastard Richard Sharpe! "...damned Brave, or a complete fool, but bloody Resourceful fellow" Captain 'Buck' Flashman, (father Harry Flashman) Waterloo 1815 Thank you, I hope you never stop writing. Also I was reading a biography of Sharpe by Richard Moore, he says Sharpe died in 1860. Is this your view or was it just his using "license"? ALSO, Is it a deliberate device were Sharpe says in The Ransom that he would hate his son to be a cavalry man, and is in all the books slagging them off and then Patrick becomes one? Thanks, Teddy Chabo


What do I think of the Flashman Books? I adore them. George MacDonald Fraser and I did a gig together last week at the Hay Literary Festival and we cautiously agreed that Sharpe and Flashman would like each other, though Sharpe would be well advised to lock up his daughters before they met. I'm sure, though, that your thoughts from 'Buck' encapsulate the truth. The good news, though, is that there's a brand new Flashman just published (Flashman on the March) and it's a terrific read!

The date of Sharpe's death? I've never thought about it, and never offered a date to anyone, so any guess is just that, a guess.

And about the cavalry? Yes, it is deliberate.


Dear Mr Cornwell, Congratulations and thankyou. I have just finished reading 'A Crowning Mercy' and I not only think it's one of the best books you have written but is one of the best books I have ever read. I wasn't going to read it when I saw it was classed as a 'romantic novel' but curiosity got the better of me, and I am glad it did. The ending, despite my efforts to try and figure it, was surprising, exiting and breath taking. I cannot wait to read 'Fallen Angels'. Can I ask you a couple of questions please. How much input did your wife have into the book and how different do you think it would have been if you had written it by yourself? As a reader I felt anger and despair each time Campion was trapped or beaten and joy and pleasure when she was on top and seemed to be winning. Do you have the same feeling when you are writing a novel or are you too aware of the rest of the story that you don't feel it like a reader? I am about to start 'Fallen Angels' but I have noticed it is set 160 years on from the first book, are the two novels connected? I doubt very much that we will see Sir Toby or Lady Campion ever again but once again thankyou for a brilliant novel. Barry Evans Kirk Sandall, Doncaster


Judy put in lots . . . but we were so tangled that it would be hard to quantify. And yes, I do feel as the reader feels (I hope). Some passages are incredibly hard to write because of the feelings they provoke, and very hard to revisit - I have never been able to re-read the death of Derfel's daughter. I should add that I don't get these emotions writing Sharpe! The books are connected in that the characters of A Crowning Mercy are ancestors to the characters of Fallen Angels.


Mr Cornwell , I have read and enjoyed all of the Sharpe books. Given Sharpe's close friendship with Patrick Harper it would seem a shame if their adventures did not take them at least once to Ireland . I'm sure Sharpe's legendary diplomatic skill would go down well there ! Is an adventure on the Emerald Isle for our two heroes likely ? Regards , A biased Derryman


Is it likely? I dunno - but never say never!