Your Questions


I have recently read 'A Crowning Mercy'. I think it is one of the best novels I have ever read. All the charcacters are very interesting, especially Champion's father. I was curious to know whether you ever thought of basing a book on his experiences in Germany in the thirty years war. Jules Osborne


I've never thought of doing that - but again, who knows? I'll think on it!


Sorry -I'm a lawyer! However one who has avidly read all your books to date and currently lives near "the Poole" and Werham. Have just finished the Last Kingdom. Came on your site to see when the next instalment of Uhtred's life might be coming out or for that matter any new book and was disappointed to see no books listed in the "What's Coming" section. Have you anything on the horizon for publication in the U.K. by late summer (holiday reading)? Keep up the writing, please Nick Hyman


The follow up to The Last Kingdom will be published in the UK in October of this year.


Hi! I'm writing to you from Portugal! My first contact with Sharpe happened when I was about 10,with the tv series. Last year I went to England and I bought 10 of your Sharpe books! In Portugal there are 2 books translated but I rather like them in English. The last two books that take place in Portugal, Sharpe's Escape and Sharpe's Havoc are fantastic, so is your portuguese character,Vicente. You proved that Portuguese are brave too.Thank you for that. I live near Portalegre, a place where Sharpe was in Sharpe's Enemy. Will you write more Sharpe books? Is Sharpe coming back to Portugal?Thank you!
João Nisa


I'm writing one now, and he's in Portugal!


Dear Mr Cornwall, Will you be writing any more books about The Lazender family? I throughly enjoyed the two books A Crowning Mercy and Fallen Angels. Susan Wilford


It's not in my plans at the moment - but who knows?


dear Mr Cornwell, is there any chance of any other Newgate chronicle books as I think Gallows Thief is one of the best of your fine books. Jon Barnard


A follow up to Gallows Thief is a possibility, but not likely to happen soon.


I have just finished reading the Last Kingdom which I have enjoyed thoroughly: The book has opened my mind to a time in history which I really had no real feeling for: Thank you! I just wish history lessons at school 40 years ago had been so inspiring! Thank you! A quick question? Could you steer me back to the chapter/story about the battle on the sands (and mud) off Hayling Island (Heilincigae)? I sail from Chichester Harbour and would love to know a little more about this and wondered if any thing else might be available on this subject. Mark Norris


I don't think there's anything available, other than a brief (very uninformative) sentence in the Anglo Saxon Chronicle - the decision to put the battle off Hayling Island was mine, I think.


Just finished reading THE LAST KINGDOM. Loved it! I special interest is english history and your book was very enlightening. Thank you. One question: You mention that your ancestors are the Uhtreds of Bamburg castle. One of my family names is Cornwall (Cornwell) and I am wondering if I might be able to tie into your line. My oldest known ancestor is William Cornwell who came to America in or before 1633, and died in Middletown, Conn in 1678. Any connection? thank you, Pam Rosenthal


Not that I know of! Mind you, I guess all us Cornwells are related somehow, but my family stayed in England until the 19th century when one branch went off to British Columbia. I can't find any Connecticut Cornwells, but who knows?


First off I just want to thank you for the great body of work you have created in the Shapre series. I have been reading C.S. Forrester for many years, and never thought there could be a writer that could out write the Hornblower series. I will admit not knowing about your work until 8 months ago, but I can also tell you that after reading a couple of the books out of order, I have now gone to read them in order and am now on Sharpes Gold. You make my time on airplanes and in airports fly and for that I am very thankful. One question I do have is are you considering another book that would fill in Sharpes time with Grace after their return to England. As the period seems to have a major impact on Shape to flush it out would only add to your great body of work. thank you for your time, regards, Larry Rubenstein, Annandale VA.

I have much enjoyed you Sharpe series and the warlord series. I was wondering would ever write anything about the life of the young Sharpe before he joins and joining the army?

Andy Ayres


I'm not very sure I want to go backwards in Sharpe's life again - it throws up too many continuity problems, but I never say never.


Dear Mr Cornwell I am an avid reader of your books. Especially the Sahrpe ones, being a history buff. I have yet to read so well researched books. If you ever have time to visit my country, please contact me. I will show you around this island that has more history than anyone would care to mention. I have to say that the greatest story NEVER told in fact or fiction was our great siege of 1565. How about 5000 knights of Malta defeated an 80,000 Turkish army. And despite the ravages of the next hreat siege of 1942, which ravaged Malta, it is all still there, still mostly pristine, and still waiting for an author of your calibre. Interested? Best regards Mario Debono, Malta


I'm very interested - I read about the siege a long time ago and keep wanting to do more on it, so who knows? And I promise to let you know if we visit Malta!


Dear sir I am a 16 yr old boy from South Africa. I just want to ask do you believe ARTHUR to be connected to the Sarmation Knights? I don't know if you do any more research on him. Also could you please tell me what your favourite military unit is (eg infantry, cavalry etc). I told you I want to be a writer and was so impressed and surprised when you replied.Thank You. Your books and your characters (especially Derfel) are a great inspiration to me. Regards Kyle


I think, actually I'm sure, that Alfred had about as much to do with the Sarmatian knights as I do, or Popeye the Sailor does. It was Hollywood who made that up!

The 95th Rifles - of course!