Your Questions


Dear Mr. Cornwell. Please talk a little bit about the process by which you come to formulate a new Sharpe novel. In particular, what comes first, the plot or the historical setting? Do you say "I want to have Sharpe go up against an elite French anti-partisan unit, what Peninsular battle or siege will facilitate that?" Or do you say "I want Sharpe at the battle of Albuera, what sort of plot can I get him into in and around that battle?" Alan Kempner


A bit of both! Not a very helpful answer, I fear. Probably the usual thing is to find the passage of history first - so for the next Sharpe book I researched the battle of Barossa, not because I thought Sharpe would be involved (I didn't think he would), but because my wife and I were invited to a wedding not far from the battlefield and I decided to have a look at the place and, of course, got so caught up in the battle's story that I decided Sharpe really must go there. But that only gives a very skeletal framework to the tale - the hard work is discovering why he was released from Wellington's army for a few weeks, what in God's name he was doing near Cadiz, and who is trying to kill him. None of that is worked out yet, but it will be!


Mr Cornwell, I recently read Gallows Thief and was quite impress. After reading most of your other books based on war I picked it up and decided I would give it a chance and I must say, it was amazing. It was up there with some of your better Sharpe. I heard a little while ago that you might write a second story about Sandman and I was wondering if this was true? I was also wondering if you have ever considered writing about the Duke of Marlborough or a series based around him, sort of like how Sharpe follows Wellington's military career. Thanks for your time and your great books. Josh Brown


There is a possibility of a follow up to Gallows Thief. The Duke of Marlborough? I have thought about it - often - but I'm so caught up in other books that it's probably a long way off - if it ever happens!


Dear Mr. Cornwell, My husband and I are great admirers of your Sharpe series and I have recently recommended them to my sister and brother-in-law who are now "hooked" on Sharpe. We recently saw the video "Sharpe's Battle." As an American I am not familiar with all the English regional accents. Does Sean Bean, in Sharpe's Battle, speak with the authentic London accent from the area that Richard Sharpe was supposed to have come from originally? And is the sword he carries the heavy cavalry sword of the novels? Thanks for hours of enjoyment. Looking forward to the next book! Roberta Parker


Sean speaks in good Yorkshire - a far cry from a London accent, but it never worries me - in the books I say that Sharpe spent the latter part of his childhood in Yorkshire, and children have an extraordinary facility for picking up accents, so it fits. And yes, the sword is an example of the Heavy Cavalry sword, though Sharpe's own sword would have had the backblade ground down to make a symmetrical point. The original model (which Sean carries) had a backblade straight to the tip and it was found that it tended to glance off enemy ribs, so troops going into battle were allowed to grind the backblade down.


Hello, I've been a long time fan, and have recently discovered your Hellequin series, Stonehenge, and The Last Kingdom. I love the way you're able to delve into the rich history of Europe and the UK and spin a fascinating story. I don't typically find "military stories" or "war stories" to be that interesting, but for some reason, the skill with which you weave these tales has me hooked. Do you plan to write more about the history of the UK? With The Last Kingdom, you delve into the 900's CE - will there be books that explore the history prior to the 900's? Cheers, Paul


Probably lots more - beginning with the follow up to The Last Kingdom (with more to come). Anything prior to that? I'm not sure.


Just finished a book review by Ralph Brewer, in the review Mr. Brewer stated " Another popular Civil War series, Bernard Cornwell's Starbuck has reached its sixth epic." Ohhhh No! did I some how miss 5 and 6? I have copies of 1 thru 4. Or did Mr Brewer let the cat out of the bag about forthcoming books? Yeah! Decatur Ga. I work out of town so I never get to see an Author, everytime one comes anywhere near Panama City, Fl I am at work, but finally I will be home the 5th of Feb so hope to see you there and get my prized book "Wild Track" signed. Enjoy everything you write, and truly appreciated the two short stories on Sharpe. Thanks for all the books J.S. Barber


No you haven't missed anything. I'm afraid Mr. Brewer is mistaken - there are still only four Starbuck books. I'll be in Decatur, GA on 10 Feb and will look forward to meeting you then.


Dear Mr Cornwell, Great books in all your series formats. Have you considered a character from the Civil War? Regards G Mitchell


The English Civil War? I've thought about it but have no plans for it any time soon.


Dear Mr Cornwell, I was wondering whether Commendante Teresa Moreno was based on a real person, or whether she is a work of fiction? Regards Penny Heathwood


Utterly fictional!


Hi Mr Cornwell, I have read your sea stories and thoroughly enjoyed them, can we look forward to more? Thank you, Lynn Jobin


Perhaps some day, but not soon.


Are there any plans to make any of your other book into films (the Arthur book especially) cos they are great. Alan

Hey.. I'm a really big Bernard Cornwell fan, although here in Brazil there are only six books released. I wanted to know if there's an intention to make a movie about The Grail Quest trilogy... It'd be really awesome!! Helena


No plans for any films at the moment.


I heard a rumor that you way be speaking at The Dekalb library in Decatur Georgia soon. Could you tell me when? I would hate to miss hearing you speak as I am a big fan of your Sharpe's series. Thank you. Tom Wolf


I will be there on Thursday, 10 February 2005. For complete details click on the Diary link on this website. I'll look forward to seeing you there!