Your Questions


I have almost completed reading the full set of Sharpe books over the last four months and I have found them the most interesting books for many years. Would it be likely that we will here more of his recruitment and early days in Flanders, resurecting Sgt Hakeswell in the process? Kev Roberts

Dear Sir. Thanks for the many great books and this excellant website. I have been hanging out for some time now to read a Sharpe book based on Sharpe joining the army, his basic training and his first battle. Do you ever plan to write a book about these topics? Paul Beccarelli


Probably not.


Hello, Mr. Cornwell. I am currently in the thick of THE LAST KINGDOM (80 pages to go!) and absolutely loving it! I understand there will be a sequel, and I wondered when it might be scheduled to come out and what its working title is, if that can be divulged. I also wondered whether you might be doing a book tour for TLK in the US sometime in the near future. I live in New York, and I would love the chance to go to a reading/book signing, if one might be on the horizon. One comment about TLK in the meantime: I've been surprised at the ease with which Uhtred is able to switch allegiances between the Danes and the English. Occasionally he makes a comment about this, but overall, he doesn't seem too troubled by the fact of his divided loyalties. The one exception seems to be his feelings about Ragnar, which are constant and unsullied. How is it that he can go back and forth between the two camps and first kill the English, then the Danes (for whom he has a professed fondness and preference!) with apparently equal sword joy, as he would put it? Can you give me some insight into what makes him tick? I've read your Arthur trilogy, STONEHENGE, and the three GRAIL QUEST books, and I thought all of them were great. But I think this is the best thing you've written since THE WARLORD CHRONICLES, which remains my very favorite. Renee Tone


The next book will be The White Horese, scheduled to be published in October, 2005. I will be doing a small US tour in February, 2005. Details will be posted to the Diary page soon. Insight to Uhtred? He's confused! Peoples' loyalties often are, and that's really all there is to it.


I was wondering if you have thought about putting the Sharpe series in volume format? It would be so nice to be able to read the series in one or two volumes. Great Christmas gift too! Christine


No I hadn't thought of it...


Dear Mr. Cornwell, I will avoid gushing, and keep this brief. Thank you. One exceptionally late night 10 years ago when I was a student at the Ontario College of Art and Design - I chanced across "Sharpes Eagle" on PBS. Since that time Sharpe has become a form of moral/ethical comfort food for me. Any time I feel a bit unhappy, or uncertain about where my life is headed - I just pop a Sharpe DVD into the player and take it in for all that it is worth! Now unfortunately I have started reading the novels!! They are like literary "crack". I can't seem to read fast enough, or make enough time available to feed my new addiction. My girlfriend consequently does not place herself amongst your biggest fans ;) I am curious, do you have any intention of ever placing Sharpe in Canada during the war of 1812? Or even earlier - at the "Plains of Abraham" where British control of North America was determined over the French? Thank you again for what has been an incredible ongoing experience. I look forward to reading more about Sharpes adventures, and I hope that we will see new episodes made for TV. Your Loyal fan. Jason Chagnon


Thanks for your message Jason. No plans for Sharpe to be in North America.


Is the documentary of Sharpe's War ever going to be released, if so when and how much will it be? Adam Walsh


Don't know. They have promised to let us know - and we'll be sure to let you know - but right now we don't know anything. Sorry!


I have always been an avid reader of all your books, not just the series' but also the novels. I have just finished reading The Last Kingdom and must say that this is the best so far, I could not put the book down and am now desperate for the next in the series. Also will there be anymore in the Grail Series? Finally will you be in the UK anytime soon doing a book signing? Many thanks for all the enjoyment you give. Regards Russell Keeble


The follow-up to The Last Kingdom - which will be called The White Horse - will most likely be available in October, 2005. The Grail Quest series is done. And I'm not sure when I'll be in the UK next, but keep an eye on the Diary page of this website for updates.


Mr. Cornwell. I imagine you have tons of email from you fans so I will keep this short. I have only read 2 of your books so far. The Archer's Tale and Vagabond. Soon I will get to Heretic. My question deals with a paperback version of the books I just saw in a book store. On them were real actors in a scene. I was amazed. Where did this come from? Was there ever a movie made? Since they are relatively new I don't think they were mainstream, but maybe made-for-TV? Thanks again, Mr. Cornwell and I look forward to the King Arthur series as well. Jason Kolodziej


I'm as amazed as you are! There currently is no movie based on the Grail Quest books, made-for-TV or otherwise.


Hello, I really love your books especially Sharpe and the Starbuck books. My question for you is: In Sharpe's Eagle it says,"they wondered if the stories about Seringapatam, Assaye, Vimeiro and Lugo were true" where and when were the two battles and would you ever write Sharpe's story of them? Rory Blundell


Vimiero and Lugo happened much earlier in the Peninsular War and I don't think I'll go back to them - maybe, but not likely.


Dear Mr Cornwell, I have enjoyed all the books I've read of yours, I have two questions - will we see Rider Sandman meet up with a certain officer in french cavalry overalls and his huge Irish seargent? And, Is Thomas of Hookton really the Great great ... grandfather of Richard Sharpe? One other item please, please, please give us more stories of Thomas and hopefully some adventure with Robbie Douglas you did leave them open for further adventures! I do think a Grail Quest movie(s) would be an awesome thing to see in the the theatres. Cliff Edens


I don't think Thomas and Sharpe are related - not as far as I know, anyway. I don't know if there will be more of Rider Sandman - although it's a possibility.


Dear Mr. Cornwell, I must ashamedly confess that, until this past week, I had never read any of your work. I am a lover of historical novels, mainly of the American Revolution and Civil War, and I had never read anything of the time period in your Grail Quest series. Now I am hooked! I bought and read all 3 books this last week and I must say I am disappointed at what I've been missing. I will start "A Crowning Mercy" tomorrow! I also bought some Sharpe novel to take on my cruise next week. But to get to the point I wanted to ask you if you would mind recommending other works of fiction about the quest for the Holy Grail. Thank You very much for your time and thank you for writing such great books! Sincerely Keith Woods Ohio, The USA


I generally don't read other works of historical fiction - but I'm sure you will find some great recommendations on the Reading Club page of this website.