Your Questions


Love your books.  You are a true talent.  Will there be any more editions to the Starbuck Chronicles?

Stephen Tyler


Probably not....


Dear Mr. Cornwell,

I am a Bit unhappy to start a message with some kind of sentences that you for sure did read so much often that they can seem not to be more than mere phrases, but anyway I need go use them too. Because I indeed do admire your books and I love it how your way of writing catches me in a way that it is difficult to put a book to the side.

I came quiet late into the joy of  your books. I've seen the last kingdom on Netflix, and then got to know that they are based on your books. Tür rest is history... I read all the Uhtred books, then Sharpe, and Starbuck I have in front of me. But for one thing I am happy to have started that "late" with Sharpe. I had the joy to can read more than 20 books in a row.

Did you ever had the idea, to let Sharpe getting into contact with Hornblower? I read this books too, but already some while ago... You stated that one of the idea roots for Sharpe has been to create something like "Hornblower" on land. Or do you have even a plan to do so?

I don't know how difficult this maybe could be, because of copyright reasons... But they are placed in the same period of time, both are connected to the duke of Wellington and there been missions that brought Hornblower close and/or on shore. Like for example the siege of Riga and the following Tauroggen Convention. I guess not only I would love a meeting of them.

I can't  hold my self, out of patriotic reasons, to ask you one more question. Is there a chance to see Sharpe taking part in the battle of Leipzig? I know, für British detachement was very small, but Sharpe "shows" some affaction to the Congreve Rockets, and who could better and more ruthless use them to the maximum effect.


With kind regards and best wishes from Hamburg


Oliver Wetzel


I realise you may already be aware of this, and that you may have already ruled it out but on the off chance that you are not and have not I wanted to point something out.

Hornblower enters the public domain in about 10 years.

Personally I cant imagine anything more fun to read than a Sharpe/Hornblower crossover.

Perhaps a short story, perhaps with both of them as older men. Who knows.

You're the only person who can do this.

Thank you.

Gary Devine


There are dozens of people who could do it, but I guess my copyright of Sharpe narrows the field. It would be very tempting, but I suspect my depiction of the great Hornblower would disappoint his many many fans, so it’s better not to try.

I really don’t see how he gets to Leipzig – he’s slightly busy in Spain at the time. I think it’s unlikely.



Hi Bernard,

I recently read Sharpe's Company which describes how Sharpe and Harper spent the latter half of 1811 in England recruiting soldiers and meeting Jane Gibbons. I was wondering if perhaps this was the first seed of Sharpe's Regiment. Considering, recruiting soldiers, Jane Gibbons and Simmerson are all discussed, did you write this section and think, "hey, wait a minute, this is a great plot, I'll redo these elements in a future book." Is there any truth to my theory? Anyway, you're a great writer and have given me much joy in your novels. Can't wait for Command!




I honestly don’t remember, but I suspect my research for Company spurred the ideas behind Regiment. It sounds plausible! Thank you.



Good day Mr. Cornwell,

I've recently discovered The Last Kingdom and the entire Saxon series. I admit I started with the Netflix shows but certain characters got me so hooked I had to know more. I read through the books, enjoyed them, but I'm still pondering over the character Leofric. I don't know why I'm so drawn to this character but I just am. Why was he such a die hard Saxon, what other battles has he been in, will he be in other books or works? I was just curios and had to ask. Thank you for everything.

Rhea Frysinger


I fear I’ll be writing no more of Leofric, though he’s a character I was very fond of – sorry!



Hi Bernard,

Could you recommend a book or source that I could use for research into the Britons who lived just before and  during the Roman invasion and occupation. I'm researching a novel set around that era and my protagonist is a British warrior.

Thanks and love the books. Currently halfway through Sharpe's Assassin.



A very general introduction would be Ancient Britain by James Dyer, and follow up suggestions in his bibliography. It’s a very comprehensive book on a very wide canvas – Mesolithic age all the way to the coming of the Romans.  There are a lot of good books on Roman Britain which should help too.


Hello Bernard

Such a huge fan of your work.

I was just wondering how many books more, you would love to write? Secondly will we ever see another Sharpe book with Obadiah Hakeswill, the greatest villain of all time again?

Kind Regards



A lot!  But I’m getting old (very) and doubt I have more than ten years left, so I’ll settle for ten.

I really doubt it. I am tempted, from time to time, but usually lie down till the temptation passes.



I note that following 'Command' you are unlikely to follow with a further Sharpe, not immediately at least. At the risk of seeming impertinent could I ask you reconsider? 'Assassin' had heavy hints from both Wellington and Sharpe that the latter might return to the army. What a pleasure it would be to us all if Sharpe was allowed by his creator to reach general command. You might follow O'Brian and imagine an 1815a or even b and c...


David Lovibond


Consider it reconsidered – I’m not entirely convinced I’ve seen the last of Sharpe so who knows?



Happy New Year from the USA, Mr. Cornwell! I'm delighted to read through the "Your Questions" section of your website. I came here having found this website by accident, and set my mind to ask you a question on the off-chance you might answer it, before realizing that I too am familiar with the film adaptations of your work. I finished to see all of The Last Kingdom earlier in 2022, having been so impressed with the visual device of place names transforming between languages, among so many other pleasures in the plot and the production. The history of linguistic change, especially in the UK, is a particular source of intellectual fascination to me. (And then, suddenly, "Sharpe," I think, "Sharpe... why am I picturing Sean Bean?" After I send this question, I'm off to reacquaint and probably finish those films too.) But none of that is my question.

Something about the name Eohhere draws me to use it in my own first attempt at a novel, but I can't work out how to pronounce it. Any transliteration with phonetic spellings I've found tell me absolutely nothing. Do you know of either a film featuring this name, or an interview with a person so named, that I might give a listen? Alternatively, how many syllables does it have and what does it rhyme with? Which syllable gets the accent?

Thank you for all you do -



I’ve never come across the name Eohhere so can’t offer you any advice on pronunciation, though I suspect it needs three syllables.  The nearest I can think to it is Eeyore, which you probably didn’t want to know. But it doesn’t really matter whether there is a ‘proper’ pronunciation – if the name inspires you, use it, and the reader will give it his or her own pronunciation


Dear Mr. Bernard Cornwell,

Long a fan of the Saxon stories, I recently read two of your books that describe very different times and places:  “The Fort” - US history in the 1700’s and “Fools and Mortals - England in the 1590’s during the time of Queen Elizabeth.  And I was blown away by your ability to bring so many different characters to life.  I am somewhat familiar with Shakespeare’s plays as I studied English at UC Berkeley in the 60’s, but did not know the challenges faced by players and playwrights during the 17th century.  I suffered the cold and wet of Richard before he met Silvia and was over-joyed when he finally could play a “man” and begin to receive the respect of his brother and to receive more money for his efforts,  By the way, was Richard really William’s younger brother, or another figment of your incredible imagination?  Thank you, thank you, for your wonderful books and I will definitely read more.


Sue Witter


We know nothing about Richard Shakespeare – except that he did exist!


Are you working on any new novels not including Sharpe series???

George Anthony Asprakis


Only Sharpe's Command right now.