Dear Bernard,
I have just finished Flamebearer (I have read all your books) and living in Australia I love reading about my native Northumbria. as a Northumbrian I wanted to comment on Constantin's claim that the land north of Hadrians wall was Scottish. Uthred would have known that Northumbria's ancient border was the Firth of Forth and Edinburgh (Edwinsburg after Kent Edwin of Northumbria) was its northern outpost.
The Northumbrians originally fought the Picts (who were Christian when Northumbria was Pagan) but later lost their Northern territories to the Scots. When Hadrans wall was erected there were no English or Scots on mainland Britain, they came later and Finan would also have known that the Scots were Irish raiders, like the Angles and Saxons were Germanic raiders. So Constantin's claim that north of the wall was Scottish is either bogus or he is stretching the facts to suit his ambitions.i am sure as a writer you can claim the latter but no Northumbrian would fall for it. I look forward to your next books and to hopefully revisiting Brunaburg again with Athelstan,
Kind regards
The whole point, forgive me, is that of course it’s an outrageous claim, but not an implausible one! And no Northumbrian would fall for it unless, of course, the claim was backed up by force. Which it is.