Your Questions


I've just finished Sharpe's Devil and after reading all 21 books cover to cover including the mini stories (I can't get hold of Sharpe's Ransom digitally) I find myself hoping two things as I've grown so attached, will you have one more story for Sharpe and Harper? and would you look to revise details in your stories for newer editions so that the books correspond with the details from the prequels and later novels. Like in Sharpe's Devil where it says he's never been part of a battle on ship...cough Trafalgar ha p.s Is there another Sharpe episode or revised companion in the works?

Sam Gordon



I hope to write another Sharpe, but it's not likely to be soon.  Not sure I'd ever find the time to go back and revise the Sharpe series!


Hi, Bernard,

I'm a huge fan and I've read nearly all your books ! A couple of the sailing ones still to go!

Can you tell me, are you aware of any recent news regarding the proposed TV filming of your Starbuck novels? There was a message a while ago that a TV production was in the planning stage, but I am not aware of any recent updates. It would be great to know whether this is still underway. Hope so!

Best wishes,

Martin Jones


I don't have anything new to report - sorry!


Hello Mr Cornwall.

I am an avid reader of your books, enjoying most particularly the Sharpes series.  However a friend of mine introduced me to the Starbuck series.  Since I had very little knowledge of the American Civil War, I found this inspired me to read up more of the history and events that occurred.  I thank you for this alone.  I noticed however that Bloody Ground leaves a hint at the end of another book - Is there in fact any such plans to have a 5th book in this series?  Regardless, I shall enjoy whichever book of yours I pick up to read next.



Hello Mr Cornwell

I,ve just finished reading these 4 brilliant books.At the end you say starbuck will fight again,could you please let me know when this might be as I thought there were some unfinished story lines that I am keen to read.

Many thanks



Dear Sir,

I have all of your books and always wait avidly for your new one.  Although most are written as a series, they are all individual stories and can be easily followed. My personal favourite is your version of Azincourt - I think it has been half way round the world as I take it as my holiday read regularly.  My reason for writing is that I have just re-read the Starbuck Chronicles for about the third time, and would like to know what happened to Starbuck?  Did you not think to make him into a mercenary or a Robin Hood character like Thomas of Hookton(Le Batard)?.  Is there a book somewhere that I have missed?  It would be interesting to know your thoughts.  I thoroughly enjoy reading your books and always await the new one.


Charles Ryan


Starting off I'm a huge fan of all your books , particularly the Starbuck Chronicles and the Sharpe series. The only thing is when will we have more Starbuck?




I hope to return to Starbuck one of these days....


Dear Bernard (I start by calling you Bernard as we have known each other for so long)

I have just completed the latest part of Uhtred's tale and despite trying to take my time find myself bereft at completing the book in a few days, in the knowledge that I will  have to wait an eternity before taking up his story again.

I know your fans will, as children waiting for Santa to come, be asking you the same question, when will the next book be published?!!!

I the whole Last Kingdom Series on my bookshelf and will be reading them again once the series has come to its inevitable conclusion, when will this black day arrive?  Do you know how many more books there will be in the series?

Thank you very much for sharing your talent of leaving your readers unable to tell the difference between historical fact and fiction.

yours with thanks



I don’t know! I’ll say at least four? But truly that’s a guess.


Congratulations on a new epic installment of Uhtred! Forgive me if this is published elsewhere but are you doing any book signings or appearances in or around Charleston in the near future? I'm an elementary school teacher on Hilton Head Island and I always order your books from the UK and surprise my father when he comes down to visit with an "advance" copy. Many thanks for your time; my father and I thank you for our less than average bonding over Uhtred which never fails to confound the rest of our family.

Caroline Lane


Dear Bernard

After coming across this incredible article about Confederates in Brazil, I thought you might find it interesting and wondered if Starbuck could end up in Brazil after the war ?


P.S The battle of Chickamauga was called the Soldiers battle of the US civil war. Is there a chance you may ever write about it ?


I know the story and it is, as you say, incredible. Will Starbuck end up there? Honestly, as of now I don’t know.



The knowledge you have accumulated researching your books, in the field of military memorabilia ( i.e guns, armour, uniforms, medals, badges etc ), does this benefit in other ways? Have you ever seen something in a lumber room, flea market, auction, friends house etc that was quite valuable and the owner was unaware of the true value of the item?

Regards and thanks,



Never! I wish!


Hi Mr. Cornwell.

I'm your fan!

I want ask to you if there are some plans to write about War of the Roses? You're a genius and Uhtred's Saga is the best novel that I read. I was thinking if have you never thought to write about War of the Roses by vision of a character, like Uhtred or Derfel, who will live during this age, since Henry VI until coronation of Henry VII in the battle of  Battle of Bosworth Field.

Do you have some plans to War of the Roses?




I don't have plans for The War of the Roses.


The Last Kingdom book series is one of the best historical fiction series of Viking/Saxon life that I've found, thank you so much for this gift! I'd love to see it adapted to a graphic novel/comic format. Is that possibly in the works?

Matthew Woolley


I don't think it is...


At the end if your most recent book you elude to the name Uhtred being present in modern day names- albeit derivations from the original form. What names, forename or surname, do you mean by this? I find the whole idea of historical names of people and places adapting and changing over time very interesting. I've spent time looking at how names in my own family have developed and changed over the last few generations and your comment intrigued me. Thank you

Mark Ford


The descendants of Uhtred now spell their name Oughtred