Your Questions


I have read (many several times) all of your books, save the latest Sharpe - that one I own but am rereading the Sharpe books now. Two questions/suggestions really -

1 - I think Uhtred the younger, probably now lord of Bebbenburg is an interesting character, and there is much of interest still happening before the Norman conquest - would you consider some books from the death of Athelstan until the invasion by William the Norman?

2 - would you consider a story set in the American west from just before the Mexican war until maybe 1900? we have some starting point documents if you are interested. Thank you for so much reading enjoyment

Mike Brady


No plans for either I'm afraid.


Hi Mr. Cornwell.

How are you? I recently discovered the Last Kingdom and Uthred and your potential direct familial relationship to him. Uthred may be the grandfather of Gospatric. My wife is a direct descendant by family report and research of Gospatric. Are you then related to Gospatric? We thought that Gospatric was related to King Alfred. Thanks. Your body of work no matter the result of this inquiry is impressive. I have started the book series and the Netflix series.



Stuart A. Stein, MD, MBA, MS


I guess I could be....


Dear Mr Cornwell,

I am a great fan of your books, having discovered them a few years ago. Thank you for so many hours of enjoyment.

I am rereading Sharpe’s stories and am looking forward to next years new novel.

During my reading of Sharpe’s Havoc, while Sharpe is positioned on the hill fort above Vila Real De Zedes you mention that the French travel to”Valengo” to recover some artillery to shift Sharpe from the hill fort. Did you mean Valongo? Valongo is a town about 20 minutes drive from Porto. Valengo does not appear to be a Portuguese town although I believe there is a town of that name in France.

Once again, thank you for so many hours of enjoyment in reading your novels.

Best wishes



Oh my.  Yes, I suppose I did mean  Volongo..,..


Hi Bernard,

For the past few months a TV set has been built at one of my favourite dog walking spots, Blaise Castle in Bristol. It's been fascinating to see this village get constructed but I had no idea what TV show it was for. I had a good chat with some of the crew building it as well as the 'bat protection team' who were on site to make sure the local bats weren't disturbed by it. Imagine my delight when I finally discovered the other day it's for the Warlord chronicles. A series of yours I love. Any chance you can pull some strings so I can be in it? If the role of Derfel has been cast I will happily settle for background mud splattered peasant. Also if you are ever visiting the set and want some good pub recommendations I'd be happy to point you in the direction of a few. Loving your work as always.

Eddie T


I'd love to help - but I fear all the roles have already been cast!


Dear Bernard,

I've never sent a fan mail before until now. I've read lots of good books (I work for the English Literature department at a university in the land of the rising sun) but I must say yours have truly moved me... to write my first ever fan mail. I first got into your books rather late... when I was at high school and Sharpe was on TV, a friend told me that the book-Sharpe would kick the crap out of the TV-Sharpe. He told me the books were brilliant and he wasn't a big fan of the show. About 20 years later, I needed a page-turner for a long flight home, and I thought Sharpe might keep me going. It did... and basically since that time (about four years ago and well before COVID) I literally have not read much else except for your books. I'm deep into the Saxon Stories now.

Easily my favourite was your Arthur legend... masterful! How you wrote that so tightly and retold such a familiar tale in such fresh and yet believable was amazing.

So here's my question (apologies for the prior gushing, as I said, first fan mail). My partner doesn't read much but I really want her to be able to enjoy the Arthur stories. I heard a rumour they were also being televised. Is that true?

Hope you are well and looking forward to the next Sharpe book!




It is true!  The series is being filmed now.  We don't know the release date yet - but we'll be sure to post it on the homepage of this website when we do!


Dear Mr. Cornwell,

I just read The Lords of the North. A fascinating evocation of the the history of the era, and a depiction of the relations between Northumbria and King Alfred.  I thoroughly enjoyed it. One question: In several instances a Saxon recognizes someone as a Dane or vice versa.  What physical characteristics would identify someone as a Dane or as a Saxon. Thank you for making the history of that era come alive.


Roger Gray


There is some evidence that the Danes wore their hair much longer than the Saxons, and certainly the designs on shields would be a hint.



Dear Bernard

I saw that your next book was postponed because you went into Surgery. Your health will always be more important than a book (which doesn't matter) and I wish you a speedy recovery. Please get well soon

I wondered if you'd ever considered writing about your own story and time in Northern Ireland. Given that it was at the height of the Troubles I'm sure it would be an interesting story to read about.


P.S for debate sakes id ask this question, Wellington is often said to have never lost a battle though his battles at Aldea De Ponte and Tordesillas in 1812 could both be classed as defeats but I ask you would you Redinha in 1811 a defeat or a draw ?


I never have and probably won’t, though I confess those four years were among the happiest of memories. I fell in love with Belfast and Ireland, and suspect I’ll keep the memories to myself.

I would consider the Siege of Burgos a defeat, though it wasn’t a battle. Redinha? It was certainly a setback, but it didn’t stop the French retreat or the British advance.  It certainly slowed Wellington’s pursuit, and Ney did well there. So, a draw?


Hello Bernard

On the Humber estuary and the Ouse and Trent there is a tidal bore named the"Aegir" supposedly after a Viking warlord of that name who rode the tidal bore and sacked York before for.the lookout posted at Spurn Point had chance to warn the city of of the Viking approach.

Do you have any knowledge of this as my mother's maiden name was agar. There is still an Agar today who is lord of the manor of Stockton on forest.

John Webb


I thought Aegir was a jötunn – a supernatural being in Norse mythology who was a kind of demigod of the sea.  Which doesn’t mean there wasn’t a Viking named that who sailed into the Humber estuary – so maybe your mother is descended from a Viking!


Hi Bernard,

Firstly, I hope you are well!

I've just discovered 'The Last Kingdom' & couldn't contain my excitement at seeing a character called 'Wolland'. It is in fact my surname & I have always tried to research where my name originates from, and where I'm from. So my question is, is the Character 'Wolland' Historically accurate? and if so, how did you discover the name & stuff like that? additionally, if he is not historically accurate, what made you choose the name?

I am intrigued! I'm not sure how accurate the AncestryDNA tests are, but I genuinely have some Danish & Norwegian ancestry which is weird, because my family tree extends over 200 years primarily to Southern England, so have always wondered where my surname Wolland comes from.. albeit lost.

Thank you for reading, hope you can help :)




I confess I don’t remember Wolland, sorry. I tend to take the names from Old English sources, but alas, can’t place Wolland at all – sorry!


Thoroughly enjoying my read through Sharpe’s world. So many great characters being introduced just as in all your works.  I was wondering if it hard to introduce such great secondary characters and leave their world to the reader to imagine themselves.  My latest one that that I hated to see sail off was Cornelius Killick.  Do you keep them on the back burner for possible further development later?  Thank you for reawakening my love of reading over the last few years.

Deborah Starling Hosmer


I do keep them on the back burner, but most of them simmer away to nothing. I liked Killick so perhaps he’ll be moved to the front of the stove one day?