Your Questions


Hi Bernard

I was just thinking about the series the Last Kingdom. Is there going to a second and how long do I have to wait for it? I have enjoyed the books very much and I am also looking forward to the next one in Oct.


Helen Powell


I do know a second season of the tv series The Last Kingdom is currently being filmed, but I haven't yet heard when it will air.  We'll be sure to post the details to this website once we learn them!


I love your books, and will read anything by you (I swear), but would you ever think about writing a book focused on the Life of a Gladiator, perhaps having to do with Spartacus and the Third Servile War? I am just watching the Spartacus TV show, and it has me wondering.

Samuel W. Gaul


No plans for it.


gday Bernard

Been enjoying your books for thirty years now and will continue while you keep writing for us . I do like your AWI stories and was wondering if you have ever been tempted to do an French and Indian war story ?

Paul Taylor


I have considered it...but it's not high on the list.


Dear Bernard.


I have been rereading Death of Kings and The Pagan Lord and came across the seven kings quote.


Seven Kings: Athelstan, Edmund I, Eadred, Eadwig, Edgar the Peaceful, Edward the Martyr, Athelred the Unready?


The Woman you Love: Athelflaed?


Alfred's son will not rule: Technically Edward did not rule England, merely and enlarged Wessex?


Wessex will die: It died at Battle in 1066 if not earlier with its merging into the crown of England.


The Saxon will kill what he loves: Athelred the Unready more or less destroyed his own kingship with his massacre of the Danes in 1002.


The Danes will gain everything: Sveyn Forkbeard and or Cnut the Great.


Is that somewhere close?


Regards and can't wait for the next book.


Dr Nicholas Saunders


Not wholly close. The seven kings are the seven (very minor, mostly) who the chroniclers report were killed at the battle of Brunanburh. The rest follows from that . . . .




Did you ever consider starting a Bernard Cornwell short story/novella/novel awards for new writers Something similar to the "Ian St James" short story awards. The rationale being, it would encourage writers on historical fiction and generate publicity for you etc.

Regards and thanks,



No, because then I would have to judge, or at least take responsibility for the judging, and I don’t feel competent to do that, or comfortable making such judgments.  We do have a charitable foundation that gives, I think generously, to causes that we care about – orphans of AIDS victims, damaged veterans, and other causes – but much as I admire the Ian St James scheme I have no urge to imitate it.




I've just finished reading Azincourt for, I think, about the 3rd time.  Great story, as were the Thomas of Hookton books.  Do you have any plans to write any sequels "starring" Nick Hook and Melisande?

Best regards

Brian Gibson


Sorry, not in my plans!


Hi Mr. Cornwell.

I recently finished the novel "Courage, Marshal Ney" by James Mace and enjoyed it quite a bit.  It deals with the theory that after Waterloo, Wellington faked Ney's execution and allowed him to escape to America, where under the name of Peter Stuart Ney he became a schoolmaster in South Carolina.  I am aware that you are skeptical of this story, but I couldn't help but think that this is just the type of mission that Wellington would call on Sharpe to aid in, accompanying Ney across France, keeping him from harm and seeing him safely aboard ship.  I think it would be a great adventure.  Could you be the least bit tempted to tell this story someday, or is your skepticism so strong that you could not bring yourself to do so, even as a wholly ficticious Sharpe adventure?

Alan Kempner


Like you I think it’s a terrific story! Unfortunately I can’t believe in it. The evidence that Ney was shot on that fatal morning is overwhelming, and the rest is romantic sentimentality. If I believed it, if I could discover a shred of supporting evidence, I’d write the book in an eyeblink!



Dear sir

I have had many years pleasurable reading concerning the sharpe adventures but I think that you have possibly missed a chapter of Richard sharpe  and would like to know why ? . we read from part one his involvement in the army but I would of loved to of read the stage of his life before being enlisted I'm sure a man of your many talents  that has conjured up 15 ? is it sharpe novels to do the most important  one the prequel I would love to know why you didn't consider this

yours sincerely

an avid fan



I have considered it! And, you may have noticed, I haven’t written it. Perhaps I will? Though it’s not on the ‘short list’. I have left other gaps in Sharpe’s career, most of them deliberate for when I at last write another Sharpe book! Which, I hope, I will do. I’m not saying I’ll never write about his childhood – only that it’s not imminent!


Hello Mr Cromwell,

I was reading the book 'Wellington' by Richard Holmes and came across a passage about when Nelson met Wellington for a very brief encounter. I just wanted to ask (and I know 'what ifs' are not really predictable) what you think the two would have made of each other had Nelson survived the Battle of Trafalgar? Do you think these to great commanders would have worked well together? or do you think the two great personalities would have clashed more often than not?

looking forward to reading the Flame Bearer in October (I hope I find time as my first child is due to be born soon).

many thanks,

Luke Fieldhouse


I have no idea! I suspect each would have admired the professionalism of the other, though I cannot see them becoming great friends . . . . the personalities are so different (though again, who knows?). Even if Nelson had lived he would hardly have fought close to Wellington who needed the navy to 1) keep the coasts of Spain clear of French vessels and 2) to protect the supply ships coming from Britain, both tasks that were easily accomplished, while Nelson would have had much wider responsibilities – the suppression of all Britain’s naval enemies, wherever they were on the globe! We do know they admired each other, but it’s hard to see the dutiful, unflamboyant Wellington taking to Nelson’s showmanship – but perhaps, after all, they would have ended up bosom friends!


I cant tell you how much I have enjoyed your novels, especially about Uhtred of Bebbenburg and Thomas of Hookton! Have read all this spring and summer and on my way to the library to start the Arthur series. I had two questions but one has been answered on your site about Uhtred. Guess I will have to wait a while. Second will there be more about Thomas? Haven't gotten to the Sharpe series. Thank you for all your good work.

Richard Brown


I'm not planning another book for Thomas now....