Thank you for being so generous in responding to your readers. I'll keep this short. Long time fan. Read a ton of your books. You are undoubtedly my all time favorite author. I don't know how you can be so prolific.
My question is about your sea stories. I saw the picture of your boat. The stories feel so absolutely authentic I find it hard to believe that you yourself have not traveled some rough seas yourself. Please tell me that the stories are not just based on your fantastic research and imagination but also some real life experiences and adventures.
I did search for this answer on your website but could not find the answer. Thanks for considering responding.
Don McCunn
There is some experience there, though most of it was gained in the English Channel rather than in more remote oceans. I did eventually sail with two friends across the Atlantic and encountered some unfriendly seas, but that was long after the sailing books were written so I can only ascribe those books to imagination.