Your Questions


If you could travel back in time and personally witness one battle, what would it be and why?



Waterloo, because we still don’t know as much about it as we’d like. May I take a bullet-proof vest, please?


Dear Mr. Cornwell,

I started reading the Richard Sharpe series when I was 14 years old and I have not stopped reading your books since.

Your books helped inspire me as a writer and helped me see history as something exciting and new.

What is your personal favorite historical fiction novel?




Either Lincoln by Gore Vidal or Wolf Hall by Hilary Mantel.


Hi Mr. Cornwell.

In your researches about the fighting techniques of the Vikings, Saxons, knights, etc., did you ever come across any evidence of any system of unarmed combat that a warrior might use when no weapons were at hand, grapples, throws, strikes, kicks, etc?  Or was that something that a warrior just made up as the situation demanded?  The ancient Greeks had pankration, but that seemed to die out with their civilization.  I wonder if modern boxing and wrestling had any Dark Age/Medieval Age roots?

Alan Kempner


They certainly had wrestling, and wrestling competitions were fairly common. Other than that I imagine they were pretty good at gouging, kicking, throttling!



Having read nearly all of your books my two favourite characters are Rider Sandman and Obadiah Hakeswill. I know you killed Obadiah Hakeswill off but have you ever considered taking him back to his early life and writing a novel with him as the central character?

Barry Evans


I've always regretted killing Obadiah.  Perhaps he has a twin brother????


Good evening Mr. Cornwell,

I'm a french reader, who almost learned english by reading your books, in fact I couldn't wait till the translation would be available in my mother tongue so I had to go for them in their original language.

No need to say I'm a great fan; I've already read the nine books of Uthred, the graal quest and the Arthurian trilogy (twice).

I know you've probably heard this question too many times, but are you considering to write a book, or a series of books, about the english most famous archers, robin hood?

I think such a story would be a great gift to all of your fans!!




I have considered Robin Hood....who knows?  Maybe....


Dear Mr Cornwell,

I am new 2 your books me Dad put me on to you. But your novels r the best things iv ever read!!! I love Uthred and was wondering if when his saga is complete there's one in a similar style with Harold Godwinson in the role over Alfred about the lead up and aftermath og the 1066 invasion. You are the ONLY Man who could do that fact based fiction story and I would love to read your story of that period. I understand your legal bit but if I could id pay you to write it 4real! !!!. Anyways ur the best author on earth far as I'm concerned. Thank you for so many hours with with Uhtred ,Thomas of Hooton, Derfel Nick Hook and of course Sharpe. Keep on writing and again Thank You u should b Knighted or something.

Danny Bruce


Thank you!  Not sure I'll get to Godwinson....


Dear Mr. Cornwell,

I'm fascinated reading your books but I have a basic doubt. In "Northumbria, the last kingdom" appears the characters names Ragnar, Ubba and Ivar ... As far as I know Ubba and Ivar were sons of Ragnar and in your book they are presented like contemporary of him and not like sons ... Could you please explain that to me?

Thanks in advance for your answer ...

Kind regards




The names are fairly common . . there were lots of Ivars, Ubbas and Ragnars – Tom, Dick and Harry.




First a massive plea, please let's have some more Thomas Hookton books. I have read your comments and it sounds as if you are not a fan anymore of this character, but I know lots of people who are.

Second I am confused the Grail series is almost a chronology, and ends with Thomas disposing of the Grail. The next mention of Thomas,  not in the Grail series I grant you sees Thomas as a Sir and we are told he was knighted, but there is a tantalising question of to what the circumstances were that led to the unusual elevation. Come on you can't leave all his fans in suspense like this.

David Pyke


Well, who knows? Maybe I’ll write it one day . . . .  till then I’m in the dark, like you (though Thomas wouldn’t be the first archer to receive a knighthood).



Hello Mr. Cornwell,

While I am just starting 1356, I had a few questions regarding one of my favorite characters of all time, Thomas of Hookton. He is very affable and intelligent, and I wanted to know how he learned Latin and got into Oxford. Did one have to be legitimately born to become a priest? If so, was he an exception? I really love the series, and I was also wondering if you've ever gotten any offers for an adaptation of the novels. Thomas of Hookton would make an amazing movie!




That’s a good question, thank you – and in truth I don’t know whether legitimacy was a requirement for ordination. But I doubt anyone was too assiduous about checking the paperwork in the 13th and 14th Centuries, so entrance to Oxford would have depended far more heavily on a patron as against parentage.

There may have been some talk about films...but truthfully I'm afraid I haven't paid much attention to it.  I don't think there's anything happening now.


Hey Bernard,

Avid Last kingdom fan over her from Montreal, The Draken Harald Hargafre just landed over here from Norway as it continues to go to the great lakes. Are you interested in the project at all or considering checking it out in the US??

Besides the new Last kingdom book, Can u tell us if there's anything new coming out? new series you're working on or solo books? .


Never was a reader until i stumbled across your stuff.

David Derasp,


I’ve been following it – thank you!

I'm not writing now - too busy with summer theatre!