Your Questions


Dear Mr. Cornwell,

I've read your Sharpe's series several times; I own Sharpe's Christmas but can't bring myself to read it because that finishes the series for me. Any chance you'll add to the series at some point? Please do.

I've also read The Fort, Waterloo and Agincourt, all three are outstanding.

Bottom line, thank you for providing me so many hours of enjoyment.

Best of luck to you!

Charles Mayer


There's a chance for another Sharpe book...but it's not likely to be soon.


Have you ever considered writing about the Battle of Towton and/or The War of the Roses in general?

Thomas Wooded


I've considered....but it's not in my plans at the moment.


Dear Sir,

I am reading your Saxon Warrior series for the 3rd time and have noticed a discrepancy in how England is used.  The first several books it is England but subsequent books it is Englaland.  Was there a reason for the change?

Also on page 287 of the The Last Kingdom in Uhtred's fight with Ubba, it states Ubba's "left food slid sideways."

Thank you though for all the great novels.  I have enjoyed them immensely.

Good day.



Carelessness, probably.

That typo was caught, but unfortunately not in time!


Hi Bernard,

I'm just wondering if any French veterans after Waterloo joined the British army? And, if so, which campaigns/wars would they have experienced?

Robert Douglas


Not that I know of. I can’t imagine any of them wanting to, but who knows? Not me!



Mr Cornwell

I read in one of your answers that you spend 8 to 9  hours per day writing. My question is having spent so many years doing this do you enjoy the experience? Do you view it simply as another job,something you do for a living? Or has it now become a toil?

Fintan Spode


It’s a pleasure! Much of those hours is spent gazing into space or taking the dog for a walk . . . it really depends how the story is developing. But I love it! Who wouldn’t?



Dear Bernard

As someone who didn't get to see it when it came out, I wondered if the Sharpes War Documentary, you did  on the Peninsula War ever be released on to DVD or YouTube at anytime.

Yours sincerely



Sorry, I have no idea!  I haven't heard anything about it in a long time.


Hi Mr. Cornwell,

I've decided to re-read the Saxon Tales of Uhtred, and am looking forward to the next instalment of his adventures. I am curious to know if you intend to continue the tale up to the reign of Cnut the Great? Or perhaps up to the Norman Invasion of England in 1066? Cheers,



Uhtred's tale will far?  We'll have to wait and see!


Hi I enjoyed your series of books thank you. Is there a further book after book 9 which tells the ongoing story of his return to his home and reclaiming his birthright?

Peter James


Can you please let me know how soon a follow up to Warriors of the Storm may  be published? As a 90 year old English man I realise my time may be limited, and as I have a full up to date list of your 'Lord Uhtred books  I am keen to see what may be the final conclusion to this saga. (and thank you for the pleasure I have gained from your pen.

Tom Brady


I am just buying THE EMPTY THRONE and WARRIORS OF THE STORM, (having read the other 7 books). Does the series end here or will there be a book 10 ?

Many thanks for any info.

Thought the TV series covering the first two books was brilliant!

I hope the next books in the series will be filmed too.

Best Regards

Philip Mudd


When do you expect to release book 10 in the series?  I look forward to Uhtred reclaiming Bebbananburg.

I've been a fan of your for years and have enjoyed THE SHARPE SERIES,  THE STARBUCK CHRONICLES and The Fort.

Dick Davison


I have just seen on Amazon that this book will be published in UK on 6 Oct.  Have you any idea what title has been chosen for it?

David Coote


Book 10 of The Last Kingdom series will be called The Flame Bearer.  It will be published in the UK in October and in the US in November.  Hope to have an excerpt of the book on this website soon!


Starbuck -

Will you finish this series anytime soon?  "The Bloody Ground" promised further adventures.  It has been 10 years since the last one.

James Slotter


Mr. Cornwell:

Just reread "The Bloody Ground".  Wondering when you're planning to write more books on this wonderful series?

Neil Silverman


Dear Mr Cornwell,

Last time I e-mailed you regarding the Starbuck Chronicles you stated " Nathaniel Starbuck would be left on holiday for a while" have you any thoughts of bringing this character back only he has had a long enough holiday infact I dare say the American Civil war is now over and probably Starbuck is now dead.

Sadly I'm a Jack Higgins, Ian Rankin and Clive Cusler reader although I have given up on Clive Cussler as he always seems to write with another author.

So come on Mr Cornwell enough of the English wars bring back Starbuck.

Kind regards



Someday...I hope....


I loved the way you weaved Sharpe's son into the Starbuck chronicles, I'd be intrigued to know if you had thought of doing a novel on his adventures in the French Army up to him going off on his unofficial adventures in the US?

With his scarred face etc I'm sure there's mileage in this?



It's not in my plans at the moment...