Your Questions


Hi Mr. Cornwell,

I am a student from Brazil and I love your work ! I read a lot of your books and I am a huge fan ! I want know ( if you can tell me ) if you have plans for  a new book serie, and about what time of history will be. How a history lover, I poor sugest, the life of Carlos Magno ! Will be amazing see shield wall's in frisian lands !

Sorry about my english, i learn playing videogames. Anyways, i and all brazil loves you !

From you greatest fan,



I am writing the next book of Uhtred's tale now.  After that?  I won't know until this one is done!


Dear Bernard

I love your Last Kingdom series of book, much enjoy the BBC series and yet also like the Age of Charlemagne extension to the Total War Attila strategy game for the PC (which covers much the same period... it allows me to play as Mercia). I am no teenager, but retired and a pensioner.

Just as the TV series extends and enriches my enjoyment of your books, so the video game does, too.

Clearly those game designers have been inspired by you. Here is a reasonably balanced review

It has got to be the way of the future for an audience far broader than spotty adolescents. Sooner or later, I have no doubt, history fans will modify a Total War game to better match your period... just look at Europa Barbarorum 2

So how do you feel about more formal collaboration with artists that develop such video games to enrich and complement both your and their imagination, creativity and sales?

Kind regards



I don’t have any objection, but nor do I have any great interest . . . and that’s simply because developing video games is so far from my experience that I have nothing to offer. I write books! I love writing them. If someone wanted to make a video game based on a book of mine I’d wish them luck and then lose their phone number, which is what I do with the TV people. They do their thing and I do mine!



hello Mr Cornwell,

we live in the northeast of England and are familiar with Bamburgh castle, will Witnere or another warhorse feature as the "beast of Bebbanburg" in an upcoming episode of Uhtred's story?

Ron Bryden


I don’t know! I never know what’s in a book till I write it, but I’ll do my best!



Dear Mr. Cornwell,

About how old would Uhtred be in Warriors of the Storm? Uhtred is my hero, thanks for keeping him alive.

I am amazed at how many women love these books especially with so much blood and gore.  Yours are the only books like this that I have enjoyed.

Great entertainment.



He’s in his 50’s . . .which is ancient in the 10th Century! If I remember rightly he was born in 857 AD, so he’s still not an old age pensioner.



Hi Bernard,

I'm a 65 year old fan of your books and was wondering if there is any chance of my favourite character Nathaniel Starbuck awakening from his slumber before I am 70?

I can well imagine him and the legion behind the Sunken Road Wall at Fredericksburg.





Mr. Cornwell:

We last left Confederate Major Starbuck and (newly-promoted). Brigadier General Swynyard at Antietam (Sharpsburg), Maryland; just as they were heading back to Virginia.

I've been waiting for years for you to complete the Starbuck Chronicles.

Are you planning to do so?

Neil Silverman


I am hoping to return to Starbuck one of these days.


Dear Sir

It's now nearly 10 years since I purchased Sharpe's Havoc for the first time. I've bought it once on Hardback twice on Paperback.

I now fear that is the last time I get to buy a brand new Sharpe Novel for myself and as presents.  Please?  Just one more Sharpe?

You once correctly contradicted one of my comments by stating that Lucille was indeed the "Love of Sharpe's life".  Along side, the lady whom died in child birth?  My  questions to you are now regarding Sharpe's weakness with the ladies, the 2 ladies he seemed to lust after the most, between the books Sharpe's Rifles and Sharpe's Devil were Josefina Lacosta and Helene Laroux (probably bad spelling).   Do you think Sharpe would have been faithful to Lucille if the opportunity arose with one of those ladies, and Lucille was out of sight?

Also I never felt Sharpe really betrayed Sweet William in Sharpe's Revenge. I felt with or without Sharpe, Lucille was not interested.  However, my next question which as his creator, I feel only you can answer, would knowing Kate was married and had a daughter with his friend Jorge Vicente have stopped Sharpe if the opportunity presented itself?  I'd like to think it would have but you mention it a few times through Hogan and Harper (his 2 best friends) Sharpe was a fool when it came to women.  I could never know Sharpe as well as you, the genius behind him does, so please forgive me, only you can answer that question.

Thanks once again for giving us the best character (in my opinion) to ever grace a novel.



I’m laughing! Sharpe, insofar as he has a memory other than mine, treasures Lady Grace and Lucille above all the others. But so many others! And yes, he was a fool with women (which gave him, and them, a great deal of pleasure), but I suspect he would have been faithful to Lady Grace, had she lived, because he wasn’t that big a fool, and I can assure you that he and Lucilee Lived Happily Ever After.



Hi Bernard,

It's a pleasure to read and listen to your novels. Thank you for these amazing reads. It was a birthday gift for me when I saw The Last Kingdom's first episode. I hope rest of the book series will continue as seasons.

My question is about our good friend Mr Sharpe, are there any plans of bringing him back to TV? I've watched the old series but they do not do any justice to the novels; ambiance, characters and events. It would be great to see a remake with the quality of The Last Kingdom.

Best Regards,

Deniz Kumral


I haven't heard of any plans for more Sharpe films.


I recently read through all of the Uhtred books in a row, and noticed some of his sworn men drop out over the years. I know some of died in books(Clapa, Rypere) but others like Cerdic just disappear. Are these characters still alive and just not needed for plot or did they die between novels? I have one more related question, is the Rollo who serves Rangar in The Burning Land the same Rollo who serves Uhtred in later books?

Dan Anderson


Cerdic is back in the book I’m writing now. They do tend to fade away, my fault. And no, they’re two different Rollos


I have really enjoyed reading all nine books published so far. I have two questions for you please:-

1. What is the timescale for the next book?

2. Do you know if the BBC plan to produce a further series of Uhtred's story.

Thank you

Ken Leadbetter


I hope the next book (no title yet!) will be ready for publication (UK) in September or October.

Yes!  There will be a season 2 of The Last Kingdom tv series.


Dear Bernard

You have mentioned writing another Sharpe novel in the future. I wondered if you had ever thought of writing about his first battles in the Flanders campaign. Not just at Boxtel but at the hard fighting on the River Waal (where thanks to Wellington's leadership the 33rd only lost 2 men) and on the River Ems. In his biography on Wellington, Roy Muir mentions that the retreat was as bad as Corunna but it's more ignored.  Every one has to start somewhere and this was Sharpe's start so I wondered if you would give it a go so to speak

Yours sincerely


P.S  In Sharpes Havoc you wonder if Dulong survived. Apparently a certain Colonel Dulong was at the battle of Albuera,  where he went up against the Fusilier Brigade. Any chance he and Sharpe might meet again?


I have no plans for Flanders at the moment - having taken Sharpe backwards in time once I'm not inclined to do it again, but who knows? Maybe as a short story?  One day?


Dulong?  Another maybe....