Your Questions


First of all, I like your books (particularly your Waterloo books (Sharp and the second one.) I particularly like(ed) your sailing books.

New item:

What if ---- Harold had beat William at Hastings and thrown him back into the sea ?

What might England have become ?

Hugh Replogle



I have no idea!  I’ve never really had a taste for alternative history and I’m sorry to be so dismissive, but truly I’ve never given the question a second’s thought.




Hello Mr. Cornwell,

Enjoyed your Arthur/The Last Kingdom Series.

Will you be advancing history and writing about the events leading up to and including the battle of Hastings?

I have been watching Vikings series, an Irish/Canadian production. They are now going into season 4 for twenty episodes. Reminds of prequels to your novels.

Have not found The Last Kingdom in  Canada yet. Maybe BBC Canada will air it.

Keep up the writing and take joy in the words!




Hastings is not high on my list...


Hello! In your book Warriors of the Storm you say that Beadwulf "was a small wiry man whose face was decorated with inked lines in Danish fashion."

Are you talking about tattoos?



I am, but the word lay far far in the future


Hi Bernard,,,

Having read The last Kingdom series,The Grail Quest series, Warlord Chronicals,The Fort, Gallows Thief,Sharpe series  and have just finished the Starbuck Chronicles. I look forward Starbuck marching again. Also I noted the Info of Kurt Mason Peterson regarding The Nathaniel Starback Chronical. Any Idea what you are Producing next?

Please keep them coming.


Colin Burrell




What I am working on now is the next book of The Last Kingdom series.


Hello Bernard

I just wanted to say thankyou for the joy you've given me from reading your books again and again, I'm sorry for mentioning another authors work but I thought "a song of ice and fire" was my favourite book and then I picked up 'the last kingdom' and I have been absolutely hooked.

I wanted to ask why do you think the people of our time connect with Uhtred's character?  could it be our sense of nationalism has increased numerous terrorist attacks or even always been there. I for one am proud to be Cornish Reading your books about Thomas of Hookton spurred me on to have a go at archery at an open day at the local archery club,  I'd never picked up a bow before but remarkably had "a natural ability" so the instructor said anyway and I even didn't use the sights but felt where the arrow would go. I've just bought a bow and target set to see how good I really am so thankyou for that.

Are there likely to be any more books on Thomas of Hookton? 1356 was a nice surprise and a great read. In one of your answers on your questions page you mentioned that some of the earlier Sharpe books are valuable, I was lucky enough to be given the whole series a few years ago with what I think are the older covers but I'd never sell them, another great character but is he too old now for more adventures?

And finally.... I hope I haven't waffled on and can't wait to find out what happens to Uhtred and his friends thanks for the great reading and I hope there's many more

Antony Ginnelly



Because he’s a rogue, he breaks the rules, but he’s on our side.

I don't have further plans for Thomas of Hookton....but I do hope to write another Sharpe book if I live long enough!



Dear Bernard,

thanks for the entertainment. Collecting all your books.

You would not know of a german author writing for the same kind of audience would you? A Karl May for adults so to speak?

PS, not interested in reading your books translated so that is not the question.

Kind regards,



I’m afraid I don’t, sorry.


You have written about the American  Revolution and the civil war. How about the war of 1812. Battle of New Orleans, burning od Washington? I would also  like to suggest the Texas revolution and the Alamo. Only because I am a native son of the lone star state.

I am a big fan and have read most of your books. Thanks  for the entertainment.

Bill Perkins


Don't think any of those are in my plans....but thanks!


Dear Mr Cornwell

Can you please advise if it was the habit of French troops to chant "vive l'Empereur" as they marched into battle and whether there is a contemporary document that records the fact?

Thank you,



There are plenty. I think the Reverend William Leeke (Ensign Leeke at the battle of Waterloo) records it in his book about the 52nd at Waterloo, but I’m sure there are plenty of others. The shout punctuated a flourish of drums



Hi Mr. Cornwell.

How do you envision Uhtred's wolf shields?  Would it be a full-on snarling front view or a side profile?  From what I've seen, most Viking shields just had alternating colored panels as their design.  Would something a bit more elaborate be unheard of?  I have a idea for a Viking shield I would like to design.  It is a black field with the Midgard Serpent in red coiled around its circumference and grasping its tail in its mouth at the top of the shield.  I am sure that there is no record of such a shield, but is it plausible that there were Viking shields with similar designs?

Alan Kempner


Oh, I always imagine it sideways, and yes, I think your idea sounds very plausible. I can’t believe they didn’t use badges on shields, but of course none has survived.


Dear Mr Cornwell,

I've been a big fan of your books since I walked Hadrian's wall with my family in 2012 and found The Winter King at one of the forts along the way. I've since read all of your books give or take some of the Sharpe ones.

I was lucky enough to meet you in October 2014 and it is one of my fondest memories. Thank you very much.

I really enjoyed the Fort and I've recently become very interested in the American War of Independence due to the musical Hamilton which is playing on Broadway. I was wondering if you'd seen it? And what you think of Alexander Hamilton. Would you ever think of writing another book about the war, possibly from the other side of the Fort?

Thank you, again.


Charlie Knowles.


I envy you seeing Hamilton! I haven’t (yet), but we will. I don’t know too much about him, and haven’t read Chernow’s book, and I doubt somehow that I’ll return to that war, but who knows?