Your Questions


I'm sure you have heard this before, but if you were going to have Sgt Hakeswill's character return in "sharpe's Company" How or why did you kill him off earlier? did the snake not kill him? I know the books were not written in chronological order. I started the series slowly, but then after or during book two, Sharpe's Triumph, I cannot read them fast enough. Thank you for the very interesting history lesson. Are the rest of your series and characters based on History? Thank you again for such enjoyable reading.

Al Dvoracek


The snake did not kill him!

Most of my books are historical fiction (the exception is the sailing books - The Thrillers).


Dear Mr Cornwell,

Can you tell me when we can expect the next volume of the Warrior Chronicles after Warriors of the Storm?

Although I do not want the story to end, I do want to know how it ends. Does he get Bebbanburg back or not?

Just to let you know, I have read most of your books and have been very much entertained by them, for which I thank you very much.


Jan Rynkiewicz


Are you going to write a 10th book in the last kingdom series were Uhtred gets his home back? I have read all the others plus all your other books apart from the Sharp books I find them brilliant and enjoy them very much. And i am waiting for the second series on tv

Robbin Elliott


Could you tell me when book 10 of the Saxon series will be released? I have just finished Warriors of the storm and already awaiting the next chapter of the story!!

Lesley McQueen


Hi Bernard.  I have greatly enjoyed all of your books to date; you really bring history to life in your novels.  I snapped up Warriors of the Storm, but again you left me hanging in mid air wondering if Uhtred ever gets to be Lord of Bebbenburg.

I am not asking for that to be answered, but encouraging you to get on with the tenth book of the series.  When do you expect do get it Published?

Keep on entertaining me please.

Kind regards,



I am working on the next book (10th) now.  With any luck we'll see it published in October!


Good morning Mr. Cornwell,

The Sharpe Novels - I'm sure that you have been asked this question thousands of times before but I can't find a solution to the question. 'Are you going to write any more of these splendid books?'


Barrie Davies


There is a good chance there will be another Sharpe book...


Another fan letter in your very long list, but I had to write to you to tell you how very much I've enjoyed your books.  From Sharpe to Uhtred to Nick Hook to Thomas of Hookton and much in between.  Your voice for the characters is perfect for me.  I do get irritated with Uhtred Senior when he's so intolerably crass, but he's a Warrior, isn't he?

Am chewing through The Empty Throne and waiting for the last hit Barnes and Noble.

Two things:  In one  of the middle books, Uhtred's stallion is called Smoca, then in the next book "Smoka"??  (Sorry, among other jobs I was a copy editor.) Also, any plans for book(s) on the Norman Invasion?

Once again, thank you for sharing your multi-talented self with your admirers.

Patt Olson


Thank you!  No, no plans for the Norman Invasion


Dear Mr. Cornwell,

Thanks so much for your writing. I especially enjoyed your Saxon series. It made me interested in that period of history, so I read up on it. I may be flirting with the guidelines here - but I do not want to suggest an idea to be used in a book - but suggest a book(s). I have never had the privilege to read (in the historical-fiction genre) a story on king David of the Bible. I do not know if you are familiar with his whole story? Most people just know about Goliath and perhaps Delilah, but the wealth of plot in his life is staggering. Rags to riches, love, conflict, betrayal, war, kingdoms, friendship, disappointment, political intrigue to die for , bravery, joy, it really has all the makings of a phenomenal story. In fact, one book cannot possibly contain it. The characters in his stories are just brimming with potential and the plots to deep. I wish so that an author like yourself would accept the challenge to write it and do that magnificent story justice. If I am too forward to suggest this, please forgive me. However, it is worth my try. Happy and prosperous new year to you!

Werner Strauss


Well tried, but I’d need to do a mountain of research and I’m getting old . . . and have too many other projects!



I would be surprised if this question had not already been posed to you but it would be interesting to know. Is Finan in the Saxon Stories loosely based on the same characteristics of Patrick Harper from Sharpe? Both are the right hand men to their leading characters, both are Irish, both are tough and similar in their dark humour and strength to their main characters as well. Its just the size that differs but that doesn't seem to face Finan any troubles!

Also 1356 was a great surprise addition to the Grail Quest series, will there be any others to follow?

Looking forward to reading your future novels!




I think all they have in common is that they’re Irish! At least in my mind . . . I lived in Ireland for three or four years and have never lost my love of the country!


Dear Mr Cornwell

First I would like to thank you for the many hours of reading pleasure you have given me. I love history and historical novels! I love the sharp chronicles and have read them over and over again. Actually I don't think any of your books l own have been read only once.

My only gripe is the Netflix Tv programs The last kingdom! I do not know where to start, Ragnar the elder not blonde, no Stepa  Snorta, no Eldwulf the smith, no Windviper, no Rorik. The list goes on but it is entertaining none the less.

I am curious as to wether you oversaw the Tv series storyline or had little to do with it?

I feel it could have became as popular as game of thrones (which between you and me I dislike, who creates characters for you to barrack for then destroys them over and over again? Not to my taste) Anyway thank you again and I am looking forward to the next novel in this series I hope it is a very long book and would love for the series to continue for many more perhaps you could follow Uhtred the younger. I for one would not grow tired of reading about England's making it has always interested me which seems odd as I am from the colonies and we Australians are usually only interested in England when we are beating them at cricket!


John H


Mr. Cornwell,

I'm a big fan of The Last Kingdom book series and just finished watching the first season of the television adaptation. While it was enjoyable to see the characters brought to life, there were quite a few deviations from the story.  I understand with any book to TV adaptation there are going to be some modifications, but sometimes it's hard to understand how they decide which characters and events to change or leave out. I always enjoyed Steapa in the books, and giving his role to Leofric didn't seem to do the part justice. How much input do you have, if any, on the changes made?



Dear Mr. Cornwell,

I have read your book and its sequels, apart from the last two, several times and thoroughly enjoyed it each time. I was always of the opinion, that it would lend itself for turning into a TV series. So I was very excited when I saw it advertised a couple of weeks ago. I have watched both episodes and must say that I was thoroughly disapointed. The changes made are so many and in so many dimensions as for the story to hardly make sense. Certainly the deep psychological reasons for Uthred's divided loyalties, to my mind, do not come across very well.

How happy are you with it. I assume you have to give  permission? Look forward to your comment and will shortly read the two latest sequels. I do so enjoy them.

Thank you for writing such interesting books.






I have no input, nor do I want any!  Best to leave it to the experts....but I was delighted with the series!




Hey Mr. Cornwell, Happy new year!

For sure, one of the reasons why your books are so much appreciated are the vivid and intense battle scenes. I wonder how different were battles set in 17th century - like the english civil war - when compared to later warfare, like those you described in the Sharpe books. Musketeers, for example, intrigue me. I will often see depictions of them carrying a sword - a rapier - and I'm not sure at what extent they used it at the battlefield.

Regards and thanks,



I’m no expert – did rank and file musketeers carry a sword? Maybe a ‘hanger’ which is a short sword. They might have had plug bayonets (that plugged into the barrel rather than socket beneath them). Their muskets were very slow to load and probably even more inaccurate than Wellington’s, but would still be formidable fired in volleys. I’d need to do some research to find the answers, sorry.


Warriors of the Storm - Final words of Historical Note:  "He has further to go, so he will march again."

Strongly suggests that we can expect a sequel to this wonderful series!!  ??????

I have thoroughly enjoyed this series.    Thank you!   I have also greatly appreciated the historical notes and agree, not sufficient early history is taught in the schools.   You clearly show how much early history could be appreciated by students.

JudithAnne Henderson



I have recently discovered your Saxon stories and have read all nine. I love the amount of researched detail you put in that makes the book feel so real and authentic.  The only down side is now I am on a cliff-hanger waiting for the next book. When is it going to come out. Will it be the last one?

Robert Nemeth


The Saxon Stories - Absolutely fascinating. Thank you for such an interesting, gripping and historically accurate series of books.

I have just finished the last book in the series - "Warriors of the Storm" - and was sad when there were no more pages to read. From the very first, when Uhtred witnessed Ragnar "oar-dancing" off the coast of Bebbanberg, your stories have held me spellbound and at the end of each book I couldn't wait to get to the library for the next in the series.

The end of your last novel in the series said of Uhtred - "He has further to go, so he will march again." Does this hint at further novels in the series? I certainly hope so.

The history of England fascinates me in that, in time when danger threatened its very existence, there was always a "hero" to save the day. Nelson at the Nile and at Trafalgar, Wellington at Waterloo and Churchill in the darkest hours of World War Two. Thank you for your history of England's formation.

I have also read "The Grail Quest" series, "Agincourt", "1356" and "The Fort".

Kind regards.


(New Zealand)


Happy New Year..... I have just read Warriers of the Storm which was brilliant.  I have thoroughly enjoyed the whole series..... Do you intend to publish another, book ten?


With warm wishes.... Heather



I am writing the next book of the series now - I don't think it will be the last!


I am an avid reader of all your novels. However, I get very confused with all the Athel watsits.  Would it be possible to have a Personae Dramatis at the start of each book

Terry Orford


I’ll think on it, and try to thin them out – it means ‘noble’ so you can just ignore it? Then you have Flaed and Stan and Helm??