Your Questions



An impossible and fanciful question I know, but given my surname what is the likelihood that my ancestors originated in Bebbanburgh or were followers of Queen Bebba? Bebbs are currently most commonly found in Shropshire and Mid Wales.

Had a fabulous week in Northumbria last October and found Bamburgh Castle breathtaking and the whole region enchanting.

Kind Regards

John Bebb


I have no idea!  It sounds more Welsh than Saxon to me, but that’s a pure guess! Have you looked at the genealogy sites on the internet (one or two must be reliable!)


I have just finished reading all the Sharpe's series books and they were marvelous, thank you very much.   I would like to ask what has happen to Sharpe's daughter ?  I read Sharpe's Christmas and about his French wife and son in Normandy, but what has happen to his little girl?  I am waiting for my copy of your book "Warriors of the Storm" due out this month.  Again thanks for getting me back to reading again.

Michael Saal


Maybe we'll find out one of these days...


Here goes another try at Sharpe's old man....

John (or Harry)Carter the "King of Prussia" was a famous smuggler from Cornwall. His dates are perfect, in his autobiography he says he is in London in 1778.He sounds like an amazing character and I would love for him and Sharpe to meet the guy.

I know you get inundated with book ideas and requests but I know that you knew George McDonald Fraser and I assume that you are as big a fan as I am.

I have just finished all 12 books again and I feel a huge sense of loss now. How about you breath life back into that old coward and pultroon? Nobody else alive could do it.

Mike Davidson


A great suggestion! Wrong, but a good try!

I can't write the Flashman tales!  I'm not nearly clever enough for that,


I've read and enjoyed nearly everything you've written and just finished watching The Last Kingdom on DVD. I thought it far superior to the Sharpe TV series.

I apologize if this has been asked and answered ( I did search the questions first, but may have missed it), will further books in the series be produced for television?

Thank you for giving 100s of hours of reading pleasure,

Sid Farcy


Is there to be a second series on the BBC of this excellent story.

thankyou for taking the time to read this




Yes!  There are plans to film a second season of the series.


I'm an unashamed Sharpe fan since the very first book all those years ago, enhanced by the wonderful Sean Bean television shows. I've been re-reading the whole series, in chronological order this time and was just about to read Sharpe's Havoc when I realised Sharpe's Rifles was missing from my bookcase, perhaps lent to a friend or even never purchased. So out to the local real bookstore I went, in this case in Toronto the nearest one is Indigo, and bought the paperback. With your interesting note that the book was written for the express purpose of getting a Spanish sponsor interested, I thought the introduction of Blas Vivar very clever. That aside, this is an absolutely splendid un-put-downable page turner. I know you've heard all this before, but there are some big gaps still in Sharpe's timeline. Could there ever be another book, or even five more? Please.

Nigel Napier-Andrews


Glad you enjoyed the book!  Not sure about five more, but maybe one....or two....


Dear Sir,

I wanted to thank you for all the wonderful stories that you have written over the years.  Sharpe, Derfel, Starbuck and Thomas of Hookton have kept me company for a long time now and I am consistently thrilled to find a new novel of yours in the library.

One quick question: With "The Last Kingdom" now getting the TV treatment, is there any chance that the Warlord Chronicles will follow? I found your treatment of Arthurian legend considerably more palatable than any of the other written adaptations of the mythos that have made their way onto the TV or movie screen.  My best to you and again, thank you.

David Noto


I don't know....maybe?


Dear Cammander-In-Chief Bernard Cornwell,

Do you know what happens to Lucille? In your Starbuck series (I have read them all so far) Henri-Patrick (Or is it Patrick-Henri Lassan?) dosn't say anything about whether or not Lucille and Sharpe are still alive. In the T.V. series Sharpe says to Patrick Harper that Luccile has died of the flu. I was just wondering what happens to Lucille and Sharpe after Sharpe's Ransom. Thanks Bernard Cornwell. Also does Fredrickson forgive Sharpe?

Yours sincerly,

Lachlan Martin.


I don't know what happens to any of my characters until I write it.  But I do know Lucille is alive!  I have no control over the TV scripts - so you can ignore any developments that are not in the books!



Ian Fleming visited the film set of "Goldfinger" in April 1964. When  the film premiered in September, Fleming was in his grave.  Fleming only saw two of his wonderful books on the gilded screen: "Dr No" and From "Russia with love."  What he thought of the quality after the first 3 films is a mystery.

Did you ever visit the set of any of the Sharpe TV movies? Which is your favourite of the 16 TV movies and why? Conversely which is your least favourite?

Regards and thanks,



I visited the Sharpe filming three or four times . . . probably the highlight was when they were filming near Balaclava and we could visit the site of the battle, and the charge of the Light Brigade, but we also wandered into the Russian submarine base (it was just after perestroika) and could stroll past sinister looking hunter-killer subs! It was really extraordinary! Six month before and we’d have been arrested, if not shot on sight, but just then no-one seemed to know how to react, so they just offered us tea!  I think my favourite is Sharpe’s Company . . . probably my least favourite was Sharpe’s Gold, but really I enjoyed the whole series!



I have just read your latest book Warriors of the Storm. Having read the first book when it was released in 2004 I have been an avid follower of Uhtred. Having read the Warlord Chronicles I appreciate the content of the books as being fiction but heavily based on facts. It is a wonderful gift you have of bringing a forgotten era to life and generating interest in the period. Your portrait of Arthur as a warrior and not a King sits very comfortably with me. A great story.

Having recently had my DNA tested I find I am a Celt which came as a great surprise being English. Always told the Welsh, Irish and Scots were the real Celts. I have since read more and wonder if this could be an interesting story for you.

At present I cannot wait for what may be Utred's last chapter.

Great work, thanks a lot




The story is really told in the three Arthurian books which tell (partly) of the Saxon invasion of Britain . . . not sure I’ll go back to that era, though, sorry!



Any thoughts of making a series for the Sandman character (Gallows Thief)?

John Dolson


Probably not....I like Rider Sandman, but right now I have too many other things on my plate!