Your Questions


Some years ago Norton & Co, New York republished the Aubrey/Maturin novels of Patrick O'Brian in a compendium set on high quality paper and binding.(5 novels per book). Do you have any plans to do this for the Sharpe books?


Martin Taylor

PS Love the latest Uhtred book -Warriors etc.


It's up to the publishers ...but it is unlikely - at least until the series is complete.


Have just read Warriors, great as usual, will there be a tenth book, also the series is brilliant can't wait each week for next episode, Uhtred &Leofric are just like books,will there be another series?

Moira Ford


I am working on the tenth book of the series now.  I'm afraid I don't know yet if there will be a second season of the TV programme.


I notice Warriors of the Storm: The Last Kingdom Series, Book 9 is in audio form in Britain. When will it be release in the US at places like Audible(Amazon). It tortures me to know the audio is around but can't get it. Please explain.

Steven Bonnot


The audio book will be released at the same time as the hardback - in January 2016.  It should be available on-line for pre-order soon.


So, will there be a second season of The Last Kingdom? The show is phenomenal and I dare say, it does your superb writing justice.



I don't know - keep your fingers crossed!



I am a big fan.  Remembering your efforts and the film's produced with Sean Bean as Sharpe.  I bought on line all of your work I believe to include the Medieval period works as well as your Revolutionary War book "The Fort" .  I have enjoyed them all while in Afghanistan and have decided to read them agin 4 years later.  My question (though you may have no knowledge of this) is will those who produced the Sharpe's Rifles saga ever continue the series?  Bean is a perfect age to play the older Sharpe and I know it would be terrific.

Evenso, I appreciate all you have accomplished and I can say I still enjoy your works.  Thank you for being the talented writer you are.



You're right - I don't know???


Dear Bernard

After browsing through the The Encyclopedia Of Military Biography By Dupuy, Trevor N.; Johnson, I noticed that in regards to Edward 1st it states that the Evesham campaign may be the greatest ever conducted on English soil. Considering all the wars and battles that have been fought in England down the ages, that's a pretty bold statement and  I wondered if you would agree with that ?

Also if you ever write another book on the Hundred Years war, would Nick Hook ever meet face to face Joan of Arc. I ask since Sharpe did meet Napoleon after all.

What do you think he would make of her and the fact that she like him also hears voices ?

Yours sincerely


P.S There was this documentary on Joan and her death by the BBC done earlier this year that you and other people on this site might find interesting



I don’t know nearly enough about it to offer an opinion, but you intrigue me and I shall look it up! Thank you.

Thank you for that. She fascinates me, and I’ve thought about including her in a book. Juliet Barker has some fascinating things to say about her in Conquest, which I recommend.


Hi Bernard,

Here's a question to history fans and yourself. I volunteer at a local museum and we've got an Alice in Wonderland exhibition located in the first chamber. Those familiar with 'Alice through the Looking Glass' know the story and characters are based on the game of chess. However, I've heard that there was a variation in the rules: it could be that the king was once the most powerful albeit important piece, but this probably changed to the queen during Elizabeth I's reign. But I'm also wondering if, during Henry VIII's Dissolution of the Monasteries, the Bishop piece was perhaps relegated to the four corners of the board, thus 'limiting' their movement (influential power) from the beginning?  Any conclusion/feedback from Bernard or fellow history fans welcome!

Robert Douglas


I don’t know! Someone must!


Good day to you Sir.

I´m sure you get questions about a new Sharpe book and when it´s due pouring in everyday so I´ll not ask that but what I will ask is this.Do you have a general idea or plot somewhere in the back of your mind concerning dear old Richard if you do ever find the time to return to him ? or will you just go with the flow if and when you get started.

Thanks as always for reading my questions and most of all thanks for answering them, All the best to you and yours.

Anthony Lambert



The next Sharpe will most likely follow Sharpe's Fury (but it's still a few years away).




Hello, Mr. Cornwell.

Just a simple, and possibly stupid, question. Is there any chance for a book series about William the Conqueror or, maybe, James Wolfe? Would love to read a historical fiction about them.

I love your work. I can't even say how much your books mean to me, so I won't try.

Thanks for your writing.

Thiago d'Evecque


I am tempted by Wolfe, and many other time periods, but whether I'll get to them all or not remains to be seen!




I've read most everything you have written except Sharpe; I'd just like to say that the TV serialization of The Last Kingdom is as good as it could be bearing in mind the limitations of the media.

Is there any likelihood of Azincourt making it to the screen, large or small?

Paul Judd


I think it has been talked about...but whether it will happen?  Sorry, I just don't know?