Your Questions


Hello there, my name is Kathleen, for the past 5 years I have been working on a historically accurate fiction novel based on a Celtic thrall girl in Norway in the 9th century. Obviously I'm a HUGE fan of your work, so thank you!

I'm on the 14th draft of my book, and as I've progressed in my writing and in my novel, I have finally come down to some crucial moments that I don't want to get incorrect, and that I must get answers to =) As I know you know, finding good, factual information on the Viking culture can be difficult. So I'm hoping that you might be able to help answer a question for me in regard to how one brother (the mentor) might acquire a thrall (the protagonist) from another brother (the antagonist)? Were there certain things that could happen in order for one man to gain another man's thrall?

I would love and appreciate any help you can give, direction, or suggestions on where I can find accurate information on this. Thank you so much for your time, truly!

Kindest Regards,

Kathleen Clark


This is where you (we) use your (our) imagination. Is there a debt to be repaid? Are the brothers speaking to each other? So much depends on the context! How about a wager?



A question: one of my favorite parts of the Saxon Tales is "fate is inexorable". Why was it changed for the BBC series? Why - apologies - dumb it down for the masses? It was much more beautiful and poetic as you inserted it originally.

Jim Harvey


I don’t think it was dumbed down, it was just translated differently and maybe more accessibly. I suspect their version is easier to say and so easier on the ear . . . which is good for actors and audience. . . . reading is a different matter. In the books I have time to give the phrase in the original Old English and know that most readers will understand, but that’s an assumption too far for a TV audience.


I admire and love the Saxon Stories. You're authenticity and wording are brilliant. (Don't let this go to your head now.) I waited on the edge of my seat for months for the premiere then missed it. Other tv networks air episodes in following nights or show the previous and new back to back. BBC America doesn't. Please, tell me there is going to be a Last Kingdom DVD.


STARZ gave a lot of press to Outlander. BBC America seems to be keeping you secret. I want this to be so successful it guarantees more season. After all, destiny is everything.

Cheryl Noland


Hopefully.....I imagine sometime next year . . . which isn’t very helpful, sorry.


Starbuck and Stonewall's hand

You wrote about his left hand, others "General Stonewall Jackson walked around with his right hand in the air to balance the blood in his body"  why differs fiction from fact?



My source said his left, yours said his right, it must be one or the other.


I love the books, reading warriors of storm now. I'm probably older than uhtred is at 63 and have trouble each time I start a new installment who is who. A family tree, like you get for royal families, would be of great help, perhaps added to each book like the translations of place names. Or added to your website. What do you think?

Peter Cain


I think it’s a good idea, I should do it!


Where/when do I get my Uhtred t-shirt? I gotta believe I'm not the only one of yr fans who wants to know....

Bob J



Is there such a thing? I don’t have one yet . . . .


Do you know if the show will be broadcast in Canada?  I can find no mention of it on the BBC Canada website.



I am just wondering will your noted tV series ever make it to Canada

Bill Bdtker



I enjoy your books very much, especially the Saxon Series.Is the Warrior of the Storm going to be shown on BBC Canada? I can't pick up or stream BBC2 or BBC America. Hopefully it will be shown some time soon.

Thank you



Do you have any information as to whether we can expect to see the "The Last Kingdom" television series in Canada?

John Moroun


Love all of your books.  Will the Last Kingdom TV series be shown in Canada.  If so, when and what station would be carrying it?


Cassandra Brown


We've been told the TV series will air in Canada, but no date has been set yet.  When we have the details, we will post them to the homepage of this website!


Dear Mr Cornwell,

I enjoy your story telling and the characters you provide. In my mind Uhtred was physically imposing, larger than most men, rugged and although not ugly was of moderate looks. The character in the TV series is a relatively slight handsome actor and does not fit the Uhtred mold at all. As the author do you have any say in the casting of key characters?


Stephen Winwright


I had no say in it, and I didn't want to have a say!  It would have been extremely foolish of the producers to even suggest that I might have a say - casting is a skilled business and I have no skill in it!




Hi Bernard,

I have read quite a few of the books in this series over the years, and was wondering if the TV series is based just on the first book, or a number of them. If this is just the first book to be screened, than I sincerely hope there will be more adaptations.

Maria Stock


Hi Bernard,

Firstly, I would like to say how much I enjoyed reading books 1 - 9 of the Warrior Chronicles and pleased that Uhtred still has other battles to fight. My question is; in the TV series (best watch on telly on Thursdays for me), how many books will the 8 part drama cover? I am hoping this will be the first of many.

Superb piece of work and looking forward to book 10.




This first season (8 episodes) covers the first two books of the series - The Last Kingdom and The Pale Horseman


Dear Mr Cornwall

I am fortunate in having a BA(Hons) Degree in History from Keele Uni. My favourite period is the Hundred Years War. I am just about to read your novel '1356'. First however I wanted to read the historical note as I was interested to see if you commented on the location of the battle. You did. As you say there any many opinions as to where the battle took place and I note that you read 'In the steps of the Black Prince' by Peter Hoskins.

My bible on the battle is Alfred H Burne's 'The Crecy War. It turns out that his placing of the battles of Warwick and Salisbury, just south of La Cardinerie about 2 kilometres north of Nouaille - Maupertius appears to be correct. I say this because when I looked up the location on Google Earth because the aerial photography had been taken when the ground was dry the remains of the defensive  trenches / earthwork on the right flank of Salisbury's battle could clearly be seen, and which ran east, parallel with the railway track and for me removed all doubt. The aerial photography to which I refer has since been superseded by a Google map 2015, and the archeological evidence to which I refer is now far from clear. But if you are of a mind to follow it up sometime I would be interested in your opinion. I will now read your book - to be followed by Warriors of the Storm which my wife Dee bought today.

Take Care



I know there’s a paper being published soon on the battle’s location . . . I’ll try to find a reference, and I’ll hold my opinion till I’ve read it!