Your Questions


Dear Bernard,

just read on FB about an adaptation of the Winter King by HBO and Badwolf productions. Could this be true? My favourite trilogy being adapted for the telly box by HBO, who know their shnizzle?! I pray to Thor that this be true, and not the evil tidings of some supercilious priest!

Keep up the good work!

Owe Phillips


Hi Bernard,

I have just began watching your new show and love the adaptation from the books. Being a huge fan of the Arthur books (audio is fantastic, lost count how many times they have been listened too), would there ever be a TV or film adaptation for these books? Something like that on the screen would rival Game of Thrones with ease.

I assume this question has come up many times before but with this new series on TV it give me hope :)




All I can tell you is that some wonderful people acquired an option to develop the books for a TV series, but that’s only a very small step on a very long journey, so I’m not holding my breath!


Stirrups - isn't the Saxon period a bit early?

James Norris


My best sources suggest that stirrups came into use in Europe during the 8th Century and we have evidence they were used in Scandinavia a hundred years earlier.




Did you see the Wall Street Journal story about football (American) reading your books?

Jim Clark


I did – Andrew Luck, the quarterback of the Indianapolis Colts, says he likes to read my books! I like to watch him play!



Hi Mr. Cornwell.

I'm guessing that your present plan is to continue coming out with Uhtred's adventures each year until his saga is finished, and only then turning to other writing projects.  Am I right?

Alan Kempner


Dear Bernard,

This is not the first time I've been in touch. I am going to read Warriors... next week; then what? Is there any point in mentioning Starbuck. So many of us wait hoping.

Kind regards

Lee Menzies


Half right. I want to write the 10th Uhtred story and see what happens after that . . . I have a feeling I might take a year off from him, but we’ll see.



Hello Mr. Cornwell!

In your Last Kingdom books, you use a differing way of last names. For example, you use "Ubba Lothbrokson." Why do you use "Lothbrokson" instead of "Lothbroksson?"

Thank you so much,



Ignorance, probably.


Do you have a connection? You sail a crabber, Sharpe (the original) played for Redruth. Uhtred involvement in the viking cornish battle at Hingston Down? I live at Mylor Harbour, Falmouth, admire crabbers, once sailed a gaff rig, once worked in Redruth after escaping Thundersley, where, as a child, living next to Thundersley Lodged often hunted in the Glen. Just curious.

Paul Rutley

.P S fascinated by Saxon connections in West Cornwall. Would love to write about the two Royal Manors there.


It’s a small world! I envy you living at Mylor Harbour! Much better than Thundersley!


Hello Mr. Cornwell!

My name is Max and I am a thirteen-year-old author and I loved your book "Redcoat". I am writing a book about 9th century England, more specifically about Guthrum and the Great Heathen Army. In the preface of the Last Kingdom (I haven't read it, though), you cite the place-names of your book. Are they in Old Norse?

Secondly, where and how do you do your research?

Thank you so much,



They’re the earliest recorded English names, though many, of course, are heavily influenced by Danish. I use both the Oxford and the Cambridge Dictionaries of English Place Names and thoroughly recommend them.


Research is really a lifetime's work...a lifetime of reading histories.  Obviously I research a period in some detail, but much of the best material comes by accident, from reading things that are way off the subject - and I always try to visit the places I describe, even if it is two thousand years after the event.  Keep reading!




Hey there I have just finished the Warriors of The Storm will there be a book 10?

Ian Robertson



When the next book will be done?

Danilo Santos


I am working on book 10 now; with any luck....autumn of 2016?


Hi Mr Cornwell,

First i'd like to apologize for my bad english, learning yet hehe...Hope that won't bother you sir.

Was eager to ask about Uhtred's personality, it's a common knowledge that he's a proud one.

Do you sir, contributed on Uhtred's  personality (TV) ?

That's a good point, because he has some bad and good things about him. His pride made things hard on him in the youth, he could get wealthy soon in the life if wasn't for that.

In the other hand, he always won his battles by mind, and then, by his sword. I believe that he just survived that long because of that.

I think it's something that requires some attention, because it could affect how people think about him on tv series. No one wants 'two Uhtreds'.

Warrior chronicles is the best saga i've ever read.




I am a Brazilian fan of your books. First, sorry for my poor English. I’ve read everything you have published in portuguese language and some in english… Did you like the TV adaptation of "The last kingdom"?

I think they lost the essence of the tale… I will understand if you can't comment by contracts force

Jair Pedro de Assis


I am greatly enjoying the TV series!  I have no input, nor do I want any!  Best to leave it to the experts....


Mr Cornwell,

Somewhere in my gradually reducing brain capacity, I have the idea that the incident of Sharpe's field commission took place in India, and was changed to the Peninsula War for filming purposes. Any idea where this idea could have emanated?

Enjoying your "Waterloo" as recommended by Iain Gale!

Stewart Scott


Probably from the books? I think it happened in between Tiger and Fortress . . . and yes, the film people did change it (sensibly)