Your Questions


Sooo... i love the Sharpe series...

A few gaps and things are a little hit an miss but they are fabulous! :)

I was wondering if you would ever consider writing a book series that is set in Canada about the war of 1812, maybe along the sharpe kinda stories or maybe something different...

But i would really enjoy them!

Anyway please let me know what you think!

Also i am giving this "idea" for free your use 100 percent. So don't worry about me ever suing you!

But please let me know what you think! :) thank you!





Thanks, but I'm not sure I'll live long enough to write everything on the list now!


Dear Mr Cornwell,

you must have noticed by now that, though i really like your style, i won`t join the the masses devouring your novels without the readiness to point at inconsistencies.

I´m a wargamer since 30 years by now, so i might have a different approach.

Referring to my post from the 22nd of Oct. i´m still not convinced that an american assault onto the fort on the first day would have been successful.

  1. McLean as an experienced officer would have inevitably grasped that the american force approaching him is of much lower strength than he had estimated before. Its completly inconcievable that an officer, especially a british one would have given in without fighting. And we agreed already that the american ground forces would have had not the slightest chance against regular forces.

I hope you don't feel offended.

with best regards

Johannes Müther


I started reading Waterloo..........i think we´ll have a lot to talk about


McLean thought it would. And he was there!

I’m not offended that easily! Luckily it’s a hypothetical question and we’ll never know the answer.


Dear Mr. Cornwell,

I am a huge fan!    You write darn good battle scenes.  I will often reread the battles in your stories a few times before moving forward.  I would love to hear who you think are the 5 greatest generals (land and sea) before 1500AD.

Thank you,



I’ve never thought about it!! And to give you a considered answer would involve an enormous amount of research, and I’d be rewarded by messages saying how wrong I was anyway! Why don’t you come up with five and the rest of us can happily disagree?


Hi Bernard,

I'm really enjoying the BBC 2 adapation of The last Kingdom, nearly as good as the book 😉. Living in Tamworth (tomworthig) Staffordshire I'm curious to learn if you intend to weave something of the Staffordshire hoard mystery into the tenth book of the Warrior Chronicles. It would make a good yarn?!! Keep up the good work.

Kind regards.

Iain Semple


The Hoard predates my stories, and hoards are so common that I try to incorporate them any way (Uhtred buries a hoard at least once).




Dear Mr Cornwel,

l first I should like to thank you for the hours of enjoyment I have experienced from reading all of your novels. Taking note of your narrative above, I ask purely out of curiosity, about three characters from the Sharpe novels  What did fate hold in store for Sharpe's daughter Antonia, Captain William Frederickson and Jane Gibbons?

Did Richard Sharpe's path cross theirs ever again? I would guess I am just one of many of your readers who are curious as to what fate later held in store for them.

Kind Regards

Jim Jennion


Perhaps one day we will find out....


Hey sir,

I realize that this is something that you hear quite often. However, I am a huge fan of your books. I started with the saxon tales when I was in middle school, and have read each book in the series and am eagerly awaiting my copy of Warriors of the Storm (the US release not being till January), I have enjoyed your grailquest series (Guy Vexille is a personal favorite villain of your series') and I consider your Warlord Chronicles of Arthur to be one of, if not the best re-imagining of Arthurian Lore and your book Enemy of God from that series is probably my one of my favorite books of all time (I have read it 4 or 5 times). Anyways, with that out of the way, I just want to ask, have you ever been interesting in doing what you did for Arthur for other mythological histories? I personally would love to see your take on the Trojan war and see how you would handle the classic heroes. I realize it might be a super saturated market for that, but I think a Cornwellian take mythology's equivalent to a world war would be really cool. Anyways, thanks for taking the time to read my questions and ranting. I know you probably get countless of these emails a day, so the fact that you take your time to this for us fans is very awesome of you. (also do you know off hand if you will be in Northern Virginia anytime soon for talks? I have a few books I would like to have signed)

Michael Oden


It’s a lovely idea, but I doubt I’ll have the time to do all the research….I have other books to finish and write first! Sorry!

Sorry, no plans to anywhere in Virginia any time soon.


I'm a big fan of your books. I just finished the grail quest series and 1356. I'm now reading the last kingdom and I love it. The idea I had was that you set a great premise of using thomas of hooktons son. The story pretty much leaves off with him training him so it leaves lots of room for a great story. Like I said it's just an idea but it's something I think would an amazing next step in the series.

Marc J Howard


It’s on the list! Quite far down the list, but it’s there!


Dear Mr Cornwell

I am a huge fan of your writing and have read most everything you have written, but I do have one question regarding your early influences and your decision to write historical novels. As a youngster did you ever read any of the novels written by Ronald Welch? Like you he wrote historical fiction and I read all his novels as an early teenager, especially as his first one Son of York started off in a small Welsh village called Kenfig Hill, a place my late mother was born and brought up in. Apologies if you have been asked this question before, but I am curious to know as very few people I have ever spoken to have ever even heard of him.

Very best wishes and kindest regards



I did! I still have a copy of his Captain of Foot, which was his Peninsular War novel . . . a cracking read!



Dear Mr. Cornwell,

I have to say "Thank you" for your work, which mean you entertain me in a great way.

Why I am writing to you. Especially in the Richard Sharp Novels I often read from the german kings legion. You give them often small roles and integrate small stories (X-Mas Trees for example) in your novels. Do you like germans? Perhaps I ask because I already served in the german army and also navy for several years before I changed and studied social science and became a social worker. I often hear of people round the world telling each other stories about very good german military performance and modern fairy tales about german tanks. I think you as a historian knws it better to distinguish between stories and truth. But I simple want to know if you like the stories about prussian discipline and a special (if true or not) german character or if there a any other reasons for the german kings legion?

Thank you very much,

best regards

Matthias Bols

Erfurt, Germany


The KGL was a superb unit! Essentially it’s a Hanoverian force which fights as an integral part of the British army and which constantly impressed Wellington with its efficiency and, of course, discipline. The biggest compliment the British could pay the KGL was to say they were as good as the British! Wellington considered the KGL cavalry to be better than the British. I’m not going to fall into the trap of ascribing its excellence to national characteristics, but undoubtedly the KGL had enormous unit pride and a thirst for revenge against the French. And yes, I do like the Germans!


Hi Bernard,

thanks for your books they have been a great joy to me over the years living as I do in Spain to read a piece of England has been wonderful.

I have a question. I was actually married in Sorauren in Navarra to a Navarran girl. I'm fascinated to retrace the British Armies movements in this area where I now live. Could you guide me in terms of which of Sharpe's adventures are set in this area and perhaps you could recommend a good historical account of the battles, skirmishs etc that were carried out there.

Thank you in advance



Sharpe hasn’t been to Sorauren yet . . . . I’d suggest you look for a copy of Julian Paget’s wonderful book called (I think) Wellington’s Peninsular Battlefields . . . it’s a superb guide to the ground on which he fought and I’m certain he’ll have a chapter on Sorauren.