Your Questions


Hello, Mr, Cornwell

Thank you for all you work.

After the ninth book of Uhtred, what's your next book?

the 10th Uhtred or another thing?

regards from Brasil



I am working on the next Uhtred now.


I have just reread Azincourt, and I wondered is it a coincidence that the main character is called Hook or is a link to Thomas of Hookton?

Bryan Smith


There isn't a relationship between Nicholas Hook and Thomas of Hookton.  I took the name from the muster roll of the archers who really were at Agincout and it just happened to be the name I liked best and, by coincidence, shared the Hook with Hookton.




I am watching The Last kingdom and to my surprise, I'm really enjoying it. They've left a lot of characters and events out but still, it's really good. It gives an authentic picture of the time period, dirty and bleak with lots of detail as to how the characters would have looked except for Uhtred who doesn't resemble the character in the book at all.

Anyway, I hope they will do the whole series after these first eight episodes.

Did you do any of the screen writing?  Did  they use you as a consultant?

Ann Madonna


No!  I'm not a scriptwriter! I worked in television for a decade and learned I know nothing about producing TV drama.  Glad to know you are enjoying it - me too!


Only seen the first episode of the TV dramatization, currently showing on the BBC and loving it all already - my wife is just beginning to "get" why I love the books so much!

I was wondering which books the current TV series covers? I assume not all of the series...and so hopefully there will be more series on TV to come?

Phil Whitehead


The first season (8 episodes) will cover the first two books of the series - The Last Kingdom and The Pale Horseman.



I'm an avid reader of historical fiction and can honestly say the Warrior Chronicles and Sharpe are among the best - however I'm a bit anxious about the forthcoming TV series of your Chronicles books. You know what its like  you paint your own picture of the fascinating characters you place in history and then when television decides to portray them you worry they just wont live up to your standard!! I hope you've had plenty of say in the development of the series- I know quite often this isnt the case! Are you happy with what the BBC have done with your books? I've noticed you're not happy with comparisons with Game of Thrones - quite rightly too! Just about to start Warriors of the Storm -I hope it's as good as the the rest of the series, you've got a lot to live up to!!  Keep 'em coming (though Uhtred must be 90 by now!) Cheers

Steve Jones


I’d be delighted to be compared to Game of Thrones, it’s just that I don’t think the two series are comparable, other than both have alpha males wielding edged weapons. Game of Thrones is a superbly intricate and elaborate fantasy that creates a whole new world, while The Last Kingdom is far less elaborate and rooted in reality. I admire and enjoy Game of Thrones, but I don’t think anyone, least of all me, was ever trying to emulate it!


It seems that in your Saxon stories, Uhtred and most everyone else refers to the Roman Empire as a thing of the past.

Do they not know the empire is still around during their time? I wonder if even Alfred would have been ignorant of the enduring Roman empire.



No, they don’t know. They’re aware of Rome and the Pope (Alfred visited Rome), but beyond that? It’s a mystery


Again yet another great story, just afraid that we seem to be getting towards the end and since the magic of ice spittle Uhtred is in top form. Please, please tell me there is more than a book or two left. I know the story must have an end since at the start it has been clear it is about the making of England, and yes we all want Uhtred back in Bebbenburg clutching his sword as he takes his last breath, there is though a long time before that needs to occur. This storey felt like he had been refreshed the magic might have worked wonders, who says that it has not had further effects than anybody first thought possible? Pleas keep the stories rolling they only last a few days at most but i always re-read the full catalog before the new one is published, so at least a month is taken up in anticipation.

Ohh when can we expect the next installement (just please don't tell me it s the last!) March 16????



I do hope we are going to see Uhtred recapture Bebbanburg. Will there be number 10 In the series??

Terry Bridle


Dear Mr Cornwell,

I don't know if you realise this, but I was 61 years old last week !  Although my sword arm is still good and my new hip re-surfacing has made taking my place in a shield wall much more comfortable, I am a bit worried; that should your next novel be a long time in the making. I may not be able to help Uhtred re-take Bebbanberg.   Bearing in mind that I have accompanied Uhtred right from the start, (even though I'm a Welshman) I think it only right that I am there to take my place in the shield wall beside him, when we finally re-take his rightful inheritance. So please, spare no time and get cracking with the next novel.

Your humble servant

Gwyn Mowll


I am working on the next book of the series now!


Dear Sir,

Long time reader first time commenter.

I believe the Father to be Guy Loup of Sharpe's Battle here is my reasoning...

1- Take out the you (U) replace it with an me (I) and the French for Guy is pronounced Giy but spelt Guy.

2- A bit of a play on words here Gallop and Giloup tying in the horse reference

3- Bout the same age to be his father

4- Guy Loup could have raped his mother as his character encourages this behaviour  in his men.

P.S when/is there going to be a Sharp's Devil Film???

Jarvis Davison


Ingenious, but wrong. Sorry.

I'm not aware of any plans for a film of Sharpe's Devil


Dear Mr. Cornwell

1) i just want to ask if you may will return to the starbuck series, because for me its like an unfinished business

2) reading all your Sharpe books and always see the KGL appears sometimes, i just want to ask if you may consider a book- story about these part of the army.

3) i saw the first episodes of "the Last Kingdom",...  and i choose to keep on reading your books and just use the movies as an .... "nice to have" i´m sorry , but i prefer the book.

thank you for the opportunity to send you comments

kind regards



It's possible....

If I ever do go back to the Napoleonic Wars then I’m sure it will be another tale of Sharpe . . . .