Your Questions


Dear Mr. Cornwell,

I recently read Agincourt and the Sharpe series. In terms of historical fiction I have yet to read better books. The Sharpe series was outstanding and I wondered if I would find myself reading more in the near future. Maybe even, a TV show as well? I believe Sean Bean made a statement saying he would enjoy acting in another Sharpe episode.

Joseph A. Herbert


I have not heard of any plans for more Sharpe tv shows, but one can always hope!


Hi Bernard,

I know you have said there's a fair chance of more Sharpe to come, and not wishing the end to come anytime soon to either Sharpe or yourself!, do you have at this point an idea of how and when Sharpe dies, the circumstances in which it happens and his lifestyle when that time comes. Clearly I'm not asking for details, I'm just curious if you have that far mapped out in your own mind.

All the best



In Lucille’s bed. That’s all I know.


Hey Mr. Cornwell!

Firstly, I would like to thank you for your books. I've enjoyed every last one. My question to you is how do you go about writing  convincing characters? How do you flesh them out and write the dialogue so that it doesn't appear stilted or unconvincing? I've got the ideas of a book written down but making the characters has balked me. I've looked through  your writing advice but didn't find anything on that. (There is a chance that i missed it but I've got to get to class).


Nate Stewart


They emerge, naturally! Truly. I don’t plan them, I don’t really think about it. The book seems to unfold like a movie in the mind and I write what I see. This is entirely unhelpful advice, but it’s the best I can do, sorry!


Dear Mr. Cornwell

I have two questions for you, sir, if it isn't too much to ask, I'm from Brazil and would like to know when "Warriors of the Storm" will be released in my country (If that question was already made, I apologize for repeat it).

The other question is about the Arthur Books, I'd like to know if Derfel manage to have a pagan funeral. I know that is a silly question, but I'd be very sad if someone like him were buried as a christian, and I know that you, sir, just imply he wanted that, but I hope that you have a opinion made about that subject.

You are my favorite author, in every page I'm always amazed in how brilliant you are. Thank you!

With very best wishes,

Lucas Magalhães.


Sorry, I don't know the answer to your first question (but I will try to find out!)

Oh, he was buried as a Christian . . . he didn’t have much choice!


I've enjoyed reading all your novels and especially liked the Grail Quest series.  Do you have any plans to continue this series?

Thank you

Randy Kitano


Dear Bernard!

My favorite, out of all your characters, is Thomas of Hookton. Do you have any plans to release new material involving the archer?

Kind regards



No...but you will find Thomas of Hookton in the book 1356.


A response to a question from Steve Jubb on 9 Sept 2009 stated that maps showing towns, rivers, battlefields and swamps referred to in your books might be added to the website. Are electronic versions of these maps available anywhere? Thank you

Geoff Sanders


I don't think so....


Hello Bernard,

I only found the Saxon Chronicles recently and find them fascinating. Having been born in NE England I know Bamburgh very well. I now live in Gloucestershire. Can you recommend a factual history book of the time of these Chronicles. Not so much Alfred but with a Northumbria / Benecia slant. Thanks.



There’s a splendid book called Northumbria’s Golden Age, edited by Jane Hawkes and Susan Mills, Sutton Publishing (UK) 1999. I recommend it!



thank you for so many great times. My brother and I grew up on Hornblower and love reading historical adventures. I was reading a Hornblower book on a flight and the man next to be noticed and told me he was a fan. He asked if I'd read any Sharpe. I'd heard of it but how could they measure up? Well soon after I bought Sharpes Tiger, and soon after I had a new favorite author. You are truly one of the greats. My question is, as a Hornblower fan, what are some of your favorite adventures of his? Do you have a particular favorite book in the series or character?



I think my favourite is The Commodore, but really I like them all!



Dear Sir,

I am a great fan of your writing, and am currently reading Waterloo. You state that people thought that Napoleon's erratic behaviour could be due to Acromegaly or some similar ailment. I feel it would be unlikely to be Acromegaly,  which is characterised by an overgrowth of parts of the body, most noticeable in the skull, resulting in a distinctive 'Lantern Jaw' appearance, also overgrowth of hands and feet resulting in a spade-like hand. The portraits of Napoleon do not show these overgrowths, (his feet and hands appear remarkably dainty,) but do show a general enlargement of the head. I feel it would more likely be something like Paget's disease in the skull, a localised condition which firstly resorbs and then regrows bone in a chaotic fashion. Acromegaly is caused by a reactivisation of Growth Hormone in the pituitary gland. Both diseases  cause erratic behaviour as they progress. I'm not criticising your writing in any way (love your books!), just offering an alternative possibility.



Jill Malenoir



I was by no means persuaded of that diagnosis, but thought it should be added because it’s cited fairly often. I think Napoleon was simply fatalistic on June 18th. He never complained of ill-health during the campaign, and certainly never ascribed his defeat to any sickness, but I think it’s undeniable that he was sluggish on the day of the battle. But ever since his supporters have tried to find a diagnosis that would explain away his defeat.


Hello Mr.Cornwell

After spending some time in Belfast, I'm sure you must have an insight into the War in Ireland in which King James and William of Orange fought for the crown. I was interested to know whether you had thought of doing a book about this period of history? You are the man to do it!

Much respect.Keep up the good work!



Thank you!  But it's not on my list at the moment....