Your Questions


Hi Bernard,

I just finished The Archer's Tale, and one of the things that struck me was how strong regional identities were during that time period (Bretons, Burgundians, Gascons, etc.). That made me wonder, would the Bretons and the Welsh have felt any particular sense of kinship, even though they were on opposite sides? I found it interesting that, in the Arthur trilogy, the Britons on the island of Britain and in Armorica seemed to see themselves as basically the same ethnic unit. That doesn't seem to be the case at all in The Archer's Tale. Again, I've only read the first book of the Grail Quest, so forgive me if that's touched upon later on in the series.

Thanks as always,

Eric Clay


There would, I think, have been a kinship in the earlier period just after the Celtic diaspora, but I think that’s faded by the 13th and 14th centuries. The communities have been apart too long by then.



Dear Mr Cornwell.

I really enjoyed the Sharpe series but one thing does puzzle me, above all else.  That is the etiquette during war is often displayed in extremes.  One minute it is by the book to an extreme and the next anarchy.  I am sure that in any war this is true but some of the characters displayed both traits within in the same story and I wonder how this is rationalised.  I appreciate that it is fiction and the author has the licence but it is a dichotomy that I didn’t always understand.  Oh, what happened to Sharpe’s daughter?

Many thanks

Glen Bertram


I’m not sure it is rationalized!  Men who could fraternize one day (especially on the picquet lines) would try to kill each other the next. It was war.

We may see her again some day....


Hi, apologises as I know you must get asked so often but.. will Sharpe ride again? I often used to tell my wife who said she never read a book that was only because she didn't read what she liked only what she was told to.

Therefore I have read all your Sharpe books many times and listen to the audio books when I drive so please do you think there is another adventure for Sharpe and Harper?

Regards Harry

ps I was a former Royal Green Jacket so enjoyed it even more :)



Okay, you've heard this a zillion times, but when/if a new Sharpe book?  Thanks!

William McCarter


I think there may be one or two more Sharpe stories .....


Dear Mr Cornwell.

I have all your 'Saxon Story' novels having initially thought that I was buying into a trilogy,but now have to keep going to find out how Uhtred ends up in 'Bebbanburg' as an old man.

Anyway, earlier this year I read and enjoyed The Empty Throne and have just returned from a holiday in the St Davids area of Pembrokeshire. Could you tell me, did you base the island with the rock arch and the anchorage of the Dragon's mouth on actual places. I'd be interested to know.

Many thanks




The ‘Dragon’s Mouth’ is Solva…just to the east of St David’s


Hi Mr. Cornwell,

First, let me say that I am a HUGE fan of your work! I have read most of your books other than the Sharpe Series (too long to jump into now). Second, I know you said it was the most asked question you get but I was wondering if you were planning on reviving Starbuck any time soon? I normally wouldn't be interested in a Cicil War series but decided to give it a try because I love your other works. Starbuck resonates with me. I am the son of a conservative New England preacher that is now living in the south.. Although my father is a very loving man and we are very close, I do struggle with my conservative religious upbringing and have at times been a rebel myself.

Thank you,

Jay Graffam


Dear Bernard,

I have just re-read The Bloody Ground and enjoyed it immensely, as I have enjoyed all your books. It ends with "Starbuck will march again."

Will he?

Yours with gratitude,

Alan Moore


I love your civil war series and would like to know if Nathaniel Starbuck is going to march again?

Dale Harris


I hope so!


Hi there! My name is Manuel and I am from Portugal.

I am a huge fan of Bernard Cornwell writing, and i started my way through your books with the epic saga 'The Warlord Chronicles'. Those books made my days with the genially described battles.

I was really pumped to read 'The Saxon stories' but in Portugal we had a publisher that did the first 5 books, then they broke up financially and the project was abandoned.

My question for you is if there is any chance (or contact) from other publisher in Portugal that will continue the job and give us Portuguese fans the opportunity to keep reading that wonderful saga in our mother language.


Manuel Beito


Hi Mr. Cornwell!

I was wondering if you know when the last 3 books of the Saxon stories will be translated to portuguese. I have been eagering waiting for them to be published!!

Thank you for your answer.

Kind regards,




I do know my agent is looking for another publisher in Portugal, but I don't think one has been found yet.


Dear Bernard:

Have you ever thought about writing about the  international brigades in the Spanish Civil War? I know there were British like Orwell and others to draw from. It seems a good topic given you know so much of Spain and the last few veterans are leaving us. I know there is only one American left

Adam Azzalino


It is not in my plans...


Hi Bernard!

Just finished reading all the Saxon tales and loved them all!

I was wondering if you've ever considered for a future series or book different time periods and locations, such as ancient Egypt, the Middle East, Alexander the Great, ancient Rome, etc?




I do have a number of things I'd like to write - not sure I'll ever get to them all!


hi there

I bought all the warrior chronicles in one go and read them in one go, I could not put them down.  When I heard they were going to be made into a tv series I had to find out more but could not find the uk release dates.  If you could point me in the right direction it would be much appreciated.





BBC America has announced the date for the US debut of the TV series (10 October 2015 at 10pm ET/9 C) but BBC Two has yet to announce the UK date and time.  We will post it to the homepage of this website as soon as we learn it!



love your stories. Will there be a book 9 in the Saxon chronicles ? If so, when? Thank you for your wonderful books! Can't get enough.

Terry Baca




The next book (ninth) of the Warrior Chronicles/Saxon Stories will be Warriors of the Storm.  It will be published in the UK and Canada on 8 October and in the US in January.   To read an excerpt of the upcoming book, click here: