Your Questions


I originally watched the Sharpe series and thought it was fantastic. Then I read the books (twice) many years later.  Recently went back to re-watch the series and was very disappointed. I know at the time the series was created they were limited on the scope they could show and it would be imposible to show a 10,000 man + battle. But with today's CGI is there any thoughts about redoing the Sharpes movies and doing proper?



I am not aware of any plans for it.


Dear Mr. Cornwell,

I have been an avid reader of yours for a great many years having read the Warlord Chronicles, all of the Uhtred of Bebbanburg series, and many of the Sharpe stories. I recently reread the Warlord Chronicles for maybe the 5th time and I noticed the references to the Song of Beli Mawr throughout all 3 books. I was wondering, as a fan and ancestral Welshman, if there are actual standard lyrics to the Song of Beli Mawr?


Charles Mckay


I'm afraid the war song of Beli Mawr is totally my invention.


Hello Bernard

Warlord Chronicles - What a brilliant series,currently reading for the umpteenth time. Have often wondered if you have ever considered filling in the gap from the end of the series to Derfel's arrival at Dinnewrac,and equally a spin off of some kind regarding Dirwnachs defeat in Lleyn?




No plans to add to the Warlord Chronicles, but I'm glad to know you've enjoyed those books.


Have you ever thought of writing a book on the Romans in England during 197 AD and what they were mainly planing to do during this time?

Matthew Terriza


I don't have plans for the Romans - I'll leave that to others.


Good Day Mister Bernard

First of all I want to wish you all the best and congratulate you with finishing another great book - Warriors of the Storm

Mister Bernard when can we get a small look inside your new book. Do you plan to place small part on your website?



Yes!  We'll have an excerpt of the book available soon!


Dear Bernard,

My youngest recently tore one of the first pages from my battered copy of Redcoat, and I saw for the first time that Redcoat was conceived and nurtured by Irvin Kershner. Being a huge fan of Empire Strikes Back, I wondered how this came about?




Many years ago Irving (Irv) wanted a story written that would depict the American Revolution from the British side…he wanted to make a movie from that perspective and lacked a tale. Well, he asked me, the story was written, he was enthusiastic, but I guess the paymasters of Hollywood were not! He was a nice man!



Very much enjoyed your commentary on veterans and the 1815 Battle of Waterloo earlier on CBS Sunday Morning, but when you offered your short list of US cities apparently named after the battle site, it seemed strangely unorganized, neither citing the most populous, nor oldest or newest, nor furthest afield.

Was there a unifying idea for the towns you did name that I should have recognized?

Thank you in advance for your kind attention and anticipated reply.



I merely plucked four states at random . . . there were too many to list. The point was the oddity of so many places in America (more than 50) adopting the name Waterloo.


Dear Mr Cornwell,

Has anyone ever approached you with the idea of doing a film or tv adaptation of winter king and the other warlord chronicles? I always thought they would make excellent screen adaptations and sharpe proves your work transfers well to screen. Hollywood churns out adaptations of the arthurian legends with usually bad results and each time I wonder why no one makes your version into a trilogy or series.





Thank you!  No plans right now...


Dear Mr Cornwell

l have just finished The Grail Quest for the third time round, then 1356. (plus all of your other books of coarse), but Thomas of Hookton is by far my favourite. For some obscure reason, if l would have been born in his time, it would have been a man that l would have followed.

In my younger days, l pulled a war bow of over 80lb but now l can just about pull up 50lb . As you have probably guessed, my question is, are there anymore adventures for Thomas and Genevieve with hopefully Robbie and Sam so as l can disappear into their world again?

Respectfully yours

Gerry May



No plans for Thomas right now, sorry!


Just finished your new "Waterloo." What an excellent book! My great-grandfather Sandford fought at Gettysburg, and I've studied that battle extensively, and I think I understand it as well as it can be understood. I've also read a lot about Waterloo, but never understood it. Your book went a long way toward bring a kind of understanding. (Gettysburg always seemed to me to be quite a rational battle, while Waterloo seemed more like a frantic collision beyond any real control.) I'm also very familiar with your previous Waterloo, the Sharpe novel, which I've read several times. Was Sharpe in any way modeled after Lt. Col. Sir John Colborne? I thought I felt a resemblance...

John (Sandford) Camp



No!  He’d have been flattered at the thought though, thank you!