Your Questions


Dear Mr. Cornwell

After reading the excellent Uhtred books .We had to make the ( 800mile) round trip to Bamburgh castle . The views were stunning , then we  invaded Lindesfarne ( a must) . It really brought the books to life . Little wonder why they were fought so hard to keep .

When will the next installment going to hit the bookshelves ?


Dane Clarke



I've just finished reading "The Empty Throne" and thoroughly enjoyed it, as I have enjoyed all your other books.

What lies ahead for Uhtred? Will there be another book? And when, if known?

Best wishes,




When is the book out in the UK.  very excited for next episode in the series

Peter Murrie


The next book of the Warrior Chronicles/Saxon stories will be Warriors of the Storm.  We hope it will be available in October!



I'm contacting from sunny Kos, I can't believe the power of the web as I'm only here for a fortnight and usually send from less than sunny Newcastle.

I brought several books old favorites and new after rereading sharpes tiger[ heart in mouth and devoured in a couple of days). I've launched into Flashman, on you recommendation, I've not read them for 30-35 years and I had forgotten how breathtakingly brilliant they are. I've been shocked by some of thr words used, as intended, and I've been genuinely moved by the resonance with the recent campaigns in Afghanistan.

It's amazing how people make the same military mistakes again and again.

Anyway here's the question, surely Sharpe and Flashman must be related, they look alike, Fashman's dad and grandad were less than faithful?

Mike Davidson


It’s a nice thought! It would certainly be on the wrong side of the blanket!



Don't usually read historical fiction, haven't much time to read anyway.  Came at your books when I was doing lots of long journeys and lost patience with listening to the radio, so I trawled the charity shops for spoken word/books on tape.  Got 'Gallows thief' and it was one of the best books I've ever listened to or read.  Some memorable moments there - his explanation of Waterloo will forever stick in my mind, the narrator did the book full justice.  My question is are there any more novels featuring Rider Sandman?

Jeremy Turner

Kind Regards



There is not another Rider Sandman novel.  I've considered a sequel, but I'm not sure I'll ever get to it!


I noticed the option to contact on your site and thought I would drop you a mail.

I particularly enjoy the Sharpe series. Which period is your favourite of all you've written about? Also, I write short stories and was wondering if you had any hints or tips.

Regards, Chris


My favourite?  Hard to say....usually whichever one I'm currently writing!

Here is a link to the webpage containing some writing advice - hope you find it useful!


Dear Mr Cornwell,

Have you ever considered writing a fictional piece of work set in the period of history where the Armanda took place?

Kindest regards

Martyn Barrow


It's not in my plans at the moment.



I'm from Qubec city, in Canada. I wonder if books 5-8 Saxon stories will be translated in french soon... I've read the first 4 and I really loved it!

Thank you very much !

Natalie Gagnon


Sorry, the French publisher doesn't seem to have plans to continue translating the series...


Dear Mr Cornwell.

Having recently re-read Sharpe's Devil and owning the entire Sharpe series on DVD I am wondering if anyone is planning to make the movie ( With Sean Bean of course.)?

Apologies if this has already been asked and kindest regards for many hours of happy reading.

Mark Gibbens


Haven't heard of any plans for it!


Will you be in Belgium for the Bi-centennary of Waterloo?

Also, I'm delighted that Last Kingdom is to be adapted by the BBC. Is there any hope for my personal favourite: The Winter King?

James Spivey


Hi Bernard,

Will you do a book signing session for your mainland Europe fans, too?

We will be at the Waterloo commemoration on June 18 and 19.

I would love to meet you there, as I'm sure other fans would.

Keep up the good work and don't become too much of a grumpy, reflecting old man (^<^,)

Kind regards,


The Netherlands


Alas, I won’t be there; I’m attending the Commemoration Service at St Paul’s Cathedral instead, sorry!


I just finished Waterloo.  Really well done!  I've read a god bit of both fiction and history about the battle.  Have you read Allan  Mallinson's "A Close Run Thing", the first in his series featuring cavalry officer  Matthew Hervey?  I enjoyed it a lot.

Bill Brockman


Yes, I have read some of Mallinson's work - I think Hervey is terrific!




Dear sir,

Please forgive me but I’m now going to ask you the strangest 2 questions you’ve probably every been asked since you created Richard Sharpe………..

Have you ever looked at any of the other characters (born the other side of the fence)  and thought, “that’s who Sharpe would be like had he been raised in a loving environment” ?

Because ultimately I believe in a combination of nature and nuture, so I’m sure Sharpe’s fighting spirit would have surfaced.

Also whom were the characters from the middle/upper classes you felt most wanted to be more like Sharpe?  I think Jorge Vicente (for me) is an obvious one based on Sharpe’s Escape, although with a few more “morals”  and I think Simmerson would like to be as brave as Sharpe in his own mind,  he is……..but when it comes to reality…………..Oh dear!

I know, 2 extremely strange questions indeed………….



I’ve never thought about it! Maybe he’d have ended up as a parson?

Oh, probably d’Alembord!