Your Questions


Dear Mr. Cornwell,

Is it possible, that the Warrior Chronicles will go on after the death of Uhtred, with Uhtred the younger becoming the main character?

Thank you for your answer, and best wishes,

Telek Gergely


The Chronicles will end at the Battle of Brunanburh, and will not go beyond!



What is the decoration featured on the cover of Sharp's Story?

Thank you

Dennis Schroeder


It’s the badge of the 95th Rifles . . . because they didn’t carry colours into battle (being in a skirmish line precluded carrying colours) they wore their battle honours on their badge


Good morning, Mr. Cornwell.

I was just wondering: "Warriors of Darkness" is the 9th book of Uhtred's series or it's just a short story featuring him?

Great hug from Brazil

Vagner Stefanello


The next book will be the 9th book of the series - it is not a short story.


I saw that Uhtred's story is being filmed as a TV series and I'm curious to find out how it ends since the book series still haven't taken us back to Bebbanburg. Will the final book in the series come out prior to the TV series? I hope so.

Ramzi Najjar

Beirut, Lebanon


The next book will be out, but it is not the final one of the series.


I so much enjoyed these but wonder why, after you wrote that"Starbuck will march again" you evidently decided not to continue the series. It's frustrating! I have all your other books & re-read them with great pleasure but I do hope that one day SOON another Starbuck novel will appear! Thank you for all the enjoyment you give to us.

Gillian Simmill



Mr. Cornwell;

Thank you for taking time to read my inquiry.  Are you ever going to continue the Chronicles?  Do you feel they are complete or was there another reason for leaving them as-is?  I know our friends from south of the border (I'm Canadian) can be a bit touch and possessive of their ACW legacy.  Was there a lack of following from that audience during your work?  Perhaps a younger group of readers would now welcome your fresh take on their past?

Gregory Edmand


Mr. Cornwell:

Are there any plans to continue the Starbuck Chronicals? The four books thus far have been excellent and leave me wanting more (even though we all know the outcome of the "big" story) from the Confederate perspective.

I am about one-half way through The Sharpe Series (reading Sharpe's Company now), which is another extraordinary account of an Englishman fighting the King's wars.


Paul Sutton


The problem began when the Sharpe TV series was made and it seemed sensible to write more Sharpe books - so I took Sharpe back to India and began what is really a whole new Sharpe series.  And the trouble was that he Sharpe books are just a bit too much like the Starbuck books and I did not want to be writing two of those a year, and so I send Starbuck on an extended vacation.  I hope there will be more Starbuck, but I don't really know when?






I have just finished reading 'Stormchild' for the third time and enjoyed it just as much as the first time.

I think I have read all of your other sailing books.

So how about writing a new one?



Maybe....someday....when I retire?


Love all your Sharpe books Mr Cornwell. How difficult would it be to create a Sharpe/Hornblower crossover book and how do you think they would get on and think of each other? Great debate I've had with a number of fellow friends and fans of both.

Craig Johnson


I’ve never been tempted to let them meet, mainly because it would be a copyright nightmare!


Hello there!

I am a big fan of yours and have been for many years. I am also a Primary school teacher in England and we now have a new curriculum for history with a unit 'Vikings v Anglo-Saxons'. (Maybe Mr. Gove is also a fan?) Anyhow, I have been sorely tempted to read parts Uhtred's adventures to Year 6 - it would certainly bring it alive for them! Have you or your publishers ever considered bringing out an edited version for children?

Thank-you for many, many happy hours of reading and listening via the audiobooks.

Cath Luckham


We’ve never considered it! It’s really not a bad idea, but lord only knows where I’d find the time to do all the editing. Still, I’ll think about it, and thank you!



Hi Bernard,

Just finished the Empty Throne and thought that this was the best yet with Uhtred the hero once more. I did not see the end coming, wonderful.  You have a gift for sure and I look forward to many more books as diverse as you like but I do wonder if the young Uhtred may replace his father as he ages or you may do an Alan a Dale from Angus Donald and relate stories from his Uhtred's youth? Thanks for some epic reading,

Pete McG.



I’m not sure, is the answer! It’s certainly a possibility, but I think I’ll just have to wait and see how the series turns out!



I loved how you did the Saxons,Jutes,& Angels,in your Arthur series,& how you write Uhtred,any chance that you will do a novel or 3 from the Saxons viewpoint as they came to Britain?





I’ve thought about doing that, but so far haven’t found the time! Maybe one day?