Your Questions


Have you put any serious thought into finishing the Starbuck series? Thanks.

Tyler Whittaker


First, I love reading your books, I feel my soul was part of the eras you write about.My question is, will you ever continue the Starbuck Chronicles?  I feel you left us hanging/waiting but nothing since 1996.  Is there any hope the continuation of this series?

Marina Anderson


I know you've made note of having put the Starbuck Chronicles on hold on your website, but I'm wondering if that has changed at all, and if you are planning to finish the series.  I have to say that it's been my favorite of your series to read, and with so much of the war left, there is so much for him to do.

Karl Frombly


Hello. I am a huge fan of sharpe series, warlord and saxon chronicles. But lately I became really addicted to the Starbucks chronicles. Its really interesting the spiritual battle inside Nathaniel and it makes it different from other books. When are you going to continue this series?




I do think of Starbuck and hope to bring him out of retirement on of these days!


Dear Mr Cornwell,

I am from Moran, a small town in Assam(North-Eastern India). You are the best writer that I know and that probably won't change till I'm dead. I am reading Sharpe's Company now. The series is really excellent and I'm enjoying it very much. I just wanted to know whether you are visiting India anytime soon so that I can have the honour of meeting you. Please try to come over here. You have a lot of fans here too.

Yours Sincerely,

Shounak Bhattacharyya.


I'm afraid I do not have plans to visit India again any time soon, but thank you!!


Mr. Cornwell,

I was introduced to you via Sean Bean's Sharpe and went on to read all the novels.  Next I was Azincourt and have just recently read the 4 Thomas of Hookton books.  I really enjoyed Sharpe and Azincourt but the Thomas books are top at the moment (I have your other books in my sights).  I have read a reply that you will consider further adventures of Thomas and I would like to add my weight to that too.

You have the whole Hundred Years War at your disposal, so maybe Hugh and/or further descendants could carry on the story.  I know you have more than enough time in your day to fit that in with all your other commitments (cough cough).

I must say I'm glad I'm not one of your hero's women, they do have a rough time of it!

Anyway, thank you so much for your work and for the ability to contact you so easily.

Simon (just one more fan)


I don't have plans for further adventures for Thomas at this time;  sorry!


Dear Mr Cornwell,

I'm sorry to bother you, I was just wondering whether you have anything to do with the production of the new series of the last kingdom or do the writers/producers etc just have a free hand and can now do whatever they want to the book! I live in Exeter and I'm from North Devon and really hope that they stick to the book so that my home can be at least mentioned on the big screen. I have a friend from London who said that the people of Devon had never done anything for this country and at least I could mention Cynuit thanks to you.


Thanks for your time.




They have a free hand, but I think it will turn out just fine!


Mr Cornwell,

I am rereading this book for about the third time. I feel I am living every second with Nick Sandman.

I have read all the Uthred books and the other sailing novels, and would love to know if there will be any more sea stories or more Uthred tales.

Never keen on Sharpe ( SB not my type!), but am looking forward to Waterloo.

Best wishes,

Carol Cheshire


There will be more Uhtred!


I cannot find a list and descriptions for all your characters in the Saxon Tales. After eight books I can't be the only one getting confused. Can you help me?


Also Uhtred's lifelong dream of taking back Bebbanburg seems to have been forgotten in 'The Empty Throne', why?

Sean Cunningham


We are considering putting a list in a future book . . . . I hope it helps if we do!

It wasn’t forgotten . . . it was mentioned . . . but the recapture is still in the future!


Mr. Cornwell;

I am very much taken with both your Sharpe series and Saxon Chronicles. Each time I start one of your novels I can barely put it down. Is there any chance of Richard Sharpe temporarily crossing the Atlantic to lend a hand in a battle of the other war of 1812? Perhaps a turning point such as the Battle of Stoney Creek.


John Marks


No!  Sharpe made a promise he would never fight in North America.


Hello Bernard,

with the 200th anniversary of the battle of Waterloo I feel very disappointed in the apparent lack of interest there seems to be of the, probably, most famous battle in history. It was one of the defining moments that has been, from what I can see, ignored in the media, little has been said about how it is being commemorated and yet it was a significant moment in history where not only was one of the biggest tyrants in history finally stopped but over 40,000 men were casualties in just 8 hours, 5,000 per hour. We remember our veterans from the 2 world wars and recent conflicts quite rightly, but such a day in history as this battle seems to be ignored by all but a few. how do you feel about how this day is being remembered in view that your excellent book on the battle was recently published?

Terry Coulton


I know that various commemorations are planned for June 18th, including a service at St Paul’s Cathedral. Beyond that, I don’t know! I don’t live in Britain so I’m not aware of how the broadcasters are planning to mark the day. I hope it’s remembered! Be sad otherwise


Hi, Mr Cornwell,

Do you have any crazy fans' stories? Someone who has ran after you on the streets, broke into your house, something like that? Or all of your fans are respectful people?

Eilton Ribeiro


All my fans are wonderfully sensible, refined, educated and intelligent people. All of them!


What would have Thor's hammer amulet, that Uhtred would have worn be like.

Ive read and re read parts to find out.

But do you have a sort of  idea of its. picture.

Thank you.

Gwen Penny


You’ll find a good picture (and discussion) here: