Your Questions


Hello, Mr. Cornwell.

My husband and I have been greatly enjoying the Saxon Tales. I, in particular, love historical places and enjoy historical fiction. I've looked online for tours that visit locations mentioned in your book--a Cornwell or Uhtred tour if you will. Alas, I have not found a one. I wish I lived in Britain because then I would design one (or so I imagine).

Last September we took a short trip of our own devising and we visited Holy Island (saw the carving of the monks carrying St.Cuthbert), walked around the base of immense Bebbanburg (how we call Bamburgh), bits of Hadrian's Wall & Roman forts, the Cathedral at Dunham (of course, Durham, where we saw another carving of the monks carrying St Cuthbert as we walked from the hotel to the Cathedral), a very short visit to York &the Jorvik Centre. We had great fun but the driving was really so stressful. We'd still like to go south and west to visit much of Wessex, Chester, & look for that marshy area to the east of London (the name escapes me) where Uhtred led the saxons over the well protected fort of the danes. But we cannot make this circuit without a car. Alas.

I imagine with all your travels you probably have become friendly with people in the travel industry. Perhaps you might pass on my wish for a tour for Uhtred/Saxon Tales fans? What fun excursions these could be!

Thanks so much for the enjoyable reads.

All my best to you.



Maybe somebody already offers such a tour? I’m afraid I don’t know the companies who do that kind of thing. Sorry!



I've only just got around to reading your modern day 'Thrillers' series and I'd like to say how thoroughly enjoyable they are; I'm getting the same sense of excitement I used to get reading Hammond Innes and Desmond Bageley years ago. Can I ask if you made a conscious decision not to add to them after Scoundrel, or have other ideas since then just appealed to you more? Looking forward to more Uhtred in the autumn, and the new Elizabethan series (or whatever you decide comes next!) after that.

Best Wishes

Tony Mills


I simply decided I was happier writing historical novels!  But thank you for the comment!



My great,great,great grandfather was an engineer and general under Napoleon. General LaBas was sent to Egypt to secure the obelisk and bring it to Paris. I only just heard that you have written a book with this story so I am anxious to read it. Which of your books contains this incident? Thank you.

Constance Garrison


None of them, I’m afraid, sorry!



Dear Mr Cornwell,

Given that this year is the 200th Anniversary of Waterloo, I imagine that there is a renewed interest in your splendid "Sharpe's Waterloo". We hear a lot about how Waterloo was not only an Iconic and Dreadful event but how it changed the face of Europe.

However, the Iconoclast in me wonders, had Bonaparte won, would the modern World actually be significantly different? Principally, would the rein placed on a Prussia led, united Germany have led to a more peaceful last 200 years? Impossible to answer, I know but I'd be intrigued to hear your opinion.


Keith Harris, Nottinghamshire.


Probably not. The most likely outcome of a French victory at Waterloo would have been a long summer campaign which repeated the campaign of 1814 . . . . i.e. a gradual tightening of the allied noose as the Austrians and Russians invaded from the east and the remnants of the British and Prussians from the north.


Hi again, Mr. Cornwell.

At Waterloo, when General D'Erlon made his attack on La Haye Sainte, did Napoleon make a mistake when he did not support it on the flank with a force of heavy cavalry?   Would such a force have been able to repulse the charge of the Scots Greys and allowed D'Erlon's attack to succeed?

Alan Kempner


D’Erlon attacked the whole ridge, from La Haye Sainte on his left all the way to Papelotte – and did send heavy cavalry! That cavalry destroyed a battalion sent by the Prince of Orange, but then was charged by British cavalry from the Household Brigade and was thrown back. I don’t think there’s any great mistake in the deployment of the cavalry, the bigger mistake was d’Erlon’s decision to adopt a formation which made it almost impossible for his attack columns to form square when they were assaulted by horsemen.


Hello Bernard,

I was wondering if you have any advice on how to gain a literary agent or publisher. I wrote to nearly every known agent there is and got pretty much the same letter back, I even sent 3 chapters of blank text to see if I got the same response - which I did. Is there a trick to getting ones foot in the door so that they would even read a bit of the book?

Many thanks indeed - love the books - particularly The winter king!


Charlie Phillips.


The short answer is no. The slightly longer answer is to subscribe to the book trade periodicals (The Bookseller or Publisher’s Weekly depending where you live) and read it to discover which agents are looking for new clients and. More crucially, which agents handle the sort of book you’ve written. It’s plainly hopeless to send a romantic novel to an agent who specializes in, say, thrillers. Beyond that it’s persistence. I wish I could be more helpful!


Hello Bernard,

You probably won't expect, but you've got a 15 year old girl who is a fan of yours! The first book of yours that I read was Sharpe's Escape, about 2 years ago, and from there, I've developed a huge interest in Napoleonic history. I've always liked learning history, but had no idea what area to study! But now, I have to thank you. Most historical novels I've read are too tedious or researched poorly, but all your books are so well written, with believable characters and situations and reactions.

I've recently finished Sharpe's Devil, and it's been quite a journey for Sharpe. I've grown quite fond of Sharpe and Harper, though I also found myself growing fond of the minor characters and wondering, what are they doing while Sharpe finds retirement? What do you think Jorge Vincente.. Antonia.. Lawford and Vivar- how have their lives continued?

Thank you!



I'm so glad to know you like my books!  We will have to wait until I write another Sharpe to know!


Hi Mister Cornwell,

I will keep it short and sweet.  Gotto ask! Can I look forward to another Sharpe story?

Hoping and wishing. Looks like you are busy writing thats a good thing. Good luck and Best wishes for you and your family.

Bill Hogsten


I hope so!  But not any time soon....



I love your books, they are and have become just everything I like in a book. My favourite. is The Warrior chronicle, and obviously Uhtred But I wondered of at any time you may want to write something with Richard III?

I understand this may be a little out of your time lines. But I don't think that is really so.

I just wondered.

Looking forward to more in the story of our great warrior.

Thank you so much


Gwyn Penny


Maybe???  But not any time soon.


Hey Bernard -- like the rest love your books - 3 comments/questions:

1) getting a little crusty with your fans - manuscripts etc.. Not withstanding.

2) Why 9 month difference in UK vs US release - why so long - still a fan!

3) You winding it down? Is the co-writer game next?

Man, you have knocked it out of the park - Enjoy it and your fans!

All the best



The later publishing time is a decision made by the US publisher.

Not for me!  Writing is really a solo business and I'm sure doubling the authors triples the problems.