Your Questions


Go ahead and add me to the pile of Uhtred-lovers wondering when book 9 will come out. Can you give us a ballpark? This last book was probably my favorite, and my previous favorite was the first. He's such a great character, thank you for creating him!


Maxwell Buehler


Hi Bernard

I wondered if you could tell me when the book you are writing now which is your 9th in the series will be released I have read them all twice and derived a great deal of pleasure from them  thank you

Dave Buck


Dear Sir,

After reading and finishing the full Saxon series I was just wondering if you have any plans to continue the story?  I'm asking this because of have never read anything like it in my life before  and now feel I know Uhtred so well and it seems silly but I need to know what happens to him in the future. I have since tried to read other books by other  authors but can't seem to get into them as much as I did with the Saxon series. Once again, thank you so much for bringing this character into my life,  yours,




I am writing the ninth book of the Warrior Chronicles/Saxon stories now.  We hope to see it published in the UK in October and in the US next January.


Recently, I read your book "Waterloo"- an excellent read and so deeply researched.  I noted quite a few references to the German Legion, so I think you must have looked into that unit's records.  This is the reason I'm contacting you.

My great great grandfather was described at his marriage (1838) in Caernarvon, as "gentleman".  When his three daughters were born, he was variously described as "half-pay officer", "Captain in the Army", "Army Officer".  When one of his daughters married (long after he was presumed dead) she described her father as "Captain in the Army".

He was not present at the births and baptism of his first and third daughters but he was present at the birth of his middle daughter.  He was the informant of the birth to the civil authorities and, as the baptism was the same day, it's reasonable to suppose he was present.  The Llanbeblig parish records show his occupation as "Captain in the German Legion".

His wife remarried in 1849, in the same church in which she married George Austin, describing herself as a widow.  So he died (no record known to me) or scarpered.

I cannot find this fellow in the Army List, the Waterloo Record or anywhere else--he may have been a liar/conman -- who knows?

Can you suggest, from your experience perusing German Legion records, where I might look to see if this great greatgrandfather was a hero or a fake?


David Burton


I’m not sure I can help! I have various books on the KGL, but none print a roster of officers. I’m sure the records exist, but where? I’m afraid I don’t know. There is a splendid website: which is a database of every serving soldier in the British army between 1760 and 1915, but whether that includes the KGL, I really don’t know. I doubt it.  But if you Google Kings German Legion Records you’ll find a wealth of resources, and surely one of them can help?



I'm a yank!  But, I caught the "Peaky Blinders" on NetFlix and it is amazing.  I hope some of the same BBC crew work on our Lord Uhtred's film debut.  As you imagine, they had better get it right!  We (your faithful reading horde) all have, in our fuzzy brains, a unique way of imagining how Uhtred's war cry sounds, and against all odds we must be made to believe it is really Uhtred on our screen and not some impostor.  No pressure!


Two things:

1) Have you watched Peaky Blinders?  If no, well, you my friend are missing out.

2) Not sure if this has been mentioned before, but... you should read less fan-mail and get back to work on the next Uhtred book.  Tick tock!


Best regards from a faithful reader,



I’m missing out. You’re not the first person to tell me and it’s time I remedied it. Thank you!




I am planning a trip to follow the making of England as per your books (The Warrior Chronicles). My first stop will be Winchester followed by Malmesbury, Gloucester, Tamworth, Bamburh Castle and Lindisfarne (Holy Island). I expect to take my time and it will take me 5 days. Is there any advice you can give me as to what to look for or people I can speak to while on the trip? I dont really wish to go and see battle sights as mostly they are just fields now, but anything else. I will be seeing the graves sights and tombs of Alfred, Edward, Aethelflaed, Aethelstan.


Neil Smith


I’m not sure I can recommend any one person to see at any of those venues, but you’ll certainly find very helpful folk at, say, the Museum in Winchester and, likewise, at Bamburgh Castle! It’s a splendid itinerary. I think you’ll find it’s intuitive! A tour of churches, cathedrals, castles and museums – you can’t go wrong. And do enjoy Holy Island, it’s a very special place!



Dear Bernard,

I'm a big fan of your Saxon Stories and would like to thank you for bringing this very interesting period to life for us all.

Without giving anything away, 'Ice Spite' plays a big role in your latest book. In your end notes you thank Thomas Kane, MD; can you elaborate on what medical condition he was advising you on? Some sort of abscess maybe?

Best Regards

Robin Baker


It was an abscess, yes! I’d ask Tom, but he’s still recovering from celebrating Ireland’s win in the Six Nations.



Hi Bernard,

First I would just like to thank you for creating such vivid worlds and inspiring me to have a go at creative writing myself. I just have a couple of questions if you have the time.

In the Last Kingdom Uhtred talks about being a Sceadugengan, a shadow-walker. Is this an invention of yours, or did people of the day believe in such creepy entities lurking in the shadows?

I am currently researching for a Viking inspired fantasy novel, but find that most books on the Vikings are generic and don't have anything special about them. Are there any particular books you have read when researching the Saxon Stories to get the creative juices flowing that you would recommend?


Thank you, and all the best,



They did, and I didn’t make it up (though an Anglo-Saxon scholar chided me for getting the tense wrong)

Here is a link directly to the webpage 'Suggestions for Further Reading' for the Warrior Chronicles:



Dear Sir

I am currently re-listening to Sharpe's Gold.  Everytime from the first time I purchased the paperback, to listening to the fantastic William Gaminara read it to me on Audio-Book, the genius of your writing inspires me to get extremely annoyed at Major Kearsey.  Major Kearsey is adamant that Britain has let Spain down, and what frustrates me is he's conveniently ignoring facts like broken promises made to Britain/Wellington by Spain.

I actually admire Sharpe's restraint in this book, because I think there must have been occasions where he'd have liked to give him a little slap?  Particularly when Kearsey was being patronising or condescending.

He was an honest man, which i know is supposed to be admired, but I cannot bring myself to either pity or like the man.  What did you think of Kearsey?

Also, Harper aside, whom have your 3 favourite friends of Sharpe been?  Mine are Sweet William, Hogan and Jorge Vicente.



Oh, you’ll hate me, I’ve forgotten him. I wrote that book over thirty years ago!

Lady Grace, the Contessa and Lucille!


Hi Bernard,

It's very interesting about the grenadier regiments. I understand they began as 'ad hoc' assault units within line regiments, handpicked for their strength and elitism. As years passed, they became regiments in their own right, finally attaining ostentatious titles such as 'grenadier guards' or 'marine grenadiers'; cream of the cream in military hierarchy. Foot Grenadiers of the Old Guard (have I translated that correctly?) are perhaps the most famous unit in Napoleon's army with their distinctive bearskin helmets. However, I'm curious if the early French grenadier regiment - similar to the Fusiliers wearing shakoes but with red poms attached and wearing white trousers without the black or white spats - was abolished at some point, or did it continue beyond establishment of Napoleon's Old Guard? And was Napoleon's Old Guard established around 1800? The game Napoleon Total War features such a grenadier regiment descended from the regular (Fusilier) regiments.

Robert Douglas


I’m not sure about the fate of the early French grenadier regiments . . . .sorry. You’re right, I think, about their establishment as ‘assault’ units; they were ‘heavy’ infantry as against the light. The irony, of course, is that the British 1st Foot Guards were awarded the name ‘Grenadier Guards’ for their supposed defeat of the Grenadiers of the Imperial Guard at Waterloo, when in fact they defeated the Chasseur regiment of the Imperial Guard. Too late to make the correction!



Hello Mr Cornwell,

I am a huge fan of your books (particularly Uhtred's stories) and I was wondering how you organise your great battle scenes. I know a lot of the battles are written in the Anglo Saxon chronicle etc. but I would imagine that they are not written in much detail and therefore you have to theorise and "work out" how they would have played out based on the terrain and tactics of the day. I was wondering if there are any useful books that explain strategy with regards to warfare of this era (I have tried searching on amazon but with little success). I would love to know how decisions are made how to deploy particular men to particular positions and how the army is organised etc. Sorry for wasting your time with questions like this, I am on tenterhooks waiting for the next Uhtred story and hope there are many (many) more to come as they are my favourite series of all time! Wishing you all the best.

Nicolaas Nicholson


I’m afraid it’s all done in my head and, of course, from walking the battlefields where that’s possible. Alfred, Warrior King by John Peddie is a useful book written by a soldier who knows his tactics, but even that contains a deal of speculation. The Chronicle can be infuriating, of course, because it is so bland, but in some ways that’s an opportunity for me.



Looking forward to the BBC2 drama that is coming soon.Its about time your work was made into TV.Any idea when it will be? With reference to Burning Land; which Farnham did the Battle take place,it doesn't appear to be Surrey,what was your source?

Sue Morrison


All we know right now is some time later this year.

The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. It is Surrey.