Your Questions


We met at Charleston Burns Dinner-Great speech. Just finished The Empty Throne and was confused. On p216 they came ashore-"we had no shields, no swords....". On p228 his son draws his Ravens Beak and on p231 he draws Serpent Breath, yet there is no indication that their ship ever returned to them for them to obtain  their swords. Thanks.

Have read the majority of your books and find them to be superb, interesting and refreshing.

Ralph Comp


Not everything has to be explicit! Part of the art of storytelling is know what to leave out, though perhaps I under-egged that pudding, sorry.



Thank you in advance for your time. When will the last kingdom air on the BBC. I can not find it anywhere.

Bucky Smith


Bernard, where does this BBC filming leave us with next novel, I know I'm being impatient but I need my next fix....Have Beeb given any indication as to when they hope to broadcast?

Mark Skelton


Mr Cornwell,


I am a huge fan of your Saxon Tales Books and have just finished the 8th book when I heard that BBC America is turning the story of Uhtred into a TV show when will it air?

Thank again for a great and awesome series



Don't know for sure - sometime in Oct, Nov or Dec of this year is all we've heard.


Dear Mr Cornwell,

I just wanted to let you know how much I have enjoyed reading many of your novels, especially those relating to Sir Thomas Hookton.  I get so drawn into the story lines and  I cannot put them down! I have begun reading the Warrior Chronicles and I am enjoying these just as much.

My question is: Please, please, would you consider adding to the Thomas Hookton book collection? I am sure that there are many who would share my desire to read more about the adventures of him and his band of Archers!

With best wishes,



Mr. Cornwell,

When is your next Thomas Hookton book coming out?



I’ll consider it, but whether it will happen? I don’t know. I have other books I want to write first, but I won’t dismiss the idea altogether!



Hi Bernard,


I am reading the Empty Throne and was wondering why you changed the tense from the prologue to Chapter 1, between Uthred and his father?  It has made it a bit confusing


Ardent Fan



In order to confuse you, and to make some readers think that Uhtred senior was dead.



Amazon have recently "recommended" a book of yours due to be published in September 2016. They do not give a title and merely state that the book is "Untitled Battle Book 2". Which leads me to believe that you will be writing a non-fiction  book about the Battle of Passchendaele,

Is this true?

Michael Allen


I have no idea where they got that from, sometimes they seem to make things up out of thin air! Passchendaele? Lord, no! I have no idea what book I’ll write next winter (which will be the one published in the autumn of 2016) but I can guarantee it won’t be about the First World War!



I have been reading the flashman papers for light relief whilst waiting for your next book and wandered what you thought of the books about Tom Browns nemessis. Also when I was younger I read a lot of Alfred duggen's books and was so glad when I found your books as till then I had'nt found much in the same class that gave me books I did not want to put down until the last page. Looking forward to the next saxon story will it be coming out for ereaders at the same time or will I have to wait a bit.

Bryan Smith


I think they’re wonderful! Terrific! I was lucky enough to know George and have the whole series signed by him.


Hi Bernard, I am intrigued at the the likely family tree these two will create..unfortunately there are several Sigtryygyr's and I'm struggling to find the right one!  Did he really exist? Thanks



This is your guy: but I’m playing fast and loose with him.


Why is there a delay from the UK release and the US release?

I am anxious to get your book on Waterloo.

Ed Zingone


It's a decision made by the US publisher!


Do you have any favourite animated cartoons?

Eilton Ribeiro


No. I don’t think I’ve ever watched one!


Dear Bernard,

I enjoy your work very much.

Do you know any German authors?

if so, please suggest to them to create a German version of Sharpe's rangers re: German soldiers during the 1860's and 1870's.

There has never been a historical fiction book about the Franco-Prussian War from the German point of view.

I would love to read an entire series about a family or group of non-lordish German foot soldiers.




I don’t know any! Maybe you should encourage them?