Your Questions


Hello Bernard,

I am 90% through Empty Throne (audiobook) and I just want to say the banter in this book is brilliant, i love how Uhtred thinks. Everything about him is so great. He's confrontational, tough, wily and theres something about the way he calls people slug shit (I love how he handles preists LOL).  Was reading Firefight by Brandon Sanderson and I put that down to read this. Its incredible engaging

It amazes me to think it only took you a year to make this.

in an age where we have George RR Martin and Patrick Ruthfoss , waiting 6 years for a sequel. I am glad to say that, Bernard Cornwell, makes the case that top quality work can be done in under 6 years. and he doesnt need incestuous gangbangs to do it.

My question is:

Are you Uhtred? which character do you most relate to?

Is Uhtred still considering to take back Bebbanburg, or has he decided to leave that goal to his son?

Babalo Reda


I am not! I relate wholly to Obadiah Hakeswill.

I think he has to, don’t you?


Thanks for showing the rest of us the way!

You have said  about your writing that you let the characters show you the story's path. Since you don't do an outline in advance of writing, and you don't know the novel's ending, how do you approach a writing a scene? Surely there must be some nudge from the author given to your characters so I am wondering if you have any suggestions to struggling authors for nudging along their stories and characters through any particular scene.

Tom Taylor


I genuinely don’t know what’s about to happen!  I’m writing a scene now in which Uhtred is about to have a fight on his hands. I know he’s going to win the fight rather easily, but I have no idea how he’ll do it! Truly! I’ll find out by writing the scene and I might well be surprised by some development I hadn’t anticipated. That said…. That’s how I write and other people do it differently by planning meticulously and sticking to their plan, but there is no right or wrong way, just whatever works!


hi mr cornwell

once again i am left awaiting uhtreds next story after a fantastic empty throne story,even more so at the thought of uhtred and finian passing through or by my home town of evesham awsome.will uthred meet king cnut ? or will that make him to old ? i was wondering this as king cnut is said to have owned a house in evesham which i walk pass most days,also i like to ask will uthred jnr take over uthreds story into William the Conqueror era i ask this as with the harrowing of the north by william the  Abbot Æthelwig of evesham abbey  took in refugees from the north .as you can tell i love my little vale and would love some one to mention the great abbey that once was here but now only remains in little pieces in buildings built from its remains in and around surrounding villages (very sad).

thanks again and look forward to next book

richie from evesham


Uhtred will certainly live a long time, but even he can’t make it to Cnut’s reign! And I’ll do my best for your lovely abbey!



Dear Mr Cornwell,

Many years ago, about 1983 to be exact, I read a book featuring Uhtred, Ragnar, Sven, Ravn et al. After reading your more recent books on the subject I wondered whether you were, perhaps, the author of the earlier work?


L Britton (an interested fan)


Wasn't me!


Hi, As I am sure you know it is the 200th anniversary of Waterloo. I would like to know if you plan to attend any of the events commemorating the battle?


Best regards



I’ve had a trillion very kind invitations, but I’m still not sure whether we’ll be in Belgium on June 18th . . . I’d like to be, but we’ll see!



Hello, my name is Kyle. I am a 25 year old social studies teacher from Texas who loves history and is a huge fan of the Warrior Chronicles (about to start the Burning Lands). I was excited to learn that filming had begun on 'The Last Kingdom'. My wife and I love action movies, but we choose not to watch ones that are particularly graphic as far as nudity goes (a la Game of Thrones). I would like to know if the film series is being produced as the books are written, realistic, yet not graphically descriptive in terms of sexual references and what not. Or, if the series will be pretty explicit, which I know is where a lot of tv draws their audience from.

I was also just emailing because I was interested to see if I would get a reply from you. I love to read and tend to think of authors as grand and unreachable people. I would not say you have supplanted Tolkien, Dickens or Bronte yet, but you are quickly becoming one of my favorite authors.


I don't know!  I haven't seen the script.


I've enjoyed the Starbuck Chronicles again...after my third reading in almost 15 years. Do you have plans to continue the series to the end of the Civil War?



Are you planning to finish the Civil War?  I just completed the series as it stands and am longing for more.  Having been to the battle fields the stories took on a more realistic experience for me.  I am curious how Starbuck would fare after the war, with a possible reunion with some of his family.  How would his personal experience with God would develop?  Witch girl would finally capture his heart and return that love?  Sorry, I am a bit OCD.

I truly admire your writings, please keep it up.

John T. Roberts


Dear Mr. Cornwell,

are you going to continue with the Starbuck Chronicles in a future? Thanks for your books, they make me spend really good moments

Yours sincerely

Carlos Díez



I do hope to return to Starbuck, but I don't know when!!



The Empty Throne - absolutely marvellous! Loved it! What a woman Stiorra has turned out to be, a shame she left but I'm sure we'll see her again, she will be the mother of kings! I remember writing to you years ago about the possibility of Uhtred fighting in Wales and I got the sensible answer "not if he wants to live", well I'm glad he's not the sensible sort and he finally ventured into Cymru. Thankfully, he met the great Hywel Dda and fought alongside the Welsh rather than against them, and so his story didn't come to a bloody end in Wales.

Since Uhtred mentions that he met Hywel again I hope he makes a return in the future.


I also hope Uhtred listens to Aethelflaed and gets rid of Eadith, I may be wrong, but I got the impression that while Aethelflaed still loved Uhtred he was starting to cool towards her. If he hurts Aethelflaed...

I hope he doesn't trade her for a younger model, isn't Sigunn enough.


Will Pyrlig return once more before he dies? (I think he's ten or twenty years older than Uhtred) and when will Uhtred finally gut that traitorous earsling Haesten! or will they have to fight with walking sticks at Brunanburh...

I also hope Finan will finally make it back to Ireland and have his revenge, how long can he be "the Agile"? I hope he can retire as the lord/king of his tribe. He mentioned in The Lords of the North that his lord refused to pay his ransom when he was caught because he wanted to have Finan's woman but recently he has told Uhtred that his younger brother was involved with his betrayal, I hope there will be a reckoning.

Lastly, I did notice that Stiorra became the youngest child instead of the middle as she was previously, in the beginning of chapter 3 of Sword Song she is two which would make her 28? in The Empty Throne.


Thanks, I eagerly await what's next,



I am working on the next book now - we'll have to wait and see....


Dear Mr. Cornwell,

First of all I would like to thank you for your impressive job. I have been reading your books since I was a child for years in my mother tongue which is Spanish, and now that I am able to read your novels in English, the experience is even more exciting to me.

My question is if you have plans in the future to visit Spain or some nearby country in Europe like England for instance, it would be a great pleasure to have my books signed from you and shake your hand.

Keep on doing such a great job!

David Tejera Gómez


There's always a chance I'll be in the UK for a book tour when my next book is published (October?) - but there is nothing scheduled at this early date.  Check the homepage of this website later this year.


Dear Mr Cornwell

Given an opportunity to travel back in time and spend one week in any place and era, what choice would you make? Thank you for many fantastic hours of time travel.




I usually say no time before the invention of penicillin. I’d be very tempted to witness the battle of Waterloo (I’m assuming my time machine has built-in shields?). But perhaps I’d flit back to 1695 (or thereabouts) and see the first performance of Midsummer Nights Dream