Your Questions


Dear Bernard

I am an avid reader of yours and love, in particular, your retelling of the King Arthur Legend. For me, King Arthur has been done in abundance, but never have I been more pleased with a re-imagining of the classic story than I was with your Warlord Chronicles.

You delved deeper into all of the wonderful key characters psychology and, more importantly, gave the whole legend of King Arthur new life by taking it out of the fantasy world that it has lived in for so long.

I understand that you do not want people to send you ideas, or manuscripts, or anything of the sort but, I hope you will be able to answer this burning question I have. I have had a silly ambition since the age of 13 (now 22) to become a film screenwriter/director and my next short film is a 20 minute science fiction loosely based on the King Arthur legend. Essential themes I have included from my research of the myth and story are as follows; deception, moral codes, the struggle for power and hope.

Enemy of God is probably my favourite novel of yours and due to the amount of research you must have done I appreciate you will have your own ideas and opinions on the main themes that the King Arthur story carries. Could you please share any of the themes that you felt were essential and paramount when telling the story. I appreciate if you can't answer my question but would really love any feedback you have.

Thank you for reading.

Best Wishes,

Joshua Eley.

P.S If there is any websites, locations or books you found particularly useful at research level I would love to deepen my knowledge of King Arthur and his knights.


I suspect the main theme is the myth of a golden age. If you accept (and I do) that Arthur was the British war-leader at the battle of Mount Badon and that rare and great success against the Saxon invaders set back the conquest of Britain for a generation (as Gildas claims), then Arthur becomes the epitome of a lost (and probably largely imagined) perfect age. Remember that the Welsh name for England is Lloegyr – the Lost Lands – and as the native British (Welsh) lost those lands they looked back to the last leader who had stemmed the process and even reversed it. Then, at some point, the stories about that leader lost all touch with reality. The themes, really, are whatever you want to make them!


Click on this link to be taken to the Suggestions for Further Reading page for the Warlord Chronicles:


Dear Mr. Cornwell,

Have enjoyed your books very much. I am lucky in that there are quite a few I have not gotten to yet! I particularly love the Arthur series. My son and I have recently enjoyed The Archer series and 1356, and for further reading on a fascinating time, I have purchased Barbara Tuchman's Book on the 14th century, which he is reading. I am also personally in love with Rider Sandman (me and everyone else probably) and am anxiously awaiting a sequel to The Gallows Thief.

Now my question... is there an historical basis for the extreme evil and cruelty of the Dominican monks in those days? Also very curious about any basis in fact for a falcon being used in the manner described in 1356, as an instrument of torture. If so would appreciate any suggestions for further reading on the subject.

Thank you for the many hours of pleasure you provide with your books!

Sincerely yours,

Susanne Chew


There is. The Dominicans (the hounds of God) were the inquisitors. My god, they were cruel.



Like many others I've enjoyed your novels immensely over the years. Having enjoyed the adventures of Uhtred, Sharpe etc, I commend you on your strong female characters. My question is, simply, in writing Gisela, Teresa, Jeanette or Æthelflaed, is it a balancing act between what is plausible in light of the reality of the times and your desire to portray an admirable, strong woman?

Paul Seesequais



It is a balancing act! And I probably tip too far in the direction of making them strong, but as you see, I like them that way!



Hi Bernard,

There's a nice little surprise for Sharpe fans in the Starbuck stories - and those who have read both series will understand to what I'm referring! But was it your idea to write in this little nugget, or a suggestion from somebody else?

Robert Douglas


All mine! Thank you.


Hi again, Mr. Cornwell.

Firstly, i would thank you again for the signed plate that you have send to me a long time ago, it is in my room's wall by now. I would like to know if, in some of your books, or future books, you research about psychological disorders (such as the crazy couple on Uthred's series, that at some point entertained the warriors, or some of your female character's hysteria). It would be interesting if you present disorders like esquizophrenia, bipolar, depression, psychosis, or even obssessive-compulsive disorder, of course, in a "medieval" way to see then. Im a psychology student and i think that's would be a great add to the stories. Can you tell me what you think about it? And plus, will we be seeing any stories about the Lionheart in the future? Thank you Sir, have a nice day.



I think I don’t want to spend the next two months reading psychiatric textbooks! You’re right, of course. There are some glancing references in the books (does Nick Hook really hear voices?), but it will probably stay in the background.

No plans for Lionheart


Good Day!

I see that you've begun your next Uhtred book (yay!) but was wondering about the Elizabethan-era tale you had been working on.  Can I assume it's finished, or did you leave it mid-way through to get back to Uhtred?  Any title/release date/synopsis yet?

Thanks for many hours of entertainment!




Not that I'm disappointed we're getting another Uhtred book next, but I thought you were starting a new series. What's happened? Has it run aground?




It’s been put on the long finger because it needed more research.


I greatly enjoy your novels - not least for their historical accuracy and have recommended them to people as a way of picking up historical facts whilst reading a good story. Am currently reading "The Empty Throne" and, (possibly incorrectly), have a suspicion that if Uhtred survives that long you might be going to place the battle of Brunanburh in the Wirral. If you are going to include the battle, before you settle on the location could I ask you to read two articles by the historian Michael Wood; 1st, Chapter 11, "Tinsley Wood" in his book "In Search of England" published in 1999, and 2nd: his article "Searching for Brunanburh: The Yorkshire Context of the Great War of 937", published in Volume 85, (2013), of the Yorkshire Archaeological Journal. I know the location is contentious but I think anyone who actually reads the two articles above would think he has reason on his side, (but then I would say that, because I agree with him)!

Best wishes with the writing; (my only complaint is that I can read your books faster than you can write them).


Richard Hunt


Wherever I decide to put it (and the Wirral is the most likely) I’m going to be in trouble! I’ve read the arguments for other places and, frankly, unless some new and wonderful evidence turns up we’ll probably never know.


Only to repeat what countless others have said, which is the characters of Uhtred, Derfel, Nicholas hook and Thomas of Hookton have provided me with hours of entertainment, historical enrichment and appreciation for historical fiction, I thank you Mr Cornwell I am a huge fan. ( Sean Bean is also stupendous as your Sharpe! ) Just one question, I don't wish to badger you with questions over any new titles in your current series as I believe they will come when they will, ( however your books on the Hundred Years' War are fantastic please return to those and another Uhtred adventure), what other historical eras have you considered maybe starting a new set of stories in?


Thank you

Henry Bishop


Oh I have lots of ideas, but for right now I'm sticking with Uhtred.


Mr Cornwell,

as carnival productions are filming the start of Saxon chronicles for tv.

Will you complete Uhtreds story before anything is televised. ?

Ps absolutely fantastic books ,can't wait for next one. Thank you.



I don't think so...


I love your saxon tales series and I am very excited that the bbc is filming a series about it as it is such a fantastic book series,  congratulations! I am starting your Arthur books now that I am finished with available saxon books. I am looking forward to book 9 of the saxon series so much, is there a scheduled release date for early next year?  I realize that it takes time to write such wonderful stories and I will be patient. I am just curious as to when I can pre-order it. Thank you so much for your amazing talent! Few authors can get me as riveted and obsessed with their stories (only 3 authors including yourself) so please keep up the great work!

Your fan,



I hope it will be ready for publication in the UK in October and next January for the US